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Internet Activism - Essay Example

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This paper 'Internet Activism' tells us that technological advancements have had significant impacts on information dissemination and sharing. Through new media, important and sensitive information is being disseminated to various populations throughout the globe at a very fast rate…
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Internet Activism
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Research Paper in Internet Activism Introduction Technological advancements have had significant impacts on information dissemination and sharing. Through new media, important and sensitive information is being disseminated to various populations throughout the globe at a very fast rate. Such information has varied implications on the audiences and goes a long way in informing decision making. At this point, it is worth appreciating that different segments of the populations hold varied perceptions towards the information that they receive at varied points in time. Thus besides entertainment, such information is critical for education and informative purposes. The use of social networks has particularly had diverse impacts on the populations’ perceptions of relative social themes. The objectivity and reliability of relative information has been in most cases compromised by the subjective nature of the contributions made by various factions of the society. Most importantly, this tendency has had direct impacts on the social ties that the society holds in high regard. Through face-book, you-tube, my space and other social networks, important information has been relayed to populations across the globe. Apart from educators, activists have employed social media to reach various factions of the population and communicate important issues to these. Through these, they have been able to understand and appreciate the views of the global populations about emergent social issues. Perhaps the most critical information pertains to that relating to sensitive issues that affect the populations in different ways. Besides being instrumental in informing the public, these social networks have in most cases undermined the credibility of the information relayed across. It is against this background that this paper provides an explicit review of internet activism in light of the Kohn 2012 video. To address inherent concerns, it greatly relies on secondary research. The internet has become the latest technological tool through which information is passed on to the population within the shortest time possible. According to research, it only requires a single click to publish important information about emergent issues and concerns within the society. It is pervasive as exemplified by Giridharadas who cites the Kenyan Ushahidi initiative stating it has “been used in India to monitor elections; in Africa to report medicine shortages; in the Middle East to collect reports of wartime violence; and in Washington” (Giridharadas, 3). Through social networks, this is visible to a diverse population who have subscribed to the relative services. Likewise, these are able to present their views on the particular issue within the shortest period possible. It only requires access to internet and knowledge about its use to utilize this facility. The first world countries have taken immense practical steps to ensure that their populations have access to the electronic infrastructure. Although the third world countries such as Kenya and Uganda have not readily succeeded in enhancing the use of internet, use of phones has really been useful. According to Zuckerman “the most important activist technology of the last five years is the mobile phone “. Specifically, the use of Short Text messaging provision has been important in information dissemination in third world economies. Through this, populations are able to communicate useful insights regarding wide ranging issues to a diverse population base. The launch of Kony 2012 video in March, 2012 triggered various arguments and controversies about the credibility of use of social media in activism. Initially, the intention of this online video was to raise awareness about the leader of Lord’s resistance army, Joseph Kony. Towards the end of the video, viewers were requested to help in different was to capture the war lord so that he could face the law. The video spread so fast and within six days, it had been viewed by a significant one hundred viewers who had also left their views about this. According to analysis, this was the shortest time within which an internet video could garner views from the population. This documentary video was reportedly promoted by celebrities and it said to have been viewed by over 80 million viewers through you tube and twitter. Initially, the intention of the video was to inform the population about the far reaching negative effects that the young boys were suffering from. However, the impact was different as in addition to this, it increased the popularity of the creator. In particular, Russell was considered a hero for publishing the information. In this consideration, the real or actual goal of publication of the video was not met. In this respect, it is worth appreciating that instant fame is not benign and in this case, it had significant implications on the quality of the information relayed to the public. Arguably, the video was erroneous and failed dismally to inform the public about the actual scenario on the ground. Russell is accused of presenting a complex issue in an overly simple manner. In this regard, the video places undue emphasis on the role of the United States in fighting corruption. It completely ignores the complex problems that the Ugandan population grapples with. Recent reports indicate that the population has suffered significantly from the problems related to human rights abuse. They thus reacted angrily to this video and cited that the internet has not helped them address the emergent social problems that continue to compromise their quality of life. Further, the populations indicate that they would be in a better position to address the issue if they were empowered to use the internet in launching their own campaigns. Comparatively, they understand the nature and complexity of the problem better and would therefore package it in an ideal manner. At this point, it cannot be disputed that computers and specifically the internet have limitations too. The attitude that is accorded social media and its functions undermines its effective use in passing on or addressing important issues. Usually, the information that is absorbed as well as transmitted electronically is exposed to wide ranging risks of dissolution and distortion. This is particularly so because the process of generating such information is not tamed or monitored by credible sources. In most cases, it is a mere reflection of the emotive response of different factions of the society to very important social concerns. Compared to the past, the information generated by future populations through the internet is voluminous and has direct impacts on decision making. The inherent lack of credibility reduces the reliability of such information. This is further compounded by the fact that its transmission and spread is comparatively fast. Social networking sites have equally had negative effects on the social ties that enhance the functioning of the society. In this respect, York posits that, “weak ties” of “digital activism” cannot remotely compare to the strong ties of traditional activism”. In this respect, it is worth noting that social ties play an important role in enhancing effective functioning of the society. In particular, it ensures that the society performs its roles peacefully and in harmony. Put differently, it cushions the society against the negative impacts of harmful social occurrences. Traditional methods of transmitting messages and information were considered more sustainable in this regard. They involved the entirely society and ensured that the views of all social facets have been reflected in decision making. This is unlike the current social networking sites that are based on superficial relationships. In the latter, there is minimal physical interaction and appreciation of human worth. The technical approach makes it difficult for the populations to understand and appreciate the importance and role of human resources in addressing social problems. Certainly, this has also made it difficult for populations to appreciate the importance of actual or real human relations. This can be used to explain why they do not take important concerns seriously. Nonetheless, it is worth acknowledging that these social networking cites have also been instrumental in spreading matters of international importance in a speedy manner. Besides the Kony 2012 incident, opposition groups inhabiting the Arab spring have benefited from the use of internet and the relative social media such as face book, you tube and twitter. In particular, these have enabled it to raise the publicity of the struggles that they encounter. They create campaigns and use the respective platform to garner support of their efforts from the public. The Neda Agha Soltan video for instance underscored the extent of abuses that the Iranian population was facing. This led to an increase in public outcry demanding the government to take practical steps and address the concern accordingly. A quick response by the latter benefitted the population as their problems were addressed in a timely manner. Further, York affirms that “use of Twitter during the Iranian elections, seem to serve two primary purposes: drawing attention to the cause, and mobilizing the masses to make a small effort”. Although the traditional methods of activism are more rewarding, digital devices play an important role in enhancing their effectiveness. As York puts it “digital tools are complementary to “traditional” activism”. In this regard, it is worth appreciating that technological advances are spreading very fast. Technology in itself is pervasive and has influenced the lifestyles of populations in different ways. At this point, it is certain that the effectiveness of traditional approaches is highly depended on the new media. From this point of view, the two play complementary roles and need to be used effectively to realize desirable outcomes. In such as case, new media can be used solely for enhancing publicity of any initiative. Traditional efforts would then play instrumental roles in the implementation and enforcement of the particular initiative. If each is pursued accordingly, the ultimate outcome would be beneficial to all facets of the society. Conclusion In sum, technological advancements have greatly impacted on all facets of the society. The use of the internet has particularly had direct impact on communication and transmission of important information across the globe. The relative social networks have provided a platform upon which individuals voice their concerns about wide ranging social concerns. The use of social media in addressing the Kony 2012 social issue was compounded by a host of complexities. As it has come out from the study, the credibility of social media in transmitting important information came under intense scrutiny. Seemingly, social media is important in relaying factual information to the populations across the globe. This is important because it enhances quick response to critical issues that require immediate action. However, is limited by certain complexities. As aforementioned, social media allows for exaggeration of facts and distortion of information. This is because generation and consumption of the information is not monitored. The nature of its use also encourages subjectivity as opposed to objective view of important facts relating to the issue at hand. In the Kony 2012 video, it is used for self gratification as opposed to addressing important social problems that the Ugandan population grapples with. The Kohn 2012 issue is reflective of complex social problems that the Ugandan society struggles with. Given a chance to launch campaigns, the Ugandan population could have addressed it from a more objective point of view. Thus apart from playing important roles in communication, social networks can be potentially detrimental. Works Cited Giridharadas Anand. Africa’s gift to Silicon Valley. The New York Times, March, 2010. Print York Jillian. The false poles of digital and traditional activism. 27th September, 2010. Web. Accessed 7th May, 2012 Zuckerman Ethan. Draft paper on mobile phones and activism. 4th September, 2007. Web. Accessed 7th May, 2012. Read More


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