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The Issue of Human Rights That Prevails around Equality and Diversity - Essay Example

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The paper "The Issue of Human Rights That Prevails around Equality and Diversity" states that the issues of human rights and diversity must be scrutinized in the areas of people belonging to certain nationalities who are subjected to more rigorous checks and balances during airport procedures…
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The Issue of Human Rights That Prevails around Equality and Diversity
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?Running Head: Human Rights Human Rights [Institute’s Human Rights The modern day world promotes the concept of equality and justice for all and seeks to enhance a human being’s insight into what he/she should expect from life and the way he/she should demand to be treated. Previously and even now in many places, people are not aware of their rights and are not even aware of what their country’s constitution has promised them or the benefits that have already been highlighted for them. Many people take life and the treatment they receive in its stride and just hope that one day things will look up for them. Many people today are victims of biasness, prejudice, unfair and unequal treatment due to several reasons. Surprisingly, while we perceive the world to be a progressive place and a tolerant environment for diversity, there are very visible signs of an abuse of human rights in some of the most progressive and successful nations of the world (Buchanan, pg. 80-82, 2005). The problem or the issue that prevails is that no one seems to be standing up for such clear biasness and mistreatment in society. Today’s world does not show the determination, bravery, and diligence of people such as Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and many other people who have taken a stand for an issue of human rights (Donelly, pg. 25, 2003). While the issues relating to human rights are numerous and biasness may exist based upon gender, age, ethnicity, skin color, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, beliefs, values, lifestyle, and many other categories, the people of the 21st century do not seem to be taking a very active stand against such mistreatment and intolerance expressed towards individuals in different positions all over the world. The belief that all human beings are equal and should be given equal treatment is no more prevalent. In fact, inequality is promoted and exposed openly on various occasions. Attitudes of ethnocentrism and self centeredness show that people are apathetic towards what state other human beings around the globe are in. Their main concern is being the best for themselves and for their own good and are not even minutely concerned about how people are being treated around the world. The only time they will show a slight bit of concern, is when one of their basic human rights is denied to them. Many humans across the globe are denied the right to freedom, equal opportunities, food, shelter, education, and a proper place in society. They may also be denied the right to express their opinion, travel the world, or practice their own religion. However, many people think that human rights are a relative term and vary with the perception of an individual. While some people may perceive something as a basic right, other people may perceive it as a luxury. The dilemma today is how to bridge the gap between these two divergent ways of life and to enable all people in the world to be treated equally (Rieser & Mason, pg. 75-80, 1992). The aim of this paper is to discuss the issue of human rights that prevails around equality and diversity. The saying that “beauty lies in differences” is very true in every regard as if everyone was the same, then the world would be a very boring place. Beauty is discovered through different colors, genders, personalities, ethnicities, languages, lifestyles, and any other differences which may set someone apart from another person. If everyone was the same, beauty could not be found as there would be no basis for someone to be better at something than the other or someone possessing a certain skill or feature that would set them apart from others. To be beautiful is to be different and according to the Human Rights law of many progressive countries, everyone has a right to be who they are and deserve just as much as any other person as long as they are not harming any other individual unfairly to attain that benefit (Donelly, pg. 15-16, 2003). Underdeveloped countries such as countries in Africa and Asia have no particular regard for human rights. Many of them do not tolerate diversity and scorn people who seem different in any manner, which they do not think is appropriate. People who are disabled, do not have a straight sexual orientation, or belong to a certain socio-economic group may not get equal opportunities in these regions and no law protects them from being treated in this manner (Bremms, pg. 312, 2001). Unfortunately, the progressive nations of the world or continents to be more precious are not exactly perfect in such regards either. Although they may claim to be extremely tolerant and fair nations, people are disrespected and violated on a daily basis in such nations. All of these biases and prejudices exist because of differences and diversity in people. Hence, intolerance causes an abuse of human rights while human beings should all be treated equally and given equivalent rights (Cronston, pg. 156, 1973). Diversity and Sexual Orientation: One basic group of people that are distinctively different from others or considered diverse from the accepted standard are those that are homosexual. While attraction and mating with the opposite sex is a required instinct of nature, people who are different in such respects and are attracted to people of the same gender are considered to be different and in many cases unacceptably different. There is quite a bit of uproar in the issue of tolerance towards such individuals. Whole some social groups complain that these people should be given equal rights and should be treated as any other people. However, such people may not be given apartments on rent, people do not want to live close to them, they may not be offered jobs in some places, and moreover they are scorned, taunted, teased, and physically abused in many cases (Benhabib, pg. 56-65, 2002). A big issue concerning human rights and gay marriages has recently been prevalent in countries such as the United States. Homosexual couples demand the right to be legally married just as any other standard “normal” couple would be given the right to be. However, this issue was quite over stretched as the issue of whether such rights should be given to people of the same gender or not. Since the USA is a land of diversity and promotes “justice and equality” for all as per its Constitution, there was a major debate in defense of gay marriages. Many people supported the idea that people who are different should be given the same rights as others, hence gay marriages should be tolerated and legalized (Lauterpacht, pg.312, 1950). Hence, gay marriages were legalized in a few states of the USA, particularly California which is home to many gay couples. However, such debates would not be tolerated in other more conservative nations such as Muslim countries who absolutely do not tolerate such differences in sexual orientation as it is regarded as a grave sin (Buchanan, pg. 75, 2005). Many places in Europe do not express tolerance towards gay people and lesbians as there are many instances of crimes known as male rape and even instances of killings or physical abuse aimed towards gay individuals. While countries such as the UK and Europe try to ensure fairness by asking the specific question regarding sexual orientation on job application forms and they claim that this is to ensure that everyone is given an equal chance at attaining the job, there are many instances where people of a homosexual orientation are not given jobs as they are perceived to be different and not agreeable for customers (Cronston, pg. 26-27, 1973). Despite the problem of being given unequal opportunities, many homosexuals are constantly taunted, teased, and abused in school, colleges, universities, and discriminated against when it comes to purchasing/renting a home, doing business with someone, or social interaction. There are many other instances of equality and diversity which are a cause for a violation of human rights. Another violated category of diverse people include people with disabilities. Equality and Disabilities: Another violated group of individuals that are perceived differently from other people are those that have certain disabilities. These disabilities may be physical such as eye problems, walking problems, stuttering, speech impairments, diseases, and other disabilities. Disabilities may also be mental such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or many other learning disabilities that prevent a person from being an active part of society. Such people are shunned from society, abused, and not given opportunities of education and help as they would deserve according to the rights outlined in the Human Rights Act. A person suffering from a disability has the right to medical treatment and a chance to progress in life just as others do. If he/she is not able to attain economic equality with others, he/she may at least be able to get a fair chance at social equality and be treated with the same respect and favor as others are. He/she has the right to be safe and harm-free from the hands of others and live a peaceful life without being taunted, shunned, or ignored by other people (Dobzhansky, pg. 89-91, 1973). However, unfortunately, little regard is paid towards this issue as people with disabilities suffer every day. They are subjected to verbal, physical, and mental abuse by their fellow human beings and even their family members. Apart from being made an active part of society, these people are kept at home and kept apart from society. Some are locked in rooms and subjected to disrespect as others think that they do not have feelings or cannot understand what is being said about them. The primary violation of their human rights is when such people are physically or mentally abused which only increases their impairment with the extra stress they are subjected to in such conditions. They are also unable to inform anyone and ask for help and they are not given special protection by the authorities to ensure that they are being treated properly (Benhabib, pg. 114, 2002). They are mostly ignored or considered incompetent to do anything. However, it is essential that these people be given a chance to nurture their capabilities and enhance their talents. Some people who lack certain common capabilities have very high proficiencies in other areas. These should be explored and exploited instead of treating such people as a waste of space (Bremms, pg. 102-105, 2001). Equality and Racism: Diversity is not always appreciated and being different is not always accepted. However, human beings do not always get the benefit of being treated as equally as they should be and one of the biggest causes for a violation of human rights is a person’s skin color or ethnicity. This is very common ground for building differences between people and carrying prejudices or biases against people. People are often discriminated against because of their skin color or ethnicity and are violated against in their human rights. All humans have the right to equal opportunities, freedom of opinion, and the chance to live a peaceful life. Humans also have the right to safety, respect, and the chance of a peaceful and balanced life. However, many people living in many countries such as progressive countries of the world including the USA, Australia, and many countries in Europe, are discriminated against because of their skin color. Asians, Hispanics, and especially Africans are treated inferiorly in many countries and discriminated against because of their skin color. All human rights have the right to be judged upon their own personality rather than any pre-conceived notions that a person may hold of a certain race. USA is home to many diverse cultures and claims to be an equal society, yet there are many instances of human rights violation and discrimination in the job market and in other social activities (Rieser & Mason, pg. 147, 1992). As widely known, the USA was home to African American slaves in the 17th and 18th centuries and white people or people of a fair skin color were extremely biased in their dealings with African Americans. They were made to sit in the back of buses and it was up to the extent that a black person would have to get up and give their seat up for a white person. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks were the first ones that stood up against this attitude and made a revolutionary change for everyone and all Africans for time immemorial (Rieser & Mason, pg. 100, 1992). The US Constitution clearly states that all people are to be treated equally and justly despite their skin color, race, nationality, age, or gender. However, the pre-conceived attitude of some people has not changed. People scrutinize Africans with a very rigid attitude and suspect them of being dangerous or uncivilized in many cases. Hence, Africans are not given an equal amount of representation in Parliament, are subjected to an atmosphere which does not promote their right towards a good education, and are sometimes not given jobs as they do not have an equal place in society (Benhabib, pg. 200, 2002). In the same manner, people are treated unfairly in continents like Europe where fair and just treatment exists but again, it is sometimes violated on an individual basis on the basis of skin color or ethnicity. It has been seen that many Europeans are intolerant towards people who are termed as “colored”. White skin is considered the norm and anyone who diverges away from that social standard may be considered inferior and may not be given equal rights. There have been instances where people are raped, abused, or physically beaten up because of their skin color and the intolerance that people express towards them (Lautherpacht, pg. 345, 1950). Such people like others in their position suffer academically, socially, and economically as they are not being given an equal proportion of human rights. Hence, they are not treated as equal human beings and are being robbed of the ethical standards and rights that are given to them as a birthright. Equality and Religion: Another equally prevailing problem with intolerance and a violation of human rights in the essence of diversity is the violation expressed against people of different religions. People are extremely intolerant towards people who have different viewpoints related to religion. Some people feel so strongly against people who have diversified beliefs from their own that they succumb to violence or attempts at stopping them from practicing their own religion (Bremms, pg. 250, 2001). Such attempts were made against people in Palestine and the Kurds in Libya and Palestine. Muslims were treated in such ways in different parts of the world as were Christians in various instances in history. Moreover, the separate religious sects that are formed which differ on the basis of small prevailing issues in their religion such as the Catholics and Protestants or the Muslim Sunni and Shiite groups fight amongst themselves amongst the smallest differences in opinion which later result in large violent brawls. However, according to the principle of equality and human rights, all people of variously diverse religions must be given equal opportunities and must be treated with respect and be free of all harm. They must be free to practice their religion in whatever way they please as long as they are not enforcing it upon others or causing harm to themselves or others. The problem with upholding human rights in such instances is the element of human bias and prejudice which causes some people to have strong opinions regarding certain issues. Hence, despite their attempts to treat others fairly and equally who are different from them; they unconsciously express an element of prejudice towards them and violate their human rights in some way. Equality and Social Status: Another unequal form of societal structure is the difference in social class and equality. There has been a long prevailing and everlasting gap between the upper classes and the people belonging to a lower socio-economic background or group. People who have an illustrious background or who are well-connected are given additional benefits opposed to those that belong to a more humble background. This difference has caused a lot of uproar in unfair practices and violations of human rights in developing countries where little regard is paid to those who cannot afford to buy their respect. People belonging to the lower strata of society do not have easy access to food, clothing, shelter, transportation, or education. They also do not have chances or help from anyone in obtaining jobs and are usually made to do labor work where they are not treated very justly (Buchanan, pg. 87, 2005). Developing countries have a high trend of lower classes serving as maids, cooks, and other domestic staff for the more elite or affluent people in society. However, no protection is offered to these people and they are made to work at below average wages and suffer immensely through verbal and physical abuse. They are subjected to harsh treatment and lack job security as it is the employer’s prerogative whether or not they require the servants’ services. No help is provided from the government or the police, who actually play a role in further degrading people who belong to a lower social stratus. Differences exist in human beings based on so many regards such as the ones mentioned above and others which include lifestyle, way of thinking, physical appearance, hobbies, and interests. Beauty lies in the fact that all people are diverse and different from one another. Hence, the world is a place full of millions of languages, lifestyles, customs, traditions, ways of dressing, religions, beliefs, values, hair colors, eye colors, and the list can be never ending. However, despite as many differences that exist, all human beings have an equal right over the world as it is belongs to them as much as it belongs to any other human being. Respecting human rights does not only constitute tolerance but it constitutes expressing regard and respect towards those differences and not discriminating against someone when it comes to giving them their full rights (Buchanan, pg. 200, 2005). Examples of some human rights that all human beings carry an equal right to are respect, safety, food, shelter, medical treatment, education, protection, and equal opportunities to earn a living and enhance their status in life. People should not be prevented from going about and fulfilling their goals, aims, and aspirations based on superficial factors such as skin color, gender, age, social status, religion, or any other factor. All human beings require their own particular way of living and should be given due liberty to practice their own way of life without interference by anyone as long as they are remaining within the law and not disrupting the life of others. Human beings have a right to fair wages, to voice their opinions, to make their own choices, and to live life in a fair and just manner. Unfortunately, the world has not been an excellent example of the promotion of equal rights in this regard. Instances such as the persecution of the Kurds in Qaddafi’s time and the Jews in Hitler’s time signify a major element of an abuse of human rights. Moreover, the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay prison has also been a recent issue of human rights. The United States never having a black President or a woman president was also considered an issue of unequal opportunities and an abuse of human rights as people of diverse backgrounds or with diverse characteristics are not given equal representation in government posts. Other issues of human rights and diversity must be scrutinized in the areas of people belonging to certain nationalities who are subjected to more rigorous checks and balances during airport procedures. They are not given equal opportunities to travel abroad and gain a quality higher education or obtain jobs in foreign countries. They are also restricted in the sense of where they can go in the world, while people belonging to other nationalities such as more affluent nations do not have such restrictions imposed upon them. People in Africa die every year because of starvation while Americans waste a large proportion of food every year. In the same way, rich people benefit from a thousand different luxuries while the poor are made to starve and bear cold winters without proper clothing. People of some religions have the right to practice their own religion while others are prevented from following their own customs and traditions. Some people sleep and live with many bodyguards protecting them and some people are raped, abused, and assaulted in various ways but there is no protection provided for them. This inequality in human treatment is a result of selfishness, very tight and narrow perceptions and viewpoints, and simple denial of realizing the turmoil of others. It is also a result of differences and biasness. An abuse of human rights can only occur when there is a gap in power. Hence, the powerful people of the world should think about what influence they are exerting upon this issue. References Benhabib, S.2002. The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era. Princeton University Press Bremms, E. 2001. Human Rights: Universality and Diversity. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Buchanan, A. 2005. “Equality and Human Rights” Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Volume 4, Issue 1. Cranston, M. W. 1973.What Are Human Rights? Taplinger Publishing Co. Dobzhansky, T. 1973. Genetic Diversity and Human Equality. Basic Books Donnelly, J. 2003.Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice. Cornell University Lautherpacht, H. 1950. International Law and Human Rights. F. A. Praegur Rieser, R., & Mason, M. 1992. Disability Equality in the Classroom: A Human Rights Issue. Disability Equality in Education. Read More
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