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Your Lot in Life - Assignment Example

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According to the essay: "the cost of daycare is an important cause for concern to George, at a time, when he is planning for a new car. In spite of the Government’s program for subsidizing the cost of childcare is increasing year by year. Most of the parents are forced to unlicensed childcare centers."…
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Your Lot in Life
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Your Lot in Life Dear Rosy How are you and George! Give my kisses to Pinky. Convey my enquiries to your mother-in-law. I have to thank her for the special dessert she prepared for John and he loved and remembers it! When you have cautioned me about John’s day care, I didn’t realize the whole lot of problems involved. Now I am worried about the cost, changes in daily routine, and his speech problem in particular. Speech Problem By March 1st John complete two years, but he is yet to speak. His vocabulary consists of very few words, that too rudimentary in nature. I understand speech is very much related to hearing. But, I have to say that his reaction to sounds and noise is very fast, and, I see no problem in his hearing. But, Alex wants to have it checked up medically. We are planning to fix up an appointment with an ENT specialist next week. I am of the view this is due to the environment. There are no companions for him in his age group to play with. There is no chatter box like Mitty, your mother-in-law in our house, who speaks on anything to everybody, even to puppy and kitty all day long! Poor John, wherefrom can he learn? Alex spends little time with him, but they were happy together and John babbles a lot and giggles when he is with Alex. It is a great sight to enjoy. Alas, he has not enough time to spend with the kid. My worry is now about communication. The child should be in a position to communicate with the people around him. He must be in a position to attract the attention of others when it is needed. Otherwise, he may have to endure hardships in the place where he has to spend three or four hours a day. He should not suffer on account of this problem in the day care. Also, he should not be viewed as ‘abnormal’ by the care takers and become a source of problem. However, for his age, he is cooperative in nature and understands the instructions or advices, and behaves properly. Therefore, I am hopeful that he would adjust to the situations well. Timings Another issue is ‘timings’. Somebody has to leave him with the care taker and bring him back. Delays on either case are not viewed kindly by the caretakers as they have to concentrate their efforts on the next batch of the kids. Also, we have to make arrangements in such a manner so that one of us would be in home to feed him, attend to him and take care of him in the residence. For me in my hospital where I am working, there are three shifts. But, Alex has no shift system in his office, and it is always day shift that starts by 10-00 AM. For working parents, making arrangements for the pick-up and drop is the greatest problem in addition to the financial problems. The timings are short, naturally so, on account of the age factor, and the difficulty arises out of adjusting the time with the children’s day care. Our parents’ place is far off from here. This is our own flat, and we are not in a position to shift our residence to a place near my parents, so that they can take care of John in our absence. Moreover, the flat is conveniently located near my hospital and Alex’s office. In my letter, I think I will be in a position to explain about the arrangement to be made in this regard. Cost of Childcare The cost of daycare is an important cause for concern to George, at a time, when he is planning for a new car. In spite of the Government’s program for subsidizing the cost of childcare is increasing year by year. Most of the parents are forced to unlicensed childcare centers. But, the quality of the service of these caretakers is questionable. It is the national problem as you said last time. It is mentioned in "Parents and the High Price of Child Care: 2009 Update," the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies found that families are paying more per month for child care than they are for food and the average cost of other household expenses. (The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies) The slumping economy is applicable to all the USA. Not only the low income group people are facing the cost factor as prohibitive, but also the middle income group people finds it very difficult to cope with the mortgages, credit card payments and the household expenses under the inflationary situation prevailing in the country. The adjustments in timing also put pressure on income many times. However, in order to reduce the cost, we can’t compromise on the quality of day care to our children. Do you know MN Has 3rd Highest Child-Care Costs In Nation? ‘the average yearly cost to have two children in day care was above 22,000 dollars… James Carlson, director of public policy for Child Care Works, says finding affordable and quality care is difficult in Minnesota…’ (The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies) I don’t know how new laws passed in the last legislative session will help offset the high costs. While gathering information, I understand that the Quality Rating System for Child Care and Early Education by the government for gradation of the child care centers is in the draft level only in Minnesota and may take some time for implementation. Therefore, I think I have to travel a lot around my residence and visit several day care homes before taking a final decision in this regard. I don’t know whether Alex would be in a position to help me as he is in day shift. With love, Lisa Dear Lisa I would like to see John! Thank you for your letter, after so many days. Mitty is very angry at you. She complains about you to Pinky and Julie, the pup. Now Pinky also speaks to Julie and says, ‘Julie! You have no respect for elders like Lisa aunt. Listen what I say.’ But, you should remember that Mitty was a Nanny for about three decades. She swears that John has no hearing problem. His mental and vocal faculties are excellent as well. She insists that the parents should constantly speak to their children. Children are good observers and copy cats. Her heart goes for John, lamenting, ‘poor John with irresponsible parents’ Respect the children’s needs Mitty says that the children do have social life like us. It is our responsibility to provide it. Children want to see the world like us. They also want to communicate with others. The day care centre provides solution for all their needs. A proper day care centre mentally prepares them to spend their remaining time in their homes with these memories. If the parents are willing to interact with them, they will tell their parents about their friends, their experience in day care centre and often ask questions about so many things. The day care is worth the cost, considering the benefits. Break-up of the cost into its elements such as rent, overheads, salary for nanny and the assistants, etc. indicates that the business is about livelihood of love dedication, not margins and profits. For example a nanny is entitled to a decent salary and one should not be very calculative about it. (Nanny says!) Child not speaking at age 2 With the help of George I worked on the subject, and I notice lot of material available for study. During your last visit just a month ago you mentioned the problem. I am also confident there is no hearing or speech problem with John. He understands many things, spelt out clearly ‘mama’ and Pinky as Inky and tried to speak. Robledo states, ‘Between ages 2 and 3, her working vocabulary will increase to about 300 words (though she'll understand up to 900 words) … Reading to your child is a great way to boost her language skills.’ Since John has no hearing or speech problem, I feel Mitty is right when she says, ‘there is no body to speak to poor John’. You have to allocate some time daily to speak to him and train him in speech. There are number of parents worried about this problem. However, it appears in most of the cases, the problem is with the parents only. If the mother is a house wife, or there is elderly people like grand dad or grand mother in the house a normal child would not have this is problem. Otherwise, the child is simply lacking the opportunity to listen to others and imitate. In ‘Mom Answers’ many worried parents like you come with their questions, and get answers from the reader who are parents like us, Doctors, child psychologists , etc. and offer ideas or solutions which are useful. (Baby Center). According to William O. Haynes, Michael J. Moran and Rebekah Pindzola (2006), the causes may be due to speech problems, hearing problems, language problems or academic problems. The book renders practical advices and stresses the role of the classroom teacher in identification, assessment and treatment. It describes about the degree of problem in hearing, other factors responsible and the five stages of Development of speech sounds and phonology. It also discusses the problem with reference to presentation, environment, response, strategy and treatment. You can also consult a pediatric speech and language specialist, if you are not convinced or if you have any specific doubts in your mind. No substitute for parents Mitty is of the opinion that there is no substitute for parents care to the child. The habits, manners and the behavior of the child are mostly derived by the children from their parents. Their care and brought up in the house influences their behavior in the child care centre. A two years old child can be involved in the activities in home by constant conversation with them. Involvement in activities mean interacting with the child when you are cleaning table, washing cloths and doing other domestic chores, because we can’t allocate time for the children, especially in the case of working women. With love Rosy Dear Rosy Thank you for your efforts to help John, and I love you and George. Give my kisses to little Pinky. I am grateful to Mitty for her wisdom and advice. In fact I view her and her experience in new dimension. Initially, we planned to go for a family child care because of the flexible timings. But, I could visualize the reaction of Mitty in my mind and struck with guilt. We decided to devote more time for John for few years till he manages on his own. Where there is a will, there is a way. I have decided to sacrifice the day shift and work only in the first and third shifts, so that one of us will be in home to take care of the kid. Shift adjustment is not a problem as I forego a preferred day shift 8 to 4. We are planning for a Nursery or Pre school program run on part time basis. I have to leave the child in the child care center, and Alex being always in the day shift would pick up the kid on his way back home. ‘The children have an opportunity to socialize with other children their own age and engage in a variety of organized activities.’ (Minnesota Child Care Resource and Referral Network) There are also ‘Early Childhood Special Education programs and services’ available for the children, and I am giving the details. Minnesota Child Care Resource & Referral Network 380 Lafayette Frontage Road, Suite 103, Saint Paul, MN 55107 T: (651) 290-9704 F: (651) 290-9785 Toll free: (866) 807-6021 Email: At this point, we should also appreciate the government’s efforts in providing assistance to low income group to cope up with the child care through Child Care Assistance Program of Minnesota department of human services. Pre school curriculum Can you believe I carefully read the pre school curriculum! Actually, it never occurred to me that there would be curriculum sort of thing for a two year old baby. But, I realize that these are not lessons, and there is no competition involved to cause you any concern. There are number of themes that would be fun and interesting to kids. ‘In covering the Learning Objectives, your child will be involved in activities that promote Language and Communication Development, Cognitive Development, Creativity and the Arts, Physical Development, and Personal and Social Development.’ (La Petite Academy). Early preschool program prepares the kids for preschool. Understanding children, their needs and their mind must be a great job that requires lot of imaginations, patience, perseverance, love and dedication. Even working in a hospital and dealing mostly with grown people some times results in frustration. On comparison, now I realize the efforts and energy involved in dealing with the kids. Child care providers in Minneapolis and cost ‘A family in the United States with one infant faced average prices in 2008 of $4,560 to $15,895 a year for center-based child care… In every region of the United States, average child care fees for an infant were higher than the average amount that families spent on food.’ (naccrra 1) According to naccrra cost for an infant in a child care center in Minnesota comes to $ 14,300/- (36) gives a list of Child care providers within Minneapolis area. All are working on part time basis and the cost per hour is $ 10 to 15. There are many centers available within 10 miles radius, and travel from residence, George’s office or from my hospital to the center would be convenient. The timings are very flexible and suit our plan. I am giving below the profiles of two such child care providers. In my selection I have excluded the young people below 35 and old people above 50 for obvious reasons. Morgan S Minneapolis, MN 6 miles away, 39 years old 10 years experience, Full-time $10-$15/hour Lisa H Saint Paul, MN 9 miles away, 35 years old, 10 years experience, Part-time, $10-$20/hour Both are experienced, qualified to do the job, young with enough maturity and additional services provided. Late afternoon timings 3pm to 6pm provided by them suits us. The prices charged by both these centers are more or less in line with nccrra studies, and on annual basis, it works out to $11700, part time (3hrs8$15ph*5days*52weeks). According to the journal Mediline Plus ‘It is important to get to know your child's caregivers. They will be a big part of your child's life. The caregiver's training should involve Knowledge of how young children learn and grow Positive, consistent discipline Knowledge of the signs that a child is sick Cleanliness and safety practices to help keep kids from getting sick or hurt Basic first aid’ These caregivers have background check on file with Just now I have sent a message to this caregiver, and I am planning have a check. ‘A background check includes verification of name, social security number, and a search of state and local criminal records including sex offender registries.’ ( There is a children’s Speech Care Center Website, dealing with all types of language impairments and disorders. ‘The purpose of this site is to provide useful information concerning specific aspects of pediatric Speech and Language disorders.’ (Children Speech Care Center) Location of Facility Children's Speech Care Center 3521 Lomita Blvd., Suite 201 Torrance, CA 90505 Voice: 310.856.8528 Fax: 310.856.8532 George is planning to visit this facility during his official visit to their company’s branch in this place next week. However, we have decided to pay a visit to Alexander Centre of Park Nicollet Health Services in Minneapolis with the kid, and have a comprehensive checkup. I have given all the details for you to discuss with Mitty and George in details, and give your feed back. With love Lisa Reference The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. Economy Having Adverse Effect on Child Care in Alabama. 2010 2 Apr. 2010 The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. MN Has 3rd Highest Child-Care Costs In Nation. 2010 2 Apr. 2010 Minnesota Child Care Association Minnesota Quality Rating System Information. 2009. 2 Apr. 2010 Robledo, S. Jhoanna, Developmental milestone: Talking. San Francisco, CA 94107, 2010. 3 Apr 2010 Baby Center. Mom Answers, 2010. 3 Apr 2010 Hershfield, Bruce, and Karen Selman. Child Day Care. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997. Reeves, Diane Lindsey. Child Care Crisis: A Reference Handbook. Contemporary world issues. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 1992. Haynes, William O., Michael J. Moran, and Rebekah H. Pindzola. Communication Disorders in the Classroom: An Introduction for Professionals in School Settings. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006. Pediatric Speech & Language Specialists. Welcome to pediatric speech and language specialists 2010. 3 Apr 2010 Minnesota Child Care Resource and Referral Network. Finding Child Care in Minnesota 2010. 3 Apr 2010 Minnesota department of human services. Child Care Assistance Program 2010. 3 Apr 2010 La Petite Academy. The Preschool Curriculum, 3 Apr 2010 Child Care Providers in Minneapolis, MN (55401) 2010. 3 Apr 2010;jsessionid=7C0C94515EC9D89FBEE62DF3EA569B9A.app3?care=child-care-babysitter-nanny Mediline Plus. Child Care 2010, 4 Apr 2010. National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. Parents and the high price of child care 2009. 4 Apr 2010. Appendix 7Urban and Rural Costs for Infants and 4-Year-Olds in a Center Children's Speech Care Center. Helping Children Communicate with the World 2010. 4 Apr 2010 Park Nicollet Health Services Alexander Center 2010. 4 Apr 2010 Read More
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