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Human Resources Management in Apple - Case Study Example

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The company that is the subject of this paper "Human Resources Management in Apple" is Apple Inc., the second-largest company in the world at present as far as market capitalization is concerned. Moreover, it is the most valuable technology company in America for the time being…
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Human Resources Management in Apple
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This paper analyses how effectively Apple managed the human resources and technology in order to catch the top spot in the market.Through an employee’s perspective, human resource management in Apple has got many benefits and drawbacks. It is a fact that Apple is one company that offers excellent compensation to the employees. “The compensation and benefits offered to employees of Apple are very competitive and it includes product discounts, vacation time, healthcare, training courses, casual dress codes on jobs, etc” (Qumer, 2009, p.3). Moreover, Apple provides opportunities to the fresh employees to grow under the wings of the experienced ones during their initial periods of employment in Apple.

Once the fresh employees get enough training under the experienced ones, Apple encourages them to work individually. Even though teamwork is encouraged in most modern organizations, Apple seems to be having more faith in individual work rather than teamwork. Apple’s employees come from various parts of the world and the Company is keen on keeping a diverse workforce in its territories to exploit the knowledge and expertise of the people from different parts of the world. Since cross-cultural business or international business is growing day by day, Apple’s strategy to keep a diverse workforce in its labor bank is a well thought out strategy that leads the company in the right direction.

Recognition to outstanding workers, excellent infrastructure facilities to the workers, etc are some of the other plus points of Apple’s HRM strategies. “Unfairness in promotions and overall treatment is a common complaint in Apple Company” (Qumer, 2009, p.15). Prejudices and biases motivate Apple managers while they decide promotions to the employees. Middle-level managers are accused of behaving like dictators in Apple Company. “Because of the absence of a well-structured system, and over the workload of Steve, the VP’s became more powerful and they work in a totalitarian manner (Qumer, 2009, p.14).

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