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Team Building Exercise - Team Building Resolution Defined - Research Paper Example

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Team Building Exercise - Team Building Resolution Defined Introduction The occurrence of conflict cannot be avoided within an organization because the organization is comprised of people with obvious individual objectives, notions and beliefs. However, it is also true that if conflicts can be managed in proper ways, it can proceed towards deriving resourceful solution which may again produce effective results for the organization as a whole…
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Team Building Exercise - Team Building Resolution Defined
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This paper thus aims to discuss various exercises of team building for resolving conflicts. Team Building Exercise for Conflict Resolution As also mentioned earlier, conflicts can be possessed optimistically as well. However, there can even be situations when conflicts take the negative form and these situations generally arise when the members of the team begin to develop feelings of being defeated and experience a workforce scenario of disbelieve and mistrust. Before finding solution to problem, it is essential to diagnose the problem with regard to the reason of its occurrence.

Thus, reasons of conflict are required to be identified preliminarily. Reasons for Conflict in Teams One of the most common reasons of conflict is mismanagement of the procedures of administration. Lacking of strong base knowledge among the members will ignite the problem of co-ordination and thus conflict will arise. Overrunning of costs also becomes a factor of conflict when the members show reluctance in generating additional funding before the occurrence of these overruns. Project schedules often creates the conflict as not all the team members show co-operative moves for accomplishing a task within set deadlines.

Erroneous realization of responsibilities also creates the conflicts which happen when team members become unaware of their assigned areas of work. It is within the hands of the team members to evade conflicts’ occurrences. If the members stay aware of the possible reasons of conflict, they can generate required steps for making certain effective planning and this can be an effective move towards good planning for exercising team building (The Team Building Directory, 2011). Roles to Be Played By the Team Leader The team leader plays an extremely important role in enhancing the spirits of working in a team among the members.

The first movement that the team leader can initiate is that of making the members spend lots of time collectively in works they perform. Although interaction among the members is not constantly possible, the team leader should strive for creating situation where they can interact. Team leader should organize periodic sessions of refreshment for making greater cohesion among the team members. Inclusion of group session for training, presentation session on inspiring areas and organization of socials would provide scope for joint session among the team members.

The team leader should try out innovative ways of keeping the team energized by incorporating brand new ideas and information. Energizing the team would stimulate the members to co-ordinate with each other (Priscoli, 2003). Conduction of Team Building Exercise The “group stage formation theory” by Tuckman provided five stages essential for conducting team building approach among team members. The stages include forming, storming, norming, performing and transforming. In the forming stage, the team decides on the particular member whom to follow throughout the accomplishment process of any task.

Storming stage reflects the generation of negative performance among the team members and this is the decider stage for the leaders because in this stage the members develop critical

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