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I am Ms/Mr. _________ _________, working as a receptionist for the last four years at the Reggis hair salon in Kingston. It was my first job that I joined in the year 2007. Currently, I am also pursuing a course on Marketing Communications at Westminster University, and have plans to improve my academic performance in the next year. I am a learner and would like to focus on the skills like – critical thinking, numeracy, and team working - where I need to improve myself.
It is also necessary to figure oneself as a part of the problem and look at it from different viewpoints (Halpern & Riggio, 2002, p.214). Hence, in order to improve my critical thinking ability, I would try to follow the above-mentioned approach.
I also intend to improve my numerical abilities by working very hard on problems, making time for more practice, deciding on my weaker areas thereby stressing more on them. It will also be necessary for me to practice several tests by organizing time to check my improvements (Bryon, 2008, p.8-12). Another issue on which I would focus to improve my performance in the next year is to understand the value of team-based learning and working in teams. Through team-based working, students or employees can work together on problems and solve them which helps them to face complex problems at ease. (Michaelsen, Knight & Fink, 2002, pp.20-21).
A View about Myself:
The performance recorded during my school years show that Arts related subjects have always been my strength. On the contrary, science-related subjects have not fetched me very good marks. My interest also lay in the area of humanities or arts subjects. My skills with numeric assignments and even English needed some improvement. Mathematics scores of GCSE are given extreme importance in the case of jobs. Schools often decide for the students regarding the level of mathematics that a student should enter in GCSE (Johnston-Wilder, Johnston-Wilder, and Pimm, 2010, p.143). Hence during my school years, I believe my performance was fairly good with my outcomes being better in the subjects of English, Literature, Art, Design, and History. I would rate myself 7-8 on a scale of 0-10 to judge my performance in these fields. With my interests in fields like Art, English, and Design, I had preferred to choose business management and communications as my subjects for my future studies in college. As my results show, I have fairly got the Merits in the different fields of study. I feel that the competencies in these fields were important for me to relate to my career goals. I have already completed my two courses on Business studies which are the Foundation of Business and Business Management. Now I am pursuing the Marketing Communications course which I intend to complete in another year. I have been working with a Hair Salon in Kingston for the last four years as a receptionist. This job has helped me to a great extent in improving skills such as communications, presentation, and the use of different computer software and time management.
My Future Plans:
With the completion of the current ongoing course, I intend to join the communication business sector where I wish to perform with my knowledge on both communications and business management. Com