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Agriculture and Saving and Investment in India Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
9 pages (2634 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Agriculture and Saving and Investment in India" is a perfect example of a macro and microeconomic case study. In the process of growth and property that is today witnessed in many Asian countries, there are several factors which are considered to contribute to such growth. While others argue that it is majorly oil and minerals, in some cases, it is agriculture and saving and investment (Park & Shin, 2009).
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Economic Impact of Globalization Macro & Microeconomics Essay
6 pages (1676 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Economic Impact of Globalization" is a good example of a macro and microeconomic essay. Globalization has been in existence for a long period of time. It can be defined as the development of interconnected business networks and economies worldwide. It has lead to the creation of a worldwide network that has linked markets in all the global nations.
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Is State Capitalism Placed to Cope with the Challenges of Globalization Macro & Microeconomics Essay
6 pages (1645 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Is State Capitalism Placed to Cope with the Challenges of Globalization" is a good example of macro and microeconomic essay. State capitalism-whereby most of the means of production and capital are either owned or controlled by the country-has indeed attracted significant attention globally. It is indeed a model of capitalism that originated as a result of Wilhelm Liebkenecht’s work back in 1896.
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Industrialization in Malaysia-Import Substitution and Infant Industry Performance Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
13 pages (3790 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Industrialization in Malaysia-Import Substitution and Infant Industry Performance' is a perfect example of a Macro and Microeconomics Case Study. Malaysia as a country consists of thirteen states with one federal in each state. The total landmass for the country is 329,847 square kilometers. To the south, Malaysia is separated by the South China Sea with two regions.
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Resource-Based Economy: Australias Development Experience Macro & Microeconomics
7 pages (2186 words) , Download 0
The paper "Resource-Based Economy: Australia’s Development Experience" is a wonderful example of a report on macro and microeconomics. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the important factors that can be used to describe Australia’s development experience as that of a resource-based economy and to identify the reasons provided for the country avoiding the ‘resource curse’ problem.
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Qatar-Germany Economic Relationship Macro & Microeconomics
16 pages (4619 words) , Download 0
The paper "Qatar-Germany Economic Relationship" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. In recent years, Qatar has been one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In fact, over the four-year period between 2008 and 2012, it was the world’s fastest-growing economy, its real GDP growing at an annual rate of 12.0 percent.
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Money for Nothing: Exploiting Negative Externalities Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2376 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Money for Nothing: Exploiting Negative Externalities" is a great example of an assignment on macro and microeconomics. Negative externalities refer to unfortunate events or costs that third parties incur as a result of certain economic activity in the society (Deng, & Pekec, 2011 p.13). Sometimes an economic activity may have spillover on people that are not in any way involved.
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Explanation of Negative Externalities Macro & Microeconomics
12 pages (3243 words) , Download 0
The paper "Explanation of Negative Externalities" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. As a matter of fact, negative externalities are defined as costs of marketing, consuming, or producing products that are not borne by the consumers or producers of the products. In other words, negative externalities are costs that third parties suffer due to economic transactions.
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Principles of Economics Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
11 pages (2861 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Principles of Economics" is an outstanding example of a micro and macroeconomic assignment. The above-plotted demand curve slopes downward from left to right thus having a negative slope because the two main variables, which are price and quantity, work in the opposite direction. As the price of the commodity decreases from 80 cents to 20 cents, the quantity demanded of apple increases over the period of time.
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Connection between Economic Growth and Human Development - Brazil, Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
7 pages (2239 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Connection between Economic Growth and Human Development - Brazil, Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. Human development refers to processes that facilitate or broaden people’s choices hence allowing them to leave longer and stay healthy.
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Cost-Benefit Analysis for Abbot Point Expansion Project Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Cost-Benefit Analysis for Abbot Point Expansion Project" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. This is a BCA report for the Abbot Point Expansion Project. The Abbot Point expansion project aims at maximization of coal export and facilitates the continued economic development of Queensland.
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Production Possibilities for Australia and Canada Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2107 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Production Possibilities for Australia and Canada " is an outstanding example of a micro and macroeconomic assignment. This statement is not true, mainly because owning a home does not eliminate the costs associated with housing. Typically, the benefits of owning a home may outweigh that of renting. Many people believe that by owning a home their housing costs are eliminated.
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Free Market Economic by Steven Kates Macro & Microeconomics Book Report/Review
9 pages (2397 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Free Market Economic by Steven Kates" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic book report. The main two questions arising from chapter three are what is value and how value is added in economic activity (Kates 2011, p.46). The theory, which tries to answer this question is Adam Smith’s theory of capitalism.
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Data Analysis by eViews 8 Macro & Microeconomics
12 pages (3982 words) , Download 0
The paper "Data Analysis by eViews 8" is an outstanding example of a micro and macroeconomic report. The theories that guard this particular thinking are supported by several notable studies that impose on the collaborative effect of investment and consumption on the GDP. The project was to show the relevance and effectiveness of the Cobb-Douglas function of production in analysing GDP.
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Cobb-Douglas Function of Production Macro & Microeconomics
9 pages (3248 words) , Download 0
The paper "Cobb-Douglas Function of Production " is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic report. The economy can be thought of as a financial system of a country while economics as fiscal matters. The method of approaching financial problems using statistical data is called econometrics. In this method, mathematical functions are used to evaluate financial problems.
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Aggregate Income and Aggregate Monetary Expenses Macro & Microeconomics Essay
7 pages (1809 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Aggregate Income and Aggregate Monetary Expenses" is a great example of micro and macroeconomic essay. In the last few decades, banks have seen a tremendous decrease in average bank interest margins. This trend is best explained in the literature using a causality that runs from increased competition in traditional segments to lower margins to new activities.
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The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Global Financial System Macro & Microeconomics Essay
7 pages (2130 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Global Financial System" is a great example of a micro and macroeconomic essay. The global financial crisis was an indication of the interconnectedness of global economies. The first indications of financial market distress emerged in the middle of 2007.
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Introduction to Economics Macro & Microeconomics
6 pages (1560 words) , Download 0
The paper "Introduction to Economics" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. The economist, Ha-Joon Chang's book, is a masterpiece that eloquently brings out insights on the global economy. The work covers economic histories and theories, behavior, and strengths, and how the economic impact in people's lives as consumers.
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Social Capital in China Based on Guanxi Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
19 pages (5157 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Social Capital in China Based on Guanxi " is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. Guanxi is a concept in china that refers to the relationship between people. In business, it is a form of preferential treatment that a partner is given in exchange and includes easy ease of access to resources, access to controlled information, credit and protection in case of competition.
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Investigation of Factors Affecting Consumers Use of Internet Banking in Australia Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
10 pages (3245 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Investigation of Factors Affecting Consumers’ Use of Internet Banking in Australia" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. An example of a paradigm assumption used in the study is the positivist assumption. This is an assumption that is based on realist ontology which assumes that there exist real objects in addition to the people who have the knowledge about a particular phenomenon.
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The State of the Local Economy of the UAE Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
9 pages (2465 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The State of the Local Economy of the UAE " is a good example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. The United Arab Emirates has been experiencing some improvements in its economy where it has been considered to be a source of inspiration to many countries. The government of the UAE has been committed to creating a business environment that is attractive to many business investors.
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The UAE Housing Market Analysis Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
6 pages (1842 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The UAE Housing Market Analysis" is a great example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. The UAE is among the fast-developing nations in the world. This growth owes to the ability of most sectors of the economy to match up to the requirements that come with being a developed nation. It is a federation of seven kingdoms that include Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Qaiwain.
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International Investment - Expansion into the US Oil and Gas Industry Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
7 pages (1983 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "International Investment - Expansion into the US Oil and Gas Industry" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. Internationalization has become a trend in the oil and gas industry. This report shows that the United States presents the best foreign market for expansion compared to Japan, China and India because the U.S. is the world’s current largest consumer of oil.
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Microeconomic Policy Evaluation: Grants Macro & Microeconomics Literature review
9 pages (2764 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Microeconomic Policy Evaluation: Grants" is a wonderful example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics. Over the years, Australian local governments have played a vital aspect in the livelihood of the citizens. Brackets (2013, p.4) argued that the local governments were created to offer amenities and services to the local citizens.
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Increasing Role of Developed Countries in the World Economy Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2329 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Increasing Role of Developed Countries in the World Economy" is a great example of ana assignment on macro and microeconomics. A contemporary or new division of labor occurs as a result of the process of globalization. Over the last few decades, the forces of globalization have had a profound effect on the manner in which labor, as a factor of production, functions.
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What Are the Important Factors Support Labour Supply in Canada Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
6 pages (1588 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "What Are the Important Factors Support Labour Supply in Canada" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. In the economy today, labor supply is one of the determinants that will always affect the performance of various industries. Therefore, due to these facts, education and human capital are part of those factors that have drastically affected the labor supply in Canada.
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Impacts of Mobile Wallets on Consumer Spending Macro & Microeconomics Coursework
9 pages (2730 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Impacts of Mobile Wallets on Consumer Spending" is a great example of micro and macroeconomic coursework. A mobile wallet is a sort of a virtual wallet that stores credit card or debit card information in a digital form. The information is usually stored in a mobile device which allows the holder to have ready and easy access to such information without carrying the physical cards.
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Industrial and Micro-Economic Policies that Have Contributed to the Success of Saudi Arabia Macro & Microeconomics
15 pages (4472 words) , Download 0
The paper "Industrial and Micro-Economic Policies that Have Contributed to the Success of Saudi Arabia" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. Saudi Arabia is considered one of the developing countries in the world after a surge in prosperity in the previous decades when the country was entangled in wrangles that threatened the country’s stability.
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Microeconomic Policy Evaluation Macro & Microeconomics
8 pages (2275 words) , Download 0
The paper "Microeconomic Policy Evaluation" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. Unemployment benefits occur as the temporary income that is given to the eligible parties. The eligibility for receiving the benefits is dependent on different aspects from different countries. Mainly it is given as income to individuals who are eligible for work.
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The Challenges in Implementing Tax Reforms Macro & Microeconomics
16 pages (4210 words) , Download 0
The paper "The Challenges in Implementing Tax Reforms" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. Tax reform is the process that involves changing the manner in which taxes are collected or managed by the government. The process may involve the introduction of Value Added Tax or its expansion where it already exists.
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Australian Sugar Industry, Tariff Rates and Impact of ChAFTA on This Industry Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Australian Sugar Industry, Tariff Rates and Impact of ChAFTA on This Industry" is a perfect example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. Despite its declining share in GDP, the agricultural sector is still a very important part of the Australian economy. Australia and China completed the negotiation of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) and signed the ChAFTA on 17 June 2015.
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Climate Change in China Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
9 pages (2707 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Climate Change in China" is a good example of a micro and macroeconomic case study. China is considered to be a rapidly-developing country and therefore it has over time been vulnerable to the multiple adverse impacts of climate change. China has a large population and at the same time associated with rather low economic development levels as well as a fragile eco-environment and complex climate change.
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Credit Channel and Monetary Policy Macro & Microeconomics
9 pages (2380 words) , Download 0
The paper "Credit Channel and Monetary Policy" is a great example of a report on macro and microeconomics. Many researchers have conducted studies to establish the importance of credit channels when it comes to the transmission of monetary policies. It has been determined that the ways in which monetary policies are transmitted are a major concern for the macroeconomics of any economy.
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The Substitution Effect and the Income Effect in Microeconomics Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2009 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Substitution Effect and the Income Effect in Microeconomics" is an outstanding example of a micro and macroeconomic assignment. The utility is basically a hypothetical unit that is derived to ascertain the level of satisfaction that is derived from the consumption of a good. Now, Utility maximization is the instance whereby the satisfaction of the customers is maximized at their respective levels of consumption of the good.
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A Monopoly of Electricity and Government Intervention to Regulate Appropriate Traits of Monopoly Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
7 pages (1781 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “A Monopoly of Electricity and Government Intervention to Regulate Appropriate Traits of Monopoly” is a breathtaking example of the assignment on macro & microeconomics. Consumers of different goods and services have always been faced with some forms of exploitation. The government not only come to their rescue but also controls certain factors.
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Competition in the Australian Market for Groceries Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2324 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Competition in the Australian Market for Groceries” is a great example of the assignment on macro & microeconomics. The Australian retail grocery market is not a perfectly competitive market. A perfectly competitive market refers to markets in which there are several small firms operating in a highly competitive environment. It is normally assumed to have a number of characteristics.
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Why Has Regionalism Become Such a Popular Strategy to Cope with Globalization Macro & Microeconomics Literature review
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Why Has Regionalism Become Such a Popular Strategy to Cope with Globalization?” is a brilliant example of the literature review on macro & microeconomics. Globalization is whereby world economies become increasingly integrated resulting in a global economy characterized by making of the global economic policy, via international agencies such as the world trade organization.
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Competition in the Australian Market for Groceries Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2474 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Competition in the Australian Market for Groceries” is affecting example of the assignment on macro & microeconomics. To establish if the Australian retail grocery market is a perfectly competitive one, it is imperative that we examine two scenarios. The first scenario would be to examine the concept of perfect competition and then secondly assess the Australian retail grocery market.
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Risk Appetite, Carry Trade and Exchange Rates by Liu, Margaritis, and Tourani-Rad Macro & Microeconomics Article
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper “Risk Appetite, Carry Trade and Exchange Rates by Liu, Margaritis, and Tourani-Rad” is an impressive example of the article on macro & microeconomics. The international finance discipline seeks to establish how the international financial system in terms of its structure, functions, and operations affects a country’s economy.
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Comparing Regional Development in China and India Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
8 pages (2480 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Comparing Regional Development in China and India” is an impressive example of the assignment on macro & microeconomics. India’s economy historically focused on central planning that involved business-unfriendly regulation and trade barriers which led to an economic crisis in 1991. This prompted the government to launch economic liberation to drive economic recovery.
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Asian Pacific Region in the Asian Financial Crisis 1997 and Global Financial Crisis 2008 Macro & Microeconomics Literature review
8 pages (2524 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Asian Pacific Region in the Asian Financial Crisis 1997 and Global Financial Crisis 2008” is a forceful example of the literature review on macro & microeconomics. In 1997-1998, the Asian economy plunged into crisis when Thailand decided to protect her currency, that is, the Baht from further depreciation.
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End of Post World War II Economic Boom Macro & Microeconomics Literature review
9 pages (2466 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “End of Post World War II Economic Boom” is a thoughtful example of the literature review on macro & microeconomics. Economic boom refers to a period characterized by rapid expansion in economic activities, which results in higher Gross Domestic Growth, rising prices of assets, and lowering unemployment.
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Why Did Multilateralism Become a Hallmark of International Economic Relations after 1945 Macro & Microeconomics Literature review
6 pages (1751 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Why Did Multilateralism Become a Hallmark of International Economic Relations after 1945?” is an excellent example of the literature review on macro & microeconomics. According to Kahler (1992), after 1945, multilateralism was defined by the United States with regard to certain principles that particularly opposed discriminatory and bilateral arrangements.
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Cigarette Tax Hike Sparks Panic Buying Macro & Microeconomics Essay
10 pages (2579 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Cigarette Tax Hike Sparks Panic Buying” is a provoking example of the essay on macro & microeconomics. In the report, the Kelvin Rudd government is anticipated to increase the tax on cigarettes by an extra 25 percent which adds an extra $2.16 per cigarette packet. The government also aims at limiting internet advertising of cigarettes and spends $28.7 million on antismoking campaigns.
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Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance Macro & Microeconomics Statistics Project
8 pages (2578 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The paper “Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance” is an informative example of the statistics project on finance & accounting. Independence of the central bank refers to the freedom granted to the policymakers of monetary authorities from influence by the government or direct political influence in conducting their policy.
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Why the Australian Car Industry Needs Government Subsidies to Exist Macro & Microeconomics Essay
6 pages (1568 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Why the Australian Car Industry Needs Government Subsidies to Exist” is a well-turned example of the essay on macro & microeconomics. The main problem in Australia today is the insufficient level of consumption witnessed in the country. As a result of the lacking of consumption, the government of Australia needs to bring up good policies aimed at stimulating consumption.
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The Boom Towns and the Ghost Towns of the New Economy Macro & Microeconomics Essay
6 pages (1729 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “'The Boom Towns and the Ghost Towns of the New Economy” is a worthy example of the essay on macro & microeconomics. Recently the world has been facing immense challenges in terms of economic and financial crises. Even the most stable economies have not been spared by the rising economic and financial demands.
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The Global Price of Carbon Determining by the Forces of Demand and Supply Macro & Microeconomics Assignment
7 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “The Global Price of Carbon – Determining by the Forces of Demand and Supply” is a thrilling example of the assignment on macro & microeconomics. This strategy of fixed price on carbon emission increases the overall price of energy (electricity), hence having a negative impact on other producing firms.
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Chinese and British Economic History Macro & Microeconomics Essay
6 pages (1753 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Chinese and British Economic History” is a provoking example of the essay on macro & microeconomics. Industrialization in Western Europe was characterized by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was characterized by changes in the way people produced goods. Before the industrial revolution, people produced goods and performed services without machines.
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China and Soviet Union Economic Reforms Compared Macro & Microeconomics Case Study
12 pages (3424 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "China and Soviet Union Economic Reforms Compared" is a perfect example of a macro and microeconomic case study. Reforms in China kicked off towards the end of 1978 following government decentralization of economic decision-making. Before 1978 regional as well as local levels were allowed to control and share revenue.
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