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Text Analysis: As a Means of Understanding Translated Texts - Essay Example

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This essay "Text Analysis: As a Means of Understanding Translated Texts" compares the following poems'To His Coy Mistress', 'Let’s Misbehave' (Multimodal Text)• 'The Sun Rising' (Verbal Text)• The Love Song, Philip Otto Rouge artwork Dawn, (Verbal Text)• Eve and her Daughters…
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Text analysis and interpretation Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Reviewing and comparing the following poems 'To His Coy Mistress', 'Let’s Misbehave' (Multimodal Text) • 'The Sun Rising' (Verbal Text) • The Love Song, Philip Otto Rouge artwork Dawn, (Verbal Text) • Eve and her Daughters To His Coy Mistress and the Sun Rising Presentation of love as an underlying theme in this text by finding similarities and differences in the text requires an extensive investigation and analysis. Connotation is the only region two texts can be compared because lines range cannot indicate the usefulness of words. Genre The genre of all the poems is romantic poems but in a different context. In His Coy Mistress, the poet depicts a one-way love with sensual elements of a man’s temporality as genre. Donne uses Aubade, a morning love song as a class to try to stop the sun from tampering with his love spell in a dramatic start. The love song is merely an illusion genre. Field of Discourse The main topic covered in the three poems is Love. It is the uttermost crucial and prominent theme in the poems bringing about a certain resemblance. Love is an emotion and showing it varies in different ways. Mode In his coy Mistress, the poet uses a patriarchal setting technique to bring about the theme of lust. This can be termed as a song verse, and most people consider it as such while, the rising sun, and the love song fall under spoken words mode. Tenor The poets in the above poems applied metaphors in their work to imply a situation or people. On his part, Donne’s describes his involvement with the woman as Spices of India, analyzing this further; he reveals the vast reserves of western India that gives a significant value to their invaluable gems. Donne applies metaphor in his work when he refers to a winged chariot, implying a furious pace while Marvell talks of a slow and uncertain future when he talks of a desert of vast eternity. In the love song, the lonely man takes a reader through a trip to self-examination by pointing out to the sky in the evening like a patient anesthetized by the ether fumes. These philosophical writers institute in to their art of poetry new vitality by driving conclusions based in this art (Stewart, 2006). Overview These poems expose love and lust as seen by Andrew Marvell informing the reader of his undying love for his lady, with whom, he desired to have the world apart to seduce. He expresses his love in a more provocative and lust full line overshadowing the romance theme. In the rising sun, the author tells of his strong feelings for his woman (Tevdoradze, 2010). The good use of language in both poems is evident, precise and to the point. However, the verses have a rough like effects, not smooth and concise as expected, causing thoughts to be presiding over form. Andrew uses writing as a tool, to constrain the love of his life’s essence, to bear to make love before they lose touch with life and realize that it is not possible to do so. On the other hand, The Rising sun uses this tool to calm down the sun, to let him to reveal the way he feels for his lover. There are arguments in both poems, to clarify this; they employ critical analysis, religion ideology and principles to communicate romance and espionage. In his coy Mistress, the love stricken partner has a row against time and with his lady, showing his impatience. He insists that, they have limited time on earth and that they should make love while time allows it. He expresses that they cannot stop the arrow of time from moving, but they have the right to their own hands to manage its speed. John Donne does not disagree with his lady but with the sun, asking it to be patient and give him time, to express his feelings he wishes that the sun could leave and give him relevant time with his woman. In his love field, time and season do not exist; to him, love is an unconditional thing. Donne wishes the sun to retire to make time irrelevant to him and his love. Though sounding romantic, the first impression a reader gets when stumbling on the love song poem by Phillip Oto Rouge is a man or woman madly in love, writing a heartfelt song to their lovers. However, this is not the case (Alterovitz & Ramoni, 2011). This journey of a lonely man depicts an understanding of the journey, whether, physical or imaginative. A journey leads to discovering one self, their weak points and flaws. Journey can also help person gain divine nourishment. Imagery and Metaphors Divided in more than three different angles the contrasts in imagery use in poems are powerful as seen below. First, “in his coy mistress”, the singer starts in a positive note, defining his love for his lover, saying that his “vegetable love should grow”. This goes on to the intense of language when he says “then worms should try/ that long virginity” and finally, he uses passion imagery like” like amorous birds in the rising sun, John Donns, introduces “rags of time” as a metaphor showing the significance to the whole idea of love. It also bring out a methodical understanding and reducing the original pace of the poem to bring about the seriousness to the tone as well as driving attention to these stanzas. In Marvell’s desert of vast eternity, the presentation achieved is that of a fruitless future while a chariot winged conotates a high and furious pace (Ortony, 2003). Prufrock makes frantic effort to understand his existence, after realizing his isolation and insignificance. Middle age, pessimist and single, he pulls himself out from the rest of the world. The use of imagery adds to the loneliness and communion theme. By inviting the reader to follow him to his self-awareness search, he says, “When the evening spread out against the sky/like a patient etherize upon a table.” Evening in this case, point to a change in perception and time, creating a dreamlike goodness and badness throughout this poem. This quality held in the whole poem with the “yellow fog” that brings about the slowed down anesthetic feel of the poem. Using etherize imagery denotes a person in need of treatment, indicating the man is examining himself and his life as a whole. By choosing, the mermaid to sing for sailors to their death, and not himself he feels unimportant and this proves that he is suffering from an inferiority complex. This poem, having a romantic heading contradicts itself by bringing in a remarkably different theme (Lieblich, 1998). He does not argue, instead resigns himself to fate of his own creation. Evoking an intellectual and emotional answer from a reader is a task that poets have mastered. In Judy Wright’s poems, the use of proper language and poetic methods to call for response to her complex thoughts, give flaws in the surrounding and the folly of perfection. Eve and her daughter, challenge a person to ask about their role in the current world. Remittance of man, invokes the quest to a person to find his place on earth. Is a person’s post in the world that defines his true identity? Though biblical, it depicts the modern world where Adam and Eve brood about the effects of the fall from heaven to earth. The use of colloquial language and imperative is used here just like all the other poems. The change of tone from light to dark happens when Adam represents all men in the world and Eve taking charge of all women (Nord, 2005). Theme Variety Romance is a topic that is repeatedly mentioned in the work of John Donns and Andrew Marvell. Though having different opinions of passion, their arguments remain the same with time. In his coy mistress, the poet lacks patience while seducing his girlfriend; he says that he wishes to have the world alone and all the time to himself to lust after his love. He claim to have an undying love for his spouse, but still argue with her not to waste time rather, give in to his demand. His insistence about limited life left shows that what he cares most about is not even the woman but the fulfillment of his desires. He has a dispute with time asking it to allow him to enjoy eternal passion (Eagleton, 2007). The poet starts politely by declaring unending love for woman, this love he says lives eternally. He says that loving his woman cannot be left to wither by any mean. He changes his mode of talking by adding vulgarism to show how he is engulfed in his lust and ready to do anything to fulfill this. The man’s wish is to live for the longest time possible; he says that if he could be able to live for centuries and ages he would do so much for his girl just to keep her happy and satisfied. He says that his vegetable love would slowly develop in leaps and bounds for his mistress. He promises to tenderly care for the love of his life just the way a farmer does to his garden of vegetables. Loneliness theme, presented by Prufrock, he decides to withdraw from people in the disguise of finding himself. Known to be a pessimist, his excuse of finding himself was just that, an excuse, to make him go away further. Meter and Rhyme Using rhymes in his work, Marvel ensures that last syllable of stanza one rhymes with the second stanza in the last syllable. Line three last’ syllable rhymes with the last syllable in the fourth line in a couplet format. The first thing that a reader notices when reciting these poems is the way, the poets with exceptional intelligence and thought provoking questions that have challenged them to produce responses. The originality of all the arguments using logical thinking, driven by philosophical attitude and religious beliefs, to state their disputes, yet is still capable of putting romance and intelligence together forming a dramatic point in human intense experience situation. Here, arguments that are logical and rational as a way of thinking cannot stay in the same place as emotions. As a reader, the first two texts shows the level at which an individual can reach to proclaim his unending love to their partner. Having to beg the sun to give time to explore love felt by Donns, gives a feeling of helplessness in love and sadness he feels when he realizes that this might not be possible (Longacre, 2001). In his coy Mistress, I feel that the man in love was so much interested in fulfilling his fleshly desires and this was tearing him apart. He is willing to give anything just to have this lovely woman, who resorts to playing hard to get causing the impatience in the man. A person, who never thinks positively, is as unimpeachable as a dead. Emotional piety is felt towards Prufrock, when he resigns to find himself and still believing that even birds can never sing for him because he is unimportant person in the society (Thibault, 2006). A middle-aged man should have a family, but in his case, his feeling of insignificance, makes him unable to approach a woman or even people. When he invites the reader to his imaginative adventure, we notice his exhaustive unsuccessful effort (Sanders, Schilperoord & Spooren, 2001). Pictorial presentation of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvel Religious leaders worldwide have criticized, the work of this poet, claiming that it depicts disturbing pornographic images (Kim, 2006). Had we but world enough, and time, We would sit down and think which way This coyness, Mistress, were no crime I would Love you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; To walk and pass our long love's day. Thou by the Indian Ganges' side Should rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest; An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart State, Nor would I love at lower rate. . For, Lady, you deserve this But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song: then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honor turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust: The grave’s a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, Now let us sport us while we may, And now, like amorous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour Than languish in his slow-chaps power. Let us roll all our strength and all Our sweetness up into one ball, And tear our pleasures with rough strife Thorough the iron gates of life: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. Word Extracts “Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, Mistress, were no crime We would sit down and think which way to walk and pass our long love's day. Thou by the Indian Ganges' side should rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. Than languish in his slow-chaps power. In addition, you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vast than empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, but thirty thousand to the rest; Ages at least to every part, now, like amorous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour I would Love you ten years before the Flood,” To his coyness mistress by Marvell (1997). Simple Sentences 1. Had we 2. Our long Indian gangs 3. Find i 4. You should if you please, refuse Jews 5. My vegetables love should grow…and more slowly 6. Praise thine eyes 7. Amorous bird of prey 8. I would love you 9. Complain Compound Sentences We would sit down and think Which way to walk and pass our long love's day. Than languish in his slow-chaps power. And you should Vast than empires, and more slow; Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; Complex Sentences 1. Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, 2. We would sit down and think which way to walk and pass our long love's day. 3. Than languish in his slow-chaps power. And you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews 4. Rather at once our time devour I would Love you ten years before the Flood 5. Ages at least to every part, now, like amorous birds of prey, 6. My vegetable love should grow Vast than empires, and more slow 7. An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; 8. Two hundred to adore each breast, but thirty thousand to the rest; First, assembling and analyzing in details a verbal text, helped in showing clause ranks and how sentences dominates on each other. Simple sentences have an enormous effect on the way sentences are arranged. Complex sentences also play a vital role in the establishment of proper and complete sentences (Hirsch, 2000). An independent clause that is simple sentences consists of a verb and a noun subject, giving a thorough expression of thinking. In the first sentence, ‘had’ is used to show verb while ‘we’ is a subject.Verbs are a doing word, an action performed by a subject. Subject can also be referred as a noun or the name of people, places and countries (Agouridēs, 2006). Joining two independent clauses by the use of coordinators builds Compound sentences. When using coordinators, students are encouraged to put commas before placing these coordinators, except in short phrases. In the case above, ‘we will sit down and think’ commas are not used because they are in their shortest forms. A complex clause consists of a simple sentence held by one or even more dependent clauses. This subordination when starting a sentence requires a comma at the end of any independent clause. If they are placed in the middle of a sentence then commas are not necessary, placing a comma before subordinators are grammatically incorrect. In this sentence,’ Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness’, a comma is used just before adding an ‘and showing the importance of subordinators in a sentence. ‘Two hundred to adore each breast, but thirty thousand to the rest’ does not need a comma because it is a complete sentence. This analysis gives insight into the above extracts and shows arrangement of sentences in the poem and the study as a whole. Being able to identify, subordinators, dependent clause, complex and compound in “to his coy mistress” is tremendously beneficial to me as a writer. The skills obtained from this analysis enable the researcher to write smart simple, compound and complex sentences without any problems. To put across ideas in a precise and accurate manner, and having fun with a variety of sentences, bringing about flexibility is achieved by this sampling and analysis. Using the above text, introducing inference approach to lessons, creates a mental picture and practical meaning from a text. Combining previous knowledge and currently learnt to study help because, a unique blend in interpretation presents itself. This presentation improves organizational knowledge of students when handling both English and other subjects. Making inference enhances, the students ability to generate a personal feel and exact meaning of the occurrence, this is particularly beneficial as far as comprehension is concerned. To achieve this also, assists in getting a deeper interpretation of literature and connecting to day to day life meanings. Keen observation wisdom influences children influence of inference, in their natural way of thinking (Hirsch, 2000). In the texts analysis, emphasizing the importance of a theme in any genre of writing in the organization of a text addressed above. Theme is what the writer talks about in the entire text; everything revolves around it in a text. It also points out to a reader what they can expect in a clause. Following the sampling and analysis of the texts, a theme is identified as the major issues before a main verb and rheme as the main thing after the main verb. The two focal points highlighted in this analysis, repetition avoidance and information introduction. Encouraging students to provide themes in its different forms, by not applying only one theme through the entire paragraph in reference to a place, idea or even a person must be emphasized. A Writer’s logical relationship with a sentence on the final part of a clause picking and revisiting a theme earlier in their paragraph makes a following clause. References Agouridēs, S. (2006). Text and interpretation. London: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Alterovitz, G., & Ramoni, M. (2011). Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics: From Analysis to Interpretation. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Eagleton, T. (2007). How to read a poem. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Hirsch, E. (2000). How to read a poem: and fall in love with poetry. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kim, H. G. (2006). Text analysis: as a means of understanding translated texts. New York: UMIST. Lieblich, A. (1998). Narrative research: reading, analysis and interpretation. London: SAGE. Longacre, R. E. (2001). Text analysis. Texas: University of Texas at Austin. Marvell, A. (1997). "To his coy mistress" and other poems. New York: Courier Dover Publications. Nord, C. (2005). Text analysis in translation: theory, methodology, and didactic application of a model for translation-oriented text analysis. London: Rodopi. Ortony, A. (2003). Metaphor and thought. London: Cambridge University Press. Sanders, T., Schilperoord, J., & Spooren, W. (2001). Text representation: linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects. New York: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Stewart, W. (2006). Imagery and symbolism in counseling. New York: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Tevdoradze, N. (2010). The principles of text analysis and interpretation. New York: Ilia State University. Thibault, A. (2006). Multimodal transcription and text analysis: a multimedia toolkit and coursebook. London: Equinox Publishing. Read More
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