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Principle Healthcare - Operations Management - Assignment Example

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The assignment "Principle Healthcare - Operations Management" evaluates PHC’s operational strategy using the performance dimensions, appreciates PHC’s process flow and layout for both products and data, the critical parts of PHC’s operations, outlines how PHC’s operations could be improved, etc…
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PRINCIPLE HEALTHCARE Operations Management Analysis Evaluate PHC’s operational strategy using the performance dimensions and other relevant theory. It could be observed that the main aim of the management team is to provide the clients and the stakeholders such as the investors the best possible service as well as products that the organization could provide them. Certainly, this is no joke responsibility. The idea is supported by the thought and the mission of the higher level of officials in the organization to provide the society with breakthrough products through the effective application of scientific researches. So as to be able to completely perform their task as the head officers of the organization, the governance of BASF follows a certain pattern of authority. The Board of executives remains as the head officials followed by the branch supervisors who are appointed over the different operational activities of the said technological group. Through the assistance of the said system of authorization, the different activities of the organization becomes more and more progressive suggesting the fact that the officers indeed put their efforts forward for the sake of organizational success procedures. It could be noted that the strategy of management that the said organization deals with certainly portrays the fact that the officials put their best in assisting the whole team in becoming effective performers in their own responsibilities in the operations of the organization. Holding full control of their human resources has also been the key factor that brought the said organization the success that they particularly needed from operating in business. The management divisions see to it that they are able to provide their people with the satisfaction and the motivation that they ought to receive from the higher management of the organization. The people then in return perform at their best to be able to return the favor to the organization. The two major branches of the organization primarily deal with the best procedures of dealing with their human resources through the utilization of reasonable policies and effective procedures of helping the people force reach their goals through the reasonable efforts that they devote for the completion of their appointed jobs. The groups is obviously hoping for a better future which they primarily sourced out from believing that the governance of their organization would be effective enough to handle the said advancements in the future. Through this, the members of the group believe that they are capable of facing the future with much confidence that they would be the main organization who would help the human society face the major changes of technological innovations in the society. Any organization is subjected to the need of being guided by a comprehensive system of management that would set the path for them to trod into for a better future in the business industry. It is through the existence of an effective organizational set of officials that the group of business ventures such as PHC is assured to survive the different challenges of competition within the business industry around the globe. As mentioned earlier, management requires one to be skillful enough in facing the different changes that the international set of business procedures offers the said systems of organizational operations. Hence, it could then be noticed that the management procedures accompanied by research yields better results on the part of the employers, the employees and the profit that the organization itself makes from the operations that it takes. Moreover, as research procedures aim to increase the knowledge of the people or the managers at that with regards the situation, the more they become competent in doing the job that they are supposed to complete. The examination of the different procedures by which managers could actually apply research into their practice under the application of metaphor theories shall be tackled further in the discussions that follow. The Metaphor Theories Metaphors are primarily noted as a particular type of a speech idiom. The art of language however has made a fine effect upon the creation of managerial policies and procedures. Metaphors are designed primarily to help the employees understand the situation in a more complex procedure. Thus, by doing so, the management helps the employees get more involved within the problem as well as with the solutions that are set to fox the conflicts and complications within the organization. (Gibson, Bruhn, 2001) In some business cases, the issue on the unity that is lacking among the employees and the wrong track of motivation that they get to perform their duties for the company makes it necessary for a metaphorical procedure to be applied for the identification of the solution needed for the situation mentioned above. For this particular situation, the following metaphors are suggested to be of use for the proposal of the procedural solutions: (A) Major Metaphor: Metaphors of Meaning To be able to meet the needed solution for the issue, the metaphors of meaning could be utilized as it pertains to the different concepts that involve human motivation and the relation of which upon their performance in their jobs. A person’s ability to think and examine his ways is the essence of this particular metaphor. It primarily encourages each individual to study themselves as the primary source of organizational success. (Gibson, Bruhn, 2001) (B) Minor Metaphor: Metaphors of Resistance This particular metaphor shows how people are affected by their cultural backgrounds as they relate the said divisions to their own personalities and identities as individuals. (Fleming, 2005) Justification and Explanation of Choice The Metaphors of meaning has been chosen to be the major metaphor to be utilized in treating this particular case because of its impact on the individual players within the issue. It is more focused on mid-based motivation unlike that of Metaphors of resistance. However, the strength of the minor metaphor when it comes to cultural diversity makes it a necessary support for the application of the major metaphor to be used. (Czarniawska, 1998). SoSM [System of System Methodologies] and VSM [Viable System Model] Critique and Application The System of System Methodologies primarily rearrange the procedural approach within the different issues that certain organizations are facing. Most likely, the system that is suggested by the SoSM is chosen basing form the different elements that are contributing to a certain organizational issue. As for example, in some companies the determinants of the situation could be noted as the cultural and individual diversity of the employees leading to separate goals from each other making unity hard to achieve within the said Company. (Yolles, 2005) Hence, by knowing what the issue’s determinants are, the pattern of SoSM could be identified well as to how effective it could be on the Company upon application. The effectiveness of the chosen procedure however depends on the understanding of the primary people involved within the issue of the system that has been chosen to be applied within the organizational reformation. (Leonard, 1999) Meanwhile, VSM or Viable System Model refers to the pattern by which the procedures of solving the impending issues are based upon the capability of the people to live within certain measures of tolerance. The developments of the issue’s solution are primarily directly affected by the fact that the conditions of motivation of the people of a certain organization depends on the condition or state of treatment that they receive from the management. (Leonard, 1999) In some cases, it could be noted that although the sections of the organization are well assisted by the appointed officials in each group, the system of organizational motivation has been disregarded by the organization because of the fact that they opt to attend to other things, which they consider to be of much more importance than organizational motivation. They neglected the fact that although the employees are given the chance to interact with the management, their lack of unified pursuance of a single goal for the organization results to the entire company’s weakness in terms of business transactions and activities. Integration of Metaphors with VSM procedures Variables are expected to have different impacts within a group. The usage of the metaphor of meaning in this case supports the needed strength of the solution to help VSM workout. As mentioned earlier, the metaphor of meaning helps in the strengthening procedures of the right motivation of the people within a certain group. Hence, the VSM application of the solution helps in building up an organization that allows the people see the goals of the entire group as one. This particular organization shall be derived from the basic variables that are to be identified through the utilization of VSM procedures. When the organizational goal has already been reestablished and has been primarily outlined clearly for others to comprehend with, the goal of each individual based on their personal needs becomes secondary, and the group goals of the organization becomes the primary concern of each employee. 2) Map and evaluate PHC’s process flow and layout for both products and information. PHC or Principle Health Care UK pioneers in the process of developing the needed products of health cure for the different health needs of the people. It could be observed that it s through this that PHC is able to live along with the missions of their group towards the human society today. The group believes that the existing innovations of technology that are featured in the different products used by people at present could still be bettered through continuous research and innovation so as it fits the busy lives of the people specifically living in the urban areas. To be able to meet the said mission of the group, the organization of the operations of the said business group is based upon three divisions that are designed to actually integrate with each other in the long run of the research procedures. The said divisions and interaction is presented in diagram as follows: From this particular presentation, the arrangement of the technological activities of the group could be clearly identified. Fortunately, this particular pattern of activities has worked well for the organization for the years that it has primarily operated within the industry of technological innovations. 3) Relating to your analysis in Q1 and using relevant operations management concepts describe and evaluate the critical elements of PHC’s operations. As it could be observed, the company operates under a specific process that mediates the people force with the primary objectives of the existence of the organization. The said procedures of operation include the following elemental factors: Action-Learning Cycle Action-earning cycle is based upon the procedures of one on one employee interaction. A person is expected to learn from his coworker. The people around a certain individual certainly affects the way that he deals with the different issues that he has to face in his own life. From this point, action-learning cycle is designed to enhance the capability of the person to relate with others in his own working environment. This would indeed help him realize that like him, others also have their own goals of why they are working within a certain company. As for ISA’s situation, it could be noted that most of the employees only see the company as the source of their finances. They lack the capability of seeing the business organization as a source of particular achievements that could help both them and their organization be placed in a progressive state that keeps them on the right track that could put them ahead in competition within the industry that they are involved with. (Ursic, 2006) Action-learning cycle is done through the ways by which the employees are able to interact with each other. Learning that they are dealing with people who are just like them, having own aims in life as they are would naturally help the employees realize the importance of putting their efforts together to help each other pull through with the challenges that they had to face in their own lives. Through this particular cycle of learning, employees are expected to act accordingly with the others giving the organization a chance to move on with the business activities as a team and not as diverse individuals motivated in different directions of goals. Here the diversity of the goals of the employees are used effectively to empower the employees in learning from each other and later on work as one towards a single oriented goal for the whole organization. (Schwaninger, 1999) Learning Organization Model This particular procedure of managing people is affected by four major elements namely process, organization, IT systems and the measures of IT systems’ effects on the organization. This is a strong procedure of seeing how people perform through the observation of the elemental things that surround them at their work areas. Primarily, the process of the activities that thy are accounted to face everyday aims to put them in the right track of empowering both themselves and the organization in reaching the best possible results for everyone, especially the stakeholders of the organization including themselves. (Zimmer, 2001) Organization on the other hand helps the employees see where they are in the group. The way by which they are practically and effectively positioned within the organization helps them realize their worth in the business. Particularly, this learning helps hem understand that they play an important role within the company that they are working for. (Zimmer, 2001) IT systems provide them with the satisfaction that they need form work. At some point, prestige and pride helps people realize that they are worth the job that they are intending to deal with in their workplace everyday. The effective use of the IT systems in their positions in the organization helps them feel that they are playing an important role in the progress of the company towards continuous advancement in business stability. IT systems measurement then refers to the affective use of the innovative systems of technology in assisting the people of the organization realize their importance to the entire group and towards themselves as well. (Zimmer, 2001) Through the effective integration of these four elements, the motivational procedures that are originally being made use to motivate the people could be empowered and strengthened as to how the said procedures impact the individual workers. The four elements of effects in this learning organization model of management certainly points out the importance of helping the employees realize their worth to the organization so as to be able to implement an effective process of dealing with the different conflicts that the employees of the organization face. (Huslett, 2002) Action-Based Strategic Management Procedure This specific procedure of managing the people force is based upon three basic purposes of application. Primarily, the said purposes are achieving change, learning and building capabilities. The three elements of human resource management integrated together certainly helps the administration determine the limitations as well as the capabilities of their people force in performing the accounted duties upon their shoulders as primary foundations of the organization. The capability of the management to help the people understand the fact the they are the primary agents of change in the organization would serve as a wake up call to them making them see how large expectations are on them. Learning and building the capabilities of the people would indeed equip the work force with the motivational push that they need to get through with all the challenges of working together as a team towards a specific goal for the organization. (Hwang, 1998) Indeed, among the primary goals of the management team is to help the people force realize that they are of great worth to the organization. The process of helping them realize their capabilities would naturally help them understand of their primary responsibility to the organization. The procedures though are not certain. The management team is left to decide on which process of dealing with the situation suits the employees best. All the procedures suggested in here is clearly designed to assist everyone in the organization recognize of their duty with regards their ability of working together as a team towards a certain goal. The benefits of this particular application of management strategies should help the organization clarify the goal of the entire company within the minds of their employees. The benefits certainly include the possibilities of the employees’ ability to fulfill their personal dreams along with their capabilities of helping the whole organization reach their peak time in business, which is expected to continuously progress towards the future. (Schwanginger, 1999). 4)Referring back to all your above analysis, outline how PHC’s operations could be improved, and why this would help the business overall. Managing people and helping them stay in the right track for progress is never an easy task to complete. Helping diverse people meet at a certain point and work together for a certain goal is indeed a challenging job that is appointed to the management team of each organization in the society. Business organizations especially need this particular procedure of managing people to be able to stay in competition. The ability of an organization to stand together as one is certainly the key towards the progress of the entire business group. It could not be denied that it should be expected that upon establishing a certain business organization, people who would be making up the company would be coming from different walks of life, having their own goals and own perceptions upon taking over the position that they were given in a certain company. Each one would certainly be focusing on their own goals as a motivating aspect that could help them get through with their daily responsibilities at work. This may seem as a challenge presented to major management teams that are dealing with the empowerment of the people force. In this case, it is important that the managing team be able to use the odds of the situation for the sake of the organization’s progress in the future. The diversity of the goals of the people could indeed be utilized to assisting the employees realize of their capabilities of working together as they learn from each others’ goals as individuals as well. References: J.E. Oisen &T.Huslett. (2002). Strategic management in action. Systematic Practice and Action Research. Volume 15 Number 6. Bob Zimmer. (2001). Practicing what we teach in teaching systems practice: the action-learning cycle. Systematic Practice and Action Research. Pg. 697. Ahn Sook Hwang. (1998). Toward Fostering Systems Learning in Organizational Contexts. Systematic Practice and Action Research. Volume 13 Number 3. Markus Schwaninger. (1999). Managing Complexity-The path toward intelligent organization. Systematic Practice and Action Research. Volume 13 Number 2. DusKo Ursic. (2006). System-organizational aspect of a learning organization in companies. Systematic Practice and Action Research. Volume 19 Number 1. Peter Fleming. (2005). METAPHORS OF RESISTANCE. Thousand Oaks: Aug 2005.Vol.19, Iss. 1; pg. 45, 22 pgs. Cristina B Gibson, Mary E Zellmer-Bruhn. (2001). Metaphors and meaning: An intercultural analysis of the concept of teamwork. Ithaca: Jun 2001.Vol.46, Iss. 2; pg. 274, 33 pgs. Sean Devine. (2005). The Viable Systems Model Applied to a National System of Innovation to Inform Policy Development. Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 18, No. 5, October 2005. Raul Espejo. (2003). THE VIABLE SYSTEM MODEL A BRIEFING ABOUT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE. SYNCHO Limited. Cheng Hua Chen. (2004). Case Study Application of VSM to Transfer Pricing. Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, August 2005. Birgitta Bergvall-Kareborn. (2002). Qualifying Function in SSM Modeling--A Case Study. Systemic Practice and Action Research; Aug 2002; 15, 4; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 309. Greenwood. (2005). The Practice of Workplace Participation: Management-Employee Relations at Three Particpatory Firms. IAP - Information Age Publishing Inc.; New Ed edition. Mike Leat. (2001). Exploring Employee Relations. Butterworth-Heinemann. Bruce E. Kaufman. (2003). Industrial Relations to Human Resources and Beyond: The Evolving Process of Employee Relations Management (Issues in Work and Human Resources). M.E. Sharpe. Read More
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