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Reaction on the Central Station - Essay Example

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The essay "Reaction on the Central Station" focuses on the critical analysis of the major peculiarities of the author's reaction to the movie Central Station, the ever-typical story of a mean, the old, and miserable person being turned by a humble, innocent, and extraordinary character…
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Reaction on the Central Station
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Due to her seemingly ‘disturbed’ personality, Dora has intentionally made irrational and cynical decisions. She also found several difficult crossroads along the way to become the better woman she was at the end of the story. Most of the time, these crossroads entailed decisions involving the ‘extraordinary’ character, Josue, a nine-year-old kid wanting to find his father.

Even at the beginning of the story, Dora had already affected Josue’s life by nearly selling him off to a known child abuser. This affected her friends, who in turn, got her conscience and prod her to regain the poor kid. The second instance was when she planned to leave Josue for good. Fortunately, her stubbornness changed, and finally took the responsibility of taking him back to his father. This decision was a turning point, making her bond with Josue much closer. At last, when Josue finally reached his home and family, it was evident that Dora’s disposition changed tremendously. She was not that old and bitter woman anymore. Instead, she became a compassionate person who has learned to love a child as her own. Indeed, her decisions in life brought significance to her character.

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