Adult Crime, Adult Time by Linda J Collier Article. Retrieved from
Adult Crime, Adult Time by Linda J Collier Article.
Collier argues that it is essential that the federal, as well as state laws concerning young criminals, should be reframed and the current juvenile justice system should be changed. Accordingly, there is a major overhaul of juvenile justice laws because violent crimes are becoming more prevalent among the junior set. The arguments made by Linda J Collier who is a lawyer who has worked in the juvenile court should be treated with great significance. In comparison, the second article, "Little Adult Criminals", makes a view opposite to that of the first, and this article claims that it is unjustifiable to send a 14-year-old child to adult prisons for twenty-five years or more.
According to the author of the article, such a justice system only makes these children lifetime criminals. The article maintains that the current juvenile justice system in the country has looked into various aspects of the question and the system has traditionally acted in the best interest of the minors. Accordingly, various studies have proved that minors who have gone through the juvenile justice system, with its emphasis on rehabilitation through counseling, mentoring, education, and vocational training, are less likely to offend again.
"A sensible approach is to have minors convicted in criminal court serve time in juvenile detention facilities, and have their sentences reviewed when they come of age. The juvenile justice system is charged with determining an individual's level of culpability, and it must factor a minor's age into that equation." (Little Adult Criminals, 2001). Therefore, it is important to realize that the article makes an important point concerning little adult criminals who must be treated according to their age.
In conclusion, both the articles, "Adult Crime, Adult Time" and "Little Adult Criminals", make important arguments about the juvenile justice system in the country today. It is essential to make a judicious conclusion about the kind of punishment given to a child according to the gravity of the crime committed.
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