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Q1 (Fact) Are organic food really healthy? Agenda The major agenda of focus group would be to decide on the definition of organic products and the factors that make them healthy. The discussion would focus on 2 questions: what constitute organic products; and factors that give evidence for their positive affect on health. The discussion would have a moderator to supervise the proceeding and tape recorder would record it. In the 30 minutes discussion, each of 5 participant would be allowed 3 minutes to put his/her views and brainstorming session of 15 minutes will be allotted for making effective decision based facts for determining the truth regarding organic food: whether they are healthy, relatively healthy or hazardous to health.
Q2 (Conjecture) Will stringent penalty, for speed driving, really lead to decrease in road accidents?Agenda The agenda would involve discussion on the above topic/ question and determine whether the conjecture is supported by sufficient facts to make it a plausible outcome. Use of moderator and tape recorder would ensure that discussion progresses smoothly during the 30 minutes, allotted to the group. The two questions would be discussed to come determine the veracity of the topic. Two discussion questions would be: the possible penalty that can effectively serve as deterrent measure for speeding; and previous outcome of the penalty on the convicts (Ehrlich, 1973).
2 minutes would be allowed to each of 10 participants to give their reasons and 10 minutes would be used to make empowered decision by the group leader, based on the informed choices as presented by the participants. It is hoped that discussion would help determine the outcome of conjecture.Q3 (Value) Should euthanasia be made legal?Agenda The discussion would focus on 3 areas: the legal aspect of the process of euthanasia in different countries; the moral paradigm of practice of euthanasia; and the efficacy of methods used on patients with terminal illness (Emanual & Fairclaugh, 2000).
A moderator would oversee that discussions proceed within the defined guidelines and make recordings of the same. The 6 participants would be given 2 minutes to present their facts and views. Rest of the times would be used to collate the facts and use brainstorming techniques to decide on the outcome. The group leader would ensure that facts and moral compulsions are judiciously used to determine the conditions under which conditions euthanasia can be made legal.Q4 (Policy) What can be done to curb the rising cases of HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan region?
Agenda The main agenda of discussion would involve discussing the situation on the broader context of healthcare accessibility to the marginalized population of poor countries and the ways it can be addressed by developed countries and corporations. The discussion would be of 30 minutes duration with a moderator who would facilitate the process under defined parameters. He would also ensure that recordings are made. The 5 participants would be allotted 4 minutes each for presenting plausible facts and recommendations for healthcare initiatives in Sub Sahara nations.
10 minutes would be used by group leaders to discuss the recommendations made by members and make decisions on the recommendations that would have significant impact on reducing the rising incidents of HIV/AIDS cases in the poverty driven under developed nations. (words: 541)ReferenceEhrlich, Isaac. (1973). Participation in Illegitimate Activities: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 521-565.Emanuel, E. J., Fairclough, D. L., & Emanuel, L. L. (2000).
Attitudes and desires related to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide among terminally ill patients and their caregivers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 284, 2460-2468.
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