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Brown Vs. Board Comes Up Again - Case Study Example

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In the paper “Brown Vs. Board Comes Up Again” the author looks at old court cases to help this country steer itself in the right direction. Those who say slavery and it’s out branching roots are long dead are quite wrong. The question at had is affirmative action for different colors…
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Brown Vs. Board Comes Up Again
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The other side argues that they are trying to integrate schools as said by Brown vs. Board. They see it as trying to keep segregation from happening, not making it happen. The case was defeated in two smaller courts but now is in the hands of the Supreme Court. Ethically, the lines between the two sides are muddled, unclear, and hard to walk. The most taken ethical standpoint is that all segregation is wrong. The idea that segregation is ethical would not cross many minds at all. In fact, the ideas of ethics combat the very ideals of segregation at the core.

Segregation always makes one side left out and short-changed, not a very ethical standpoint at all. The Supreme Court has huge ethical obligations here. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial power in the country, and being so its rulings at looked at with great esteem and should be made with the proper wisdom and patience of any such huge decision. The Courts also have the ethical obligation to review all the facts and the stories of both sides, to make sure that this case is done fairly and receives its proper due process of law.

Ethically the people on the court have a duty to the people in the case, the people on each side of the argument, and really the entire country. If an incorrect or hasty decision was to be made, the ill effects would ripple through the country, and possibly have ill effects on the future and other decisions. The image of the Court as a high ruling power may also be tarnished if the proper ethical obligations are not held.This ruling is to have far-reaching effects, as it turns out many schools use such programs to help keep schools even.

How ever, is it fair to say that a policy that tries to support integration is unfair to some kids If kids are not allowed in a school because of color, that is segregation. However, maybe the policy simply needs to be revised and looked at, and parts of it change. I do not think the parents are upset over the entire policy, just the fact of the affirmative action and their kids not being accepted based on color. The obligations of the court must be to the Constitution and other ethical material.

This ruling could affect many school policies, and could also have the potential to stop affirmative action for students of color on the high school, or any level. This is going to be an interesting case, and the outcome will be a milestone for the future of affirmative action.

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