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Management of Jims Cleaning - Essay Example

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This current study aims to highlight the marketing research process and its management of Jims Cleaning which is one of the leading names of the cleaning industry in Australia having numerous franchises all across the country and beyond boundaries as well. …
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Management of Jims Cleaning
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?MARKETING RESEARCH DESIGNING RESEARCH PLAN Defining the Project Objective ment Primary To evaluate the increase in flow for microfibercleaning of fabrics such as cotton, Bleeder etc and also measure the level of customer satisfaction for the same. Secondary To conduct a SWOT analysis for ‘Jims Cleaning’ so that the identified strengths and opportunities could be further enhanced and weaknesses and threats be overcome. Audience The market research would be targeted specifically to the customers and future prospects of Jims cleaning who have or intend to go for microfiber upholstery. Project Team For the completion of market research process, the internal source required would include: Human Resource: to measure the customer satisfaction, through feedback forms and other sources etc. IT: for rendering required information pertaining to the designed objective, for instance, customer details etc. Market Research: for analyzing and evaluating of data Research Value The research undertaken would be certainly beneficial for the organization in identifying whether its customers are really satisfied with the service or organizations needs to imbibe certain changes for future. The research would also help in evaluating the customer flow in related area and thereby identify measures to increase it in near future. Microfiber industry is an up-growing one with changes of high returns in future provided right tools and techniques are applied for. Research Cost [Assumed] The estimated cost for this research is ascertained to be: E-mail Tele-call Sample Size 1000 1000 Costs $10000 $20000 Expected Response 10% 10% Per Unit Cost $10 $20 Project Timeline TASK NAME S.I NO MTH MAR / APRIL WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 DO INITIAL RESEARCH DESIGN SETTING OF OBJECTIVES LITERATURE REVIEW PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION FEEDING OF DATA DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION PREPARATION OF REPORT/DISSERTATION Check validity of the research data against The questionnaire designed for the purpose of collecting required data and information aims to: 1. Attain information pertaining to the pre-defined objectives of the research 2. To gather data with maximum reliability and validity. (Warwick , Linninger 1975) Validity in Research Design: It is seen that in any research, the results are confirmed only when they are in alignment with the validity that is, only when the results reflect actually what they are intended to measure as per the defined objectives. There are numerous ways through which a validity of a research can be determined, however, as far as this particular research is concerned, and the measures for validity measurement would include: 1. Statistical Conclusion Validity: as this particular research is quantitative in nature, it would be apt to find whether there exists a relationship between the variables defined for research. Suitable statistical tests would be intervened to ensure the credibility of the results derived and conclusions made. 2. External Validity: Another validity test that is chosen for this research is the external validity whereby the findings of this research can be generalized afar from the current sample. This also means that the problem of microfiber cleaning faced by other organizations and customers in general can prove to be beneficial not only for Jims Cleaning but industry as a whole and a general consensus to ultimate findings can be made. Reliability in Research Design Internal validity in a research is always subjected to its reliability. The data collected through the form of questionnaire, e-mailers etc is subjected to certain discrepancies. To avoid the possible disparities in results, test of reliability would be performed for the current research which includes: Inter Rater Reliability Test To ensure the reliability and certainty of the respondents replies, two observes would be allocated the job to rate the same respondents based on the information imparted by them through different sources after which they can be correlated amongst each other to analyze their unanimity. Measure stakeholder satisfaction with market research A stakeholder can be defined as an individual or a group of people that are directly or indirectly influenced by the working and performance of an organization. Stakeholders are engaged with the company affairs and, thus, have a great impact when any changes in the firm’s policies, procedures and practices occur. Stakeholders have certain expectation from an organization and, in turn, it becomes an utmost responsibility of a firm to keep its stakeholders satisfied. In order to determine the impact of current business performance of Jims Cleaning on its future prospect, it requires an in-depth analysis of the satisfaction level of its stakeholders. The stakeholders identified for Jims Cleaning are: External Customers (people who avail services offered by the company, such as home and office cleaning, carpet cleaning, domestic and commercial cleaning etc) Internal Customers : who rely on inter linked departments for acquiring of equipments and services such as bar coding etc Employees (both full and part time, working at various hierarchies within the organization. They are influenced by the business as their hikes in the monthly salaries are at stake depending on the performance of the company) Owner Suppliers Local Community To measure the stakeholder satisfaction levels, a Balanced Stakeholder Performance Report would be generated that would help Jims Cleaning in analyzing the existing gap in meeting up with the expectations of its stakeholders. The analysis can also prove to be fruitful for the firm in re structuring and re-directing efforts on high priority prospects. Format for Stakeholder Analysis is featured underneath: STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS Section Six (Based on the secondary data published, a stakeholder analysis is performed whereby, the output if figured in terms of high satisfaction, moderate satisfaction and improvement requirement) Stakeholder Satisfaction Attribute Relative Importance = High, Moderate, Improvement Required External Stakeholder Internal Stakeholder Employees Owner Suppliers Local Community Quality of Service Fair Price Number of Complaints Previous Issues or complaints Systematic working Timely action to issues and queries Proper redressal system Reasonable & Justified Compensation Hygienic working Conditions Safe Environment Career Growth Training and Development Satisfactory Return on Investment Maintain Adequate Liquidity Stability in growth Enhancement in Goodwill Healthy Business Relationship Fair pricing for raw material and equipment supplied Timely payments Environmental Protection Use of Non- hazardous material Eco friendly High High Moderate/ Scope for Improvement Moderate High Moderate Moderate High High High Moderate High High Moderate High High High High High High HIgh Lessons Learned From the Market Research Process Title Page: Jims Cleaning Efforts to Reduce Customer Complaints and Upcoming Issues Regarding Microfiber upholstery. Table of Content Part 1: Executive Summary Part 2: Introduction Part 3: SWOT analysis Part 4: Stakeholder Analysis Part 5: Detailed Findings Part 6: Analysis Part 7: Conclusion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Managing market research is a critical component for any organization to ascertain its future growth. This current study aims to highlight the marketing research process and its management of Jims Cleaning which is one of the leading names of the cleaning industry in Australia having numerous franchises all across the country and beyond boundaries as well. The current study focuses on the predefined objective that is Jims cleaning efforts and practices to overcome the current issues it is facing regarding microfiber cleaning of sensitive fabrics. For this, the business past and present performance will be studied and customer satisfaction would be derived by conducting a stakeholder analysis along with a SWOT analysis of the company. INTRODUCTION An organization faces numerous obstacles in the process of its establishment and growth. Customer satisfaction is the key that can drive an organization towards success and also an edge towards the existing competitors of the industry. In the course of execution, different problems emerge that pose difficulties for a firm to survive. Amongst all obstacles and issues, Jims Cleaning has emerged a strong competitor for all its rivals in the cleaning industry. But still there are issues which have lead to customer dissatisfaction in the recent past related to microfiber fabric cleaning. To overcome this problem, effective strategies and policies need to be framed by the top officials. This study aims to ascertain the procedure and practices that Jims Cleaning would adopt to satisfy its customers regarding the issue taken into consideration. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a tool which defines all possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. This specific tool would help an organization to analyze its current position in the competitive industry in terms of its internal and external concerns (Bohm, 2009). All identified obstacles or constraints can be overcome and threats avoided for the accomplishment of the desired objectives. For Jims Cleaning, an in-depth SWOT analysis on company’s performance was conducted based on the past published data. STRENGTHS Personal equipments & cleaning products owned by Jims Cleaning saving unwanted hassle for the customers. Eco-friendly, Jims prefer using natural and biodegradable ingredients. Fair pricing our charged from customers, giving an edge over their competitors. Varieties of professional services are offered to customers. Services offered to franchising is one of the major strengths of Jims Cleaning WEAKNESSES Microfiber cleaning of fabrics such as cotton, Bleeder etc Texture damage in spite of high quality inspection and use of specialized techniques and tools. Heat damage to synthetic fiber fabrics, such as velvet. Upholstery cleaning not as profitable as carpet cleaning OPPORTUNITIES Growing demand is a major future opportunity for the firm whereby the company can aim for expansion to meet the increasing demand in various services. Installations of equipments that help in avoiding the fabric issues such as cotton, velvet etc. Being the market leader, the organization has immense opportunity in extending related training to people who aim to excel in the related profession. Lowering of costs with modernized techniques and cost effective tools specifically meant for sensitive microfibers. THREATS Emerging competitors offering services at pricing which needs to be re looked by the organization. Competitors offering services at par with Jims, posing possible threats for the organization in near future. Challenges with upcoming new fabrics, mixed fabrics having higher tendency to get distorted. DETAILED FINDINGS A market research on Jims Cleaning has unfurled the current cleaning industry problems as well. Jims has a high brand value in the market in terms of the kind of varied services that it offers to its customers at affordable pricing such as carpet cleaning, domestic cleaning, floor cleaning etc. The organization is ranked amongst the World’s largest home service franchise group with a total of over 300 franchises under its name. (Profile 3, 2011) Like other cleaners, Jims Cleaning has also appreciated the invention of microfiber upholstery; however, this has posed up immense problems such as: 1. Delamination 2. Tendency of microfiber to absorb oily soils 3. Time consuming 4. Tools required are not up to expectations such as Horsehair Brush which tends to get unusable due to the presence of alkaline preconditioning agents that gradually distort the brush. 5. Handling of troublesome fabrics, such as Bleeders, Velvet, Raw Cotton etc 6. Restoration of natural fibers with distortion. 7. Issues of browning and waiter stains on fabrics commonly cotton, line etc. 8. Low standard microfiber manufacturing processes. 9. Use of improper tools for fabric conditioning, microfiber cleaning. 10. Improper knowledge of various techniques to be used with different sensitive textures. 11. Damage of fabric texture during the cleaning process. 12. Unprofitable microfiber cleaning when compared with other types, too low pricing and high time consumption. 13. Fabric protector turning to be the cause of discolor upholstery (Pemberton, 2010) The above issues have compelled the cleaner to delve deeper into the problem and chalk out ways through which the increasing customer complaints and dissatisfaction could be reduced. As this is one of the weak areas in organizational work profile and also a matter of concern for other stakeholders due to the heavy costs involved in the installation of machinery and other investment, it requires a detailed research in terms of cost, technique and tools required. Analysis After analyzing the current issues faced in the 21st century in comparison to the traditional concerns in cleaning, a massive change has been recorded in the work practices and expectations of the customers. Jims Cleaning, undoubtedly, has a strong market hold in the industry and is consistently trying to overcome the issues posed in the earlier section of the study. The organization lays strong emphasis on training its employees in order to combat the unexpected and daunting challenges that workers come across in their day to day operations (Profile 1, 2011). Cleaning process involves a considerable amount of time, products and specialized skills in cleaning of upholstery fabrics. Despite of such odds, Jims has managed to keep stable pricing for its customers, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the industry. This might have been possible due to the large span of work the company builds on. The creeping issues can be avoided to an extent by making use of advanced technology and tools along with right techniques. However, installation of high end machinery requires large investment. Jims Cleaning has made all possible efforts to introduce modern high tech work systems, but massive structure needs more sources of finance in the near future. Jims has been into development of creative programs that has helped the company to survive amongst the crowd and establishing itself as a leading brand in the industry. With high expenditures in the eco-friendly set up, bio degradable material, Jims Cleaning does charge a slightly high price to its customers and ensures that the organization meets up with the professional standards in alignment with its financial goals and objectives. CONCLUSION Cleaning industry is undoubtedly facing numerous challenges in the modern era due to the introduction of new complicated fabrics that intend to get distorted when exposed to chemicals and cleaning environment (Profile 1, 2011). On the whole it can be said that any organization that wishes or intends to sell a high value and a premium priced service must target those customers who are actually willing to pay for such services. Jims Cleaning cater to all segments of customers , hence have enough scope for installing high end machinery and employing skilled workers that can help in overcoming emerging issues. Research has also revealed the fact that only those organizations survive in the market that run a well drafted marketing campaign, generating more awareness among the masses. Sometimes customers are reluctant to accept some hard facts which only by proper explanation and demonstration can help in convincing people (Profile 2, 2011). Study reveals that finally one has to accept that there are certain fabrics that exist which cannot be restored even by applying specialized techniques and advanced tools. With the passage of time, the complaints related to textures have been continuously increasing which doesn’t seem to be a great problem but has posed tremendous challenge for organizations such as Jims. Works Cited Profile 1. “The New Problem Fabric Challenges For Upholstery Cleaning Professionals!”. Web. 3 February 2011, <> Pemberton, Jims. “The Number One Upholstery Cleaning Problem Today is…Texture Distortion!”. Web. 10th December 2010. <> Profile 2. “Dry Cleaning Fabrics for All of the Wrong Reasons”. Web. 27th May, 2011. <> Profile 3.” Jim’s Cleaning to give the UK a spit and polish”. Web. 6th June, 2011. <> Bohm, Ania. The SWOT Analysis. U.K: GRIN, Verlag, 2009. Print. Read More
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