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Always on by Sherry Turkle - Essay Example

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The average person cannot live without technology. The chapter entitled Always On focuses on the cyborgs of society…
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Always on by Sherry Turkle
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? "Always on" by Sherry Turkle February 28, Outline Introduction Cyborg (Online) Technology Multitasking benefits of Cyborg world Side effects of Always One technology Critical Evaluation of the position adopted in the essay Conclusion Introduction Information technology increases the information transfer speed. The research delves on cyborg technology. The research delves on importance of implementing information technology. Information technology must always be on in order to keep pace with the current information technology transfer speed. Summary of the Essay Cyborg technology The chapter entitled Always On focuses on the cyborgs of society (Turkle 151). The average person cannot live without technology. The people always leave their technology gadgets always on. The average cyborg is a typical teenage kid strolling everywhere, especially within the school campus. The cyborg can be easily spotted in the crowd. The cyborg carries computers in the backpacks. The backpacks also include radio transmitters and computer keyboards. The cyborg persons attach their digital displays on their eyeglasses. There are other telltale signs of the cyborg person. The cyborg person is continually connected to the internet. The internet is used for communicating with people located in many locations around the world (Turkle 162). The world may include within the university premises, in New York, California, Texas, or Virginia. The world may also include Japan, China, Russia, Canada, United Kingdom, or Vietnam (Turkle151). Multitasking benefits of Cyborg world The cyborg teenagers learned to adapt to the seemingly cumbersome world of the cyborg generation’s multitasking capabilities (Turkle 164). Admittedly, the non-cyborg students do not carry the heavy computer laptops, keyboards, headphones, and other computer devices on their person, including backpacks or big bags. Consequently, they do not have to carry the heavy computer devices. On the other hand, the computer technology nerds sacrifice carrying heavy laptop backs in exchange for speed. With the internet connection, the cyborg can easily search for any information. Upon finding the required information, the cyborg teenager can use the new information to answer the college assignments, video conference, download videos, etc. The college assignments include writing essays, seat works, course works, and dissertations. Side effects of Always One technology There are side effects of modern day Always on (cyborg) technology (Turkle 152). One of the side effects is injury or discomfort on the cyborg person. The cyborg student may develop wounds from the constant banging of the computer devices on their bodies. Lindman props up the cyborg students as our modern heroes. The new heroes bravely accept the effect of the cyborg technology. The effects include being bruised by the constant banging of the computer devices on their shoulders, backs, and other related body parts. Further, the faculty members of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were understandably on the side of the cyborg generation. The professors could easily send their messages to the cyborg student using online technology. Online technology includes sending messages through yahoo mail, google male, or other email websites. The professors could send the school assignments through the university website. The students can log on to the school website and open the professors’ online lessons, topics, and other class discussions (Turkle 151). III. Critical evaluation of the position adopted in the essay: state your evaluation. The Sherry Turkle’s thesis stating the information technology should always be turned on is rightfully very persuasive. Turkle rightfully observes that the cyborgs enjoy their current unbridled world of information technology (Turkle 151). The cyborg is not tied down to the limited spaces of the desk job world. The cyborg also replaced the cable-based internet technology with wireless internet services. With wireless technology, the cyborg can easily research for the latest information technology topics while on the run. On the run includes searching for online internet information while riding the plane. On the run also includes surfing the internet while strolling across the street towards the nearest McDonalds hamburger restaurant. Upon reaching the restaurant, the cyborg student hurriedly gobbles pancakes and drink hot chocolate. During the meal, the cybor peers on the google account to find if there are any email messages. Finding the online university library’s assigned textbook, the cyborg downloads the ebooks onto the cyborg student’s computer. This is the very essence of the life of the cyborg kid. Further, Sherry Turkle correctly mentions that some of the cyborg teenagers live in the best of both worlds. The two worlds are the physical world and the online information technology world. In the physical world, the students read a physical printout of the university textbooks. In the information technology world, the cyborg students scrutinize the ebook downloads of the university books (Turkle 152). Furthermore, the author correctly opines that cyborg teenagers may succumb to the debilitating scars of the cyborg devices. However, they cyborg have learned to adapt (Turkle 151). Adapting includes making the best of the situation. The cyborg loyalists feel the countless benefits of being part of the heavy cyborg generation far overpowers the side effects of joining the new world cyborg group. The cyborg teenagers accepted their new world characterized by simply not complaining. Instead, the cyborg teenagers have decided don the attitude of patience. Being patient is to happily wait for a more opportune time to rest their body from carrying the heavy computer devices on their backs. Additionally, the patient cyborg students offer confidence-building reasons for their having to enthusiastically carrying the heavy computer device from their home or fraternity rooms to the university campuses. Additionally, the author rightfully insists that information technology, as loyally espoused by the cyborg generation, is a viable tool for being prepared to increasing complex information environment. With the increasing flow of information within the enlarging global environment, the people are deluged with tons and tons of information. The information can be classified under two major groups. The first group is the relevant information. The people need the relevant information to enhance their decision making activities. The relevant information materially guides the people to improve their problem solving activities (Turkle 152). Moreover, the Always On author correctly persuades those who oppose the cyborg technology to embrace the new information technology trend. The same author insists that those who oppose entry into the cyborg world will lose more if they do not accept the cyborg technology. The author opines that the people should not be afraid of the confusing world of the cyborg generation. The author insists that the human brain will greatly benefit from the information technology experience of the new generation (Turkle 153). Further, the author rightfully states that the cyborg technology will improve the learning process. The new technology has made the parents and children more confidently secure with the learning process. The people can access any information from any location by just turning on the internet. The new technology has made the global communication quicker and more enjoyable. The technology includes the use of Iphones for internet online research activities (Turkle 152). Furthermore, the same author correctly theorizes that the new cyborg technology allows the people to experiment with new technologies. The internet allows the fast transfer of technology from one location to another. The University of Southern California cyborg student can access online information from the different universities within the United States. Similarly, the same cyborg students can access the university research topics from online websites from Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and France (Turkle 154). Likewise, the same author rightfully states that the second group is the irrelevant information (Turkle 158). The people will not need the uninvited deluge of information. For example, the engineer does not need information relating to fairy tales such as Alice and Wonderland, Snow white, Superman, Batman, and other irrelevant stories. The cyborg technology helps the cyborg teenagers weed out the irrelevant information from the relevant information. Carrying ten kilos of physical books is more burdensome when compared to the cyborg students’ lightweight ebook downloads. Conclusion Summarizing the above discussion, information (cyborg) technology enhances the information transfer delivery speed. The cyborg technology typifies teenagers carrying heavy computer devices on their persons. The people will stand to benefit from the faster online information transfer. Evidently, information technology should be always turned on to keep abreast of the latest relevant information technology learning in our fast paced world. Work Cited: Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. New York: Basic Books, 2011.Print. 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