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Proposal Background and Problem Statement - Research Paper Example

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PROPOSAL Background and Problem Statement The effort of the pharmaceutical industry in combating diseases through the manufacturing of curative and preventive diseases is a move that is greatly appreciated by all. Controversies have however continued to rage on as to whether or not these professionals do not at times take advantage of their ability and technical knowhow to abuse the system…
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The practice is also suspected in the technology industry where manufacturers are suspected of producing all forms of viruses and harmful programs only to produce anti-viruses to be bought and used in treating the problems caused by the viruses. In the pharmaceutical industry, the phenomenon is referred to as disease mongering. This research shall look into various ways through which diseases are intentionally or unintentionally transfer from pharmacists and other health practitioners to patients and later taken advantage of because of the need for patients to seek cure to these diseases.

Aims and Objectives This research proposal has an aim of identifying the relationship that exists between the drug manufacturing companies and diseases. To achieve this, the following specific objectives have been set. 1. To find out some of the intentional and unintentional ways through which diseases are manufactured in the laboratory. 2. To establish how disease hyping has been used as a trade strategy for the sale of medicines. 3. To find the place of federal laws in fighting against any unfair deals associated with disease mongering. 4. To ascertain whether people are being made to invest excessively more on their health than their health risk actually demands.

Significance of the Study The completion of this study is of significant important to a multi-dimensional group of persons. In the first place, the pharmaceutical industry shall be made aware of some of their practices that lead to the spread and outbreak of diseases and how these can be contained. Again, the public shall be educated on some of the unacceptable means by which the pharmaceutical industry extorts their monies and thus the need to be highly mindful of their health budgets, especially towards promoted diseases.

Finally, this research shall seek to protect human health against some common health sector practices such as the exposure to radiations and administration of certain medicines that go long ways to affect the health of people. Research Questions 1. In what ways does the pharmaceutical industry use corruptible means to extort monies from the public through the manufacture of diseases? 2. Are there laws that check the occurrence of disease mongering in our society? 3. Is there enough education for the public on how to guard themselves against practices of the health sector that promote diseases? 4. In what ways can the public different between a genuine campaign against diseases and one that only seeks to hype diseases for selfish gains?

Limitations This research shall face a number of limitations in its conduct. For instance the pharmaceutical industry, which is under scrutiny here, may not be very willing to be co-operative with the researchers in finding facts and data on the problem of disease mongering. This is highly anticipated as the research seeks to expose certain corrupt practices associated with disease mongering. The researchers also face a limitation of carrying out the most rightly prescribed information to the general public.

This point is made against the backdrop that readers may be ill-informed to assume that all forms of medical campaigns against diseases constitute disease mongering and so they must always brush such campaigns aside. If this happens, the aim of the research will be defeated because the research seek

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