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Many theorists have claimed that leadership is the most complicated phenomenon to be completely implemented. In theories, it is very convincing but when it comes to implementing it practically, many ifs and buts surface which have to be tackled intelligently. Cohen Andrew believes that being a leader impresses an individual’s ego in mind, however, in reality, and on practical grounds leadership can kill or cause the death of one’s ego. With the growing competition and upgraded demands, Leadership plays a vital role and it involves many different strategies that have to be dealt with simultaneously. Whereas it is believed that all traits of leadership cannot be taken as a concrete path but can be observed as per situation and according to the system of an organization.
The author refers to Jim Baugh as a charismatic leader because he possibly worked for the reasons of failures and he worked his best to come up with a product that fulfills the customers’ demands with perfection. In my opinion, he firstly worked on the issues which can cause major loss if not addressed initially and immediately, like knowing the customer’s demand before designing a product can assure sales or concentrate on the key point of marketing a product can publicize to acknowledge mass majorities (John Bell, 1997)
Charismatic Leadership is something that is not produced artificially after training, but it’s a niche of a person that can be groomed but cannot be infused. Meindl says that it is a social contagion, which is slightly arguable because there are many options or business tactics that are common and can be observed easily like Jim Baugh did but Leaders sometimes skip them though they are proved to be good leaders with an appropriate sense of leadership. It is because they lack foresightedness or their instincts are not approaching the things that should be done before to avoid negative repercussions.
(David Obstfeld, 2005) Sensemaking is the understanding and transformation of the circumstances into obvious situations to act accordingly. Sensemaking is a complete process that involves presumptions, social and systematic factors, actions to bring out the clear situation or condition. There is no major difference between sensemaking and meaning-making however meaning-making can be said as a comprehensive decision after going through a complete process of sensemaking (Karl E. Weick, 2005). The process of Sensemaking is essential for Charismatic Leadership because it involves prediction and analysis of a market before floating a product.
In my opinion, the idea which ignites Charisma initiates from a single entity commonly a leader or a manager, but it spreads over a group to involve the followers as a group to work accordingly. Like Weber, Meindl also justifies and explains the dynamics between a leader and followers and Charisma happens when followers and a leader work together with a single goal to accomplish. Later Meindl explained that Charisma is infused in an organization by a single entity and then it is recreated further as a practical experience by the followers (James R. Meindl 1990)
The effects of Charismatic Leadership on the followers is evidenced and the outcome can be seen as
• Efforts to put extra input.
• Willingness to work more
• Emotional attachment
• Attraction towards team lead.
• Aggregated Motivation
• Loyalty
• Heightened acceptance of challenges
• Purpose for a goal.
All these outcomes are positive and it binds all team workers to achieve and work together for a single goal which is the main strength of an organization. Therefore Charismatic Leadership should be the sage of the stage which works as a force of gravity in attaining a target as Jim did for his company.