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Stress management - Essay Example

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The case presents a series of stress related factors that make the workplace less appealing for Chet, as the case presents both Chet and his organization contribute to the faults in the company thus making the work environment more frustrating, time management is one essential…
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Stress management The case presents a series of stress related factors that make the workplace less appealing for Chet, as the case presents both Chet and his organization contribute to the faults in the company thus making the work environment more frustrating, time management is one essential factor of management that contributes to the efficiency of employees at the workplace. From the case, Chet violates a number of time management principles these include punctuality and planning. it is imperative that Chet plans for his time while at the work place.

Planning helps mangers account for their time by assigning themselves work at respective times and using the timetable as a guide to ensuring the completion of each task. Without effective planning, people spend more time completing a single task thus wasting productive time in leisure at the expense of the organization as he portrayed by Chet in the case. At the epicenter of time, planning is punctuality a rule that Chet flaunts while at the organization. Punctuality is a virtue that accords an individual ample time to rest and carry out the tasks within the time limit thus not hurrying.

It is easier to work at a relaxed mood since the mind is at ease and less likely to make mistakes. Chet is not prompt at the organization and therefore works under pressure a feature that facts the quality of his productivity. In his dispensation of duty, Chet flaunts a number of time management rules that include delegation, time limits and include subordinates in solution making. Setting a time limit arises from planning to thus develop an effective timetable. Lack of such a fundamental tie management tool makes the organization operate blindly thus resulting in losses.

Decision-making is equally important in an organization, by incorporating subordinate in the process they contribute and feel appreciated by the organization. It becomes a motivation and may result in the subordinate contributing production ideas they are conversant with thus will take minimal time mastering a feature that improves the aptness of production. This way, the organization saves on time taken to teach the employees new methods of production, Chet on the other hand does not incorporate his subordinates in the decision making process and prefer to impose ideas on them.

They fail to execute his orders appropriately thus contributing to his stress. From the case, it is evident that the organization also contributes to Chet’s predicament. The organizational structure does not have an effective communication channel to enable Chet communicate with both with the top-level managers and his subordinates a feature that frustrates his efforts. Additionally, the lack of a supportive organizational culture makes time management more difficult since the organization is not cohesive (Whetten and Kim 122).

Chet is an introvert; he keeps his ideas to himself and tries to work out most of the solutions to his problems on his own. Chet suffers from low self-esteem and feels the pressure to perform and outsmart others. Such personality issues contribute to his stress level thus frustrating him the more. By keeping his problems and ideas to himself, he feels the pressure to find solutions on his own as he feels that his problems are unique to himself. Chet requires a personality overhaul. He must learn to incorporate others in decision-making.

He must become more social and appreciate the potential in others. This way, he may begin to delegate duties to other staff and listen to their opinions thus save on time. Work citedWhetten, David A, and Kim S. Cameron. Developing Management Skills. Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice Hall, 2002. Print.

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