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Effective Team Building - Coursework Example

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"Effective Team Building" paper argues that the human resource strategy has emerged as the most critical factor that develops the highly indigenous team of human capital that helps to provide the organization with a competitive advantage that is unique. …
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Effective Team Building
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Effective Team Building The rapid globalization and technological advancement of the recent time has greatly revolutionized the labor processes. Effective team work constitutes one of the most important factors that make valuable contribution to the organization promoting a sense of togetherness and collective responsibility that reflects in the increased output and improved performance of the organization. It is for these reasons that good leadership always strives to inculcate team spirit among the team members that helps to put team interests over individual interest so that collectively they can contribute towards achieving team targets. It is important to realize that the compulsions of emerging globally competitive business environment is having an effective human resource strategy that creative practices to overcome the challenges of fast changing technologies and dynamics of economy to provide competitive advantage in the global business. The human resource strategy has emerged as the most critical factor that develops the highly indigenous team of human capital that helps to provide the organization with a competitive advantage that is unique. Table of content Chapter I 4-6 The problem or challenge Chapter II 7-9 Research Chapter III 10-11 Analysis Chapter IV 12-14 Solution Chapter V 15-16 Conclusion and Recommendation Chapter VI 17 Personal Reflections Bibliography 18 Figures 21 Chapter 1 The problem or challenge The rapid globalization and technological advancement of the recent time has greatly revolutionized the labor processes. With the advent of technology, the collective production has become more complex. There is a significant paradigm shift in the technical division of labor from direct to indirect model that is focused on regulation, administration, improvement and innovation to meet the challenges of the changing time. Human resource being central to the organizational visions and goals, HR leadership initiatives become crucial factor for creating and organizing an effective workforce that is able to make valuable contribution. It promotes a sense of togetherness and collective responsibility that reflects in the increased output and improved performance outcome of the organizational goals and objectives. Effective team work constitutes one of the most important factors that make valuable contribution to the organization promoting a sense of togetherness and collective responsibility that reflects in the increased output and improved performance of the organization. It is for these reasons that good leadership always strives to inculcate team spirit among the team members that helps to put team interests over individual interest so that collectively they can contribute towards achieving team targets. Julie Beardwell and Tim Claydon, assert that the theoretical concept of human resource management has become ‘fuzzy concept’ with abstract empiricism and needs to be looked from a wider perspective of providing the invaluable human capital that can meet the challenges of the rapid globalization and advancing technology. (Beardwell & Claydon, 2007). Hence team building process becomes the major challenge that brings together diverse ideologies and interests of the workforce to promote common goals. Social scientists have corroborated that the psycho-analytical perspectives are important tools for understanding the hidden dynamics of human relationship, especially with regard to corporate culture, social defenses, leadership imperatives, motivation and other paradigms associated with organizational behavior (Levinson, 2002; Czander, 1993; Gabriel, 1999). The understanding equips the leadership with the necessary knowledge to promote confidence building and strengthen interpersonal understanding with the group, within the organization. Adair emphasizes that effective leadership judiciously exploits situations to promote confidence building within the team and individuals (Adair, 1973). The figure 2 shows the central character of leaders. Indeed, the globalization has given a new perspective to the business which needs to look beyond the local interests and operate on a wider platform based on common goals and universal value system. Since employees are the pillar of the organization, the role of HRM becomes crucial in the employment of its workforce. In the emerging challenges of the changing business equations, when the labor deployment is undergoing quantitative and qualitative transformations, organizational leadership redefines strategic goals to create versatility and flexibility of the contemporary work environment. Chapter 2 Research A team is characterized by the concept of shared leadership which helps to promote smooth functioning of the various processes that help to define team work. A well defined structure of leaders and followers are intrinsic for effective resolution of conflicts may arise due different value system, interests or misunderstood information so that team members are sufficiently motivated towards collective goals. Argote claims that team learning processes involve collective acquisition, combination, creation and sharing of knowledge and that they are considerable influenced by the internal team dynamics (Argote, 1999). Leadership within the team inspires others to achieve common goals through persuasive communication skill. Leadership motivates and encourages that target group within the group that plays a crucial part in the development processes. Gibson & Vermeulen have asserted that leadership training, feedback and technology are also major factors that significant impact team learning (G&V, 2003). They facilitate in overcoming the barriers to teamwork. The empirical relationship of leaders and the emerging changes become critical for a given situation and a better informed leader is capable of taking initiative and at the same time, he is also able to inculcate confidence in his people to move forward. It is equally true that group dynamics play crucial role in the smooth functioning of the organizations. The rapid globalization has ushered in an era of multicultural society with people from different race, culture and nationality. Workplace diversity has become common feature and understanding of cross cultural values for mutual trust building has become important. Group dynamics are characterized by unique code of behavior that is specific to the group that is developed over a period of time. Vroom, another research says that participation within the group has positive effect on both attitude and job performance (Vroom, 1959). Sjostrand and Tyrstrup, in one of their article, have argued that managerial leadership needs to be approached as a relational, ongoing social construction process rather than as a single clear cut phenomenon (2001). Indeed, for any organization to expand and succeed, it is crucial that its people are recognized as vital part of its strategy and organizational goals and objectives be interpreted in the context of the changing paradigms of the times. While in the past, role of managers was confined to the analysis and solution of concurrent and anticipated problems within the given business parameters with defined goals and objectives, the contemporary times requires dynamic managerial leadership that evolves with the changing business environment (Kotter, 1990). He says that effective leaders are versatile and are adept at exploiting the potential of their followers or workers as per the demands of the situation to create effective team that is capable of overcoming the barriers of cross cultural values, self interest and lack of understanding. (see Figure 1 for summary of his ideas). Chapter 3 Analysis The various social scientists have asserted that the personality traits of the people are directly co-related with the organizational behavior concepts that have considerable impact on the performance outcome of the organizational goals and objectives. Emotions and feelings are intrinsic part of human behavior and emotional stability of the person in an organization is extremely important for rationalized decision making processes within the work environment. Eminent scholar William Whyte has said that effective business people are logical, reasoned and rational decision maker (Whyte, 1956). Informed choices promote stability within the workforce and facilitate conflict resolution with more understanding and awareness. Researchers have recognized the importance of psychological well-being of the employees (Cropanzano & Wright, 2001). Mood of the persons defines their socio-psychological well being that reflects positively or negatively in their work performance. Hence, mood are important aspect of personality traits that has considerable impact on the overall organizational behavior and needs to be addressed with appropriate psychological needs and paradigms. Quick et al. have stressed ‘it is possible that psychological well-being and employee performance are related’ (Quick et al, 1997). It is imperative that leaders understand the wider implications of the human behavior to encourage understanding of cross cultural value system within the team members. A well developed leadership within the organizational structure understands that whatever is actively repressed from the conscious thought processes results in illogical behavior and conflicts. Emotional intelligence is an important attribute of leadership. According to Mayer et al., it is the ‘ability to recognize the meanings of emotions and their relationships, and to reason and problem-solve on that basis’ (2000, p. 267). It therefore, makes efforts to analyze and understand the individual’s behavior and facilitates integration of diverse ideologies and personal conflicts. Ashkanasy et al. assert that leaders have “the ability to read emotions in one’s self and in others, and to be able to use this information to guide decision-making” (2002, p.317). Arnold et al. have defined motivation as ‘an intervening process or an individual state of an organism that impels it or drives it to action. In this sense motivation is an energizer of behavior’ (Arnold et al. 2005). In are inspire and motivate the team members to work together to produce a cohesive output. Chapter 4 Solution In the age of globalization, organization’s culture and behavior have become vital as its people comprise of different race, color and culture. Organizational behavior basically defines the interaction of human beings in a given organization and analysis of individuals and groups characteristics facilitates better understanding, prediction and improvisation in work place, leading to improved performance. Workers are the pillars of the organization and his responses to other people and circumstances differ widely as per the values and the principles that he follows in his life. Thus, the personality traits of employees become important factors that have significant influence on the organizational behavior and consequently on the performance outcome of the collective goals of the organization. The empirical relationship of leaders and the emerging changes are critical for a given situation and therefore, good managerial leadership demands a better informed leader who is capable of taking initiative and at the same time, he is also able to inculcate confidence in his people to move forward. Montgomery’s assertion that strategy needs to be dynamic to encompass the changing paradigms of the times is not only relevant but essential in the contemporary environment of competitive business (Montgomery, 2008). The leaders within the organizations not only provide an intangible stability among the employees and facilitate integration with the system, but they have been known to promote team spirit and collective vision for improved performance outcome. Emergent theory emphasizes the need to exploit the informed choices, gained through the accumulated knowledge regarding the changing trends and preferences of the people and market conditions. According to Slater and Narver, markets thrive on the processes of the learning organization which ‘continuously acquire, process, and disseminate throughout the organization knowledge about markets, products, technologies, and business processes’ (Slater and Narver, 1995). The new leadership must encourage creativity and innovative practices that give a unique perspective to participatory approach of management and employees. The good leadership must ensures effective communication with the employees with shared vision of the new strategy thus promoting better understanding among the employees for easy adaptability to change. According to prominent social scientists, research studies in the area of leadership approach has tried to find the traits, behavior and leadership style that turned them into more efficient and successful than others (Stogdill 1974; Yuki 2002). Leadership qualities have become vital tools to encourage people’s participation in the overall strategy of having collective goals through shared learning. It was realized that ‘strategies rather than operative planning and decision making, became the main factor of managerial leadership’ (Chandler, 1977). Hence, it is imperative that managerial leadership becomes part and parcel of organizational culture that promotes team building and cohesive group structure. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Leadership encourages innovation of ideas and adaptability to changes. Sederberg(1984) claims that in organization the power belongs to those who can define or describe circumstances in ways that convince others that ‘things are as they say they are’. Hence, leaders, who are visionary and are endowed with effective communication skill and cultural understanding, have the capability to influence the cultural identity of the group thus facilitating changes in the organizational culture to adapt to the changing environment. Good leadership is essential for effective team building and promotes strong organizational culture that thrives on efficient discharge of one’s duties, integrity, ethical and moral accountability with a strong sense of pride. It must be realized that organizations need to develop unique organizational culture with well defined vision and mission statements which are effectively communicated to their employees. The institutionalized beliefs that promote changes for the wider welfare of the organizational goals and objectives need to be implemented through shared vision. It promotes better understanding among the employees and provides impetus for improved performance and easy changeover. Recommendations The imperatives of organizations must involve a ready preparedness for changes. According to Marrow ‘the changes required by the welfare of the business become everybodys business and get made’ (Marrow, 1957, p. 66). Therefore, the management must make efforts to develop consensus through proper dissemination of information. It is important for the leaders and management of the organizations to promote empowerment of its staff through well designed process of problem solving and self learning through mutual cooperation and innovative management approach. The conflicts within the group and team members can be solved through effective communication that encourages discussions and doubts clearing sessions. As Brown, a management consultant, states in her article, ‘resistance can be overcome by making sure that the change effort is communicated effectively in a multi-dimensional format. Adult learning theory supports the need to propagate messages that are seen, heard, and felt. By seeking consensus, acknowledging feedback and communicating effectively, organizations can meet resistance successfully’ (Brown, 2007). Chapter VI Reflective Practices in effective leadership To facilitate personal and professional growth, it is not only essential to have identified goals but acquiring new knowledge and skills to improve professional expertise have also become a pre-requisite of the changing times. Reflective practices and exercise are important tools that are designed to add value to the over all personality of the so that they would be better able to meet the challenges of the time with equanimity and confidence. The art of effective communication is one of the most important ingredients of leadership. Reflective practices help to identify our shortcoming and promote wider understanding of the various methodologies to become more articulate and become familiar with the emerging new paradigms in the social dynamics. The reflective practices encourage confidence building so that they are better prepared to tackle critical situations and meet the challenges with more conviction and composure. Bibliography Adair, J. (2003). The Inspirational Leader: How to Motivate, Encourage & Achieve Success. London: Kogan Page. Argote, L. (1999). Organizational Learning: Creating, retaining and transferring Knowledge. Norwell MA: Kluwer Academic. Arnold, J., Silvester, J., Patterson, F., Robertson, I., Cooper, C. & Burnes, B. (2005). Work Psychology Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace. (4th Edn.). Harlow: Prentice Hall. ASHKANASY, N. HARTEL, C. AND DAUS, C. (2002). Diversity and emotion: The new frontiers in organizational behavior research. Journal of management, 28 (3), 307-338. Brown, Clanzenetta. (2007). Strategies For Overcoming Resistance To Organizational Change. Available from: [4 March, 2009]. Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. (2004). Organizational Behaviour: an introductory text. (5th edition). Chandler, AD (1977). The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Cropanzano, R & Wright, TA. (2001). When a happy worker is productive worker: Review. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 53, 182-99. Czander, W.M. (1993) The Psychodynamics of Work and Organizations. Guilford Press, New York. Gabriel, Y. (1999) Organizations in Depth. Sage, London. Gibson, C B & Vermeulen, F. (2003). A healthy divide: Subgroups as a stimulus for team learning. Administrative Science Quarterly, 48, 202-39. Julie, Beardwell and Claydon, Tim (2007). Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. Kotter, J. (1995). Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business Review, March/April. Levinson, H. (2002) Organizational Assessment. American Psychological Association. Washington DC. Marrow, A. J. (1957). Making Management Human. New York: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company. Mayer, J., Caruso, D., and Salovey, P. (2000). Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for intelligence. Intelligence, 27 (4), 267-298. Montgomery, Cynthia A. (2008). Putting Leadership Back into Strategy. Harvard Business Review, January. Quick, JC et al. (). Preventive stress management in organization. Washington DC. American Psychology Association. Sederberg, Peter C.(1984). The Politics of Meaning: Power and Explanation in the Construction of Social Reality. University of Arizona. Stogdill, R.M. (1974) Handbook of Leadership: A survey of theory and research. New York: Free Press. Sjostrand, S and Tyrstrup, M. (2001). Recognized and unrecognized managerial leadership, in invisible management – The social construction of leadership. S Sjostrand, J Sandberg and M Tyrstrup (eds.). Thomson. pp 1-27. Slater, S. and Narver, J.C. (1995). Market orientation and the learning organization. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.63–74. Vroom, V H. (1959). Projection, negation and self concept. Human Relations, 12, 335-44. Whyte, WH. (1953). The Organization Man. Simon & Schuster. NY. Yuki, G.A. (2002). Leadership in Organizations: Fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice-Hall. Figure 1: Leadership and Management (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2004, p 718 - based on Kotter, 1990) Leadership functions Management functions Creating an agenda Establishing direction: Vision of the future, develop strategies for change to achieve goals Plans and budgets: Decide action plans and timetables, allocate resources Developing people Developing people Aligning people: Communicate vision and strategy, influence creation of teams which accept validity of goals Organizing and staffing: Decide structure and allocate staff, develop policies, Procedures and monitoring Execution Motivating and inspiring: Energize people to overcome obstacles, satisfy human needs Controlling, problem solving: Monitor results against plan and take corrective action Figure 2: Action Centred Leadership (Adair, 1973) Read More
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