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What is CRM - Essay Example

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Essentially, customer relations management is a business model for a particular corporate whereby it uses various strategies to manage their present and prospective customers through quality interactions. This means that a company ought to have various systems and departments in…
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What is CRM
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Relations Management Essentially, relations management is a business model for a particular corporate whereby it uses various strategies to manage their present and prospective customers through quality interactions. This means that a company ought to have various systems and departments in place that can ensure effective interaction with the customers in order to determine the level of satisfaction of the customers through a customer feedback portal. Usually, most organizations incorporate customer relations management using the contemporary technology to automate organize, and synchronize marketing, sales, technical support and customer support.

In addition, a well-managed customer relations system provides the corporate management with the important data about the customer so that the organization can move forward. Indeed, such tools as email organizers and helpdesk software can help in the management of customers since customers are the nerve center of any corporate system.Drawing from my own personal and professional experiences, I can categorically give the MacDonald’s as a good example where customer relations manager has worked well over the years.

In this business, the management always engages the customers through various marketing strategies before receiving frequent feedbacks to improve quality. On the other hand, several small and medium scale companies especially those run by one person usually lack the department of customer relations management thereby having some challenges in the effective interacting with customers. For instance, some local manufacturing companies may never advertise their products or services well hence losing many customers or experiencing a fall in profits.

This is majorly because there is no institution put in place to address the welfare of the customers. Therefore, customer relations management is an instrumental part of any corporation and it would only be wise in all companies employ it in their management systems.

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