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The No-Nonsense terminology is covering up many issues like undue demands of followers or lethargic attitudes towards a project. He built a relationship that was firm and tackled it enthusiastically. He set an example by personally adopting all possible traits to be a fruitful leader which motivated his followers and ultimately it is understood that if a company flourishes workers flourish. One of the main points is, a leader who has charisma can understand the issues that would arise with his new plans, and therefore he remains ready to guide, help and accommodate his followers well. (Raelin 2003) explains that all leadership styles have something good to be adopted; therefore charismatic leadership can walk parallel to transformational leadership because charisma spreads over groups and transformational leadership supports it well.
To attract followers, we studied well in our last discussions that currency exchange and implementation law of reciprocity can be a good deal to make followers work accordingly. Different leadership styles are interlinked and therefore in my last article I wrote that theorists claimed that leadership is the most complicated phenomenon to be completely implemented.
(Bascal and Associates) narrates that Charismatic leaders have the ability to communicate on strong emotional grounds and can convince, support and make followers understand the requirement of a desired plan, John F. Kennedy who is referred to as a charismatic leader serves as a perfect example. He convinced people to remain strong and fight back for their rights during a crucial time of the Civil War.
Dear Gordon,
I agree with the point raised that setting charisma and vision into two different entities can simplify things to be understood. Vision is embedded in charisma and therefore a charismatic leader is able to convince people to understand his vision and work together to accomplish it while remaining on a powerful emotional ground. Strong leadership is about executing the plans firmly and charisma makes it more fascinating for the leader and followers because the leader is the first one to adopt the vision enthusiastically which itself infuses motivation and dedication among the followers as I said earlier that when an organization flourishes, workers are the first one to taste its bounties in terms of exchange of currencies like a manager would observe a follower who worked really hard to make his vision exist, therefore he might get promoted or an excellent bonus for each employee.
Transformational leadership is about teamwork and charisma also spreads over the group and there the first rule of transformational leadership is attained. In short, every leadership style is somehow interlinked so we can never say to adopt a specific style completely. Effective leaders need to shuffle leadership traits and fit in the best possible as required and this statement is now linked with situational leadership!!
Dear Taufiq,
It is encouraging that you are thinking and inquiring at the depth of an issue. Proceeding with our discussion, Jim did R and D in relevance to his job but we cannot isolate charisma or its insights into a box. In fact, charisma is about thinking and doing out of the box. John F Kennedy is still referred to as a charismatic leader and his approach was his magical convincing power which motivated people to step up and bring his vision into existence. He claimed that America was made as a vision, not a landmark. He proclaimed in 1961 that America would step on the moon within a decade and he proved it. Charismatic leadership is about bringing vision into existence through convincing and motivating people as a team.
A charismatic leader holds his vision and brings it in front of people to listen and understand. As I said earlier in my response to Dana that Charismatic leader is ready beforehand to observe people’s reactions and to absorb them for peaceful outcomes but he always has the ability to convince and make people understand that going and doing something different is not always wrong, it may cause little adjustment problems initially which can be settled in an orientation time. Secondly, the exchange of currencies can work best because followers are always ready to work if they are complimented well which itself could be a morale booster.
In the process of sense-making, a charismatic leader welcomes the exchange of thoughts and a meaningful debate is always honored but followers also must understand the fact that they are there in an organization to follow not to rule. A charismatic leader would do his best to get the task done without hurting anybody’s integrity. And the effects of charismatic leadership on followers are already mentioned in my article.
In my organizational view, a one-man show is no more acceptable in our society where every follower is raised with integrity and educated enough to react, but a leader or a manager should be respected for his vision. A vision can be brought into existence through different strategies. Here we need to understand that a leader wants his vision to be considered and followers always want workable strategies regardless of what is the output because they are not responsible for the outcome of the prescribed vision. They are responsible to get the given task done but they do it really well if they are complimented and appreciated.
As (Maccoby, 2011) stated at the beginning of his publication that effective leadership is all about systematic understanding and the set of skills adapted in relevance to the situation.
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