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Answer In order to ensure that the Trader shall not be able to overlook the Special Instructions intentionally or mistakenly, the following changes shall be made to the user interface of ETT:1. A text area shall be added in the ‘Selected Order’ area to display the value of the ‘Special Instructions’ column of the selected order in the ‘Open Orders’ grid. A text area should be blank if no order is selected or the selected order does not contain any special instructions.2. If the selected order has special instruction and a user presses the ‘Execute Order’ button, then a confirmation dialog box shall be popped up, displaying the text of the special instructions and two buttons with ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ labels.
If a user presses button with ‘OK’ label then the program shall proceed with the execution of the order; otherwise, the program shall cancel the operation. The dialog box shall hide when a user presses any of the two buttons.Answer 2:Suggested improvements for PCT1. The list of Portfolio Manager, Stock, and Trader Name shall be populated dynamically via retrieving the data from a database (for e.g. MS Access), spreadsheets (for e.g. MS Excel), or simple text files, and the user shall select the desired item from the drop-down list rather than typing.
The users may also be allowed to add, edit, or delete the items of the drop-down lists.2. A data-time picker control shall be used instead of a text field for the ‘Order Date’ input. This will allow the application to restrict the user from entering invalid date.3. A numeric up and down control shall be used instead of text field for the ‘Quantity’ input. This will allow the application to restrict the user to enter only numeric inputs and within the specified range.4. Two radio-buttons shall be used instead of a text field for the ‘Buy/Sell’ input.
This will allow the application to restrict the user to select only one option out of the two specified.Suggested improvements for ETT1. The list of Stock shall be populated dynamically via retrieving the data from a database (for e.g. MS Access), spreadsheets (for e.g. MS Excel), or simple text files, and the user shall select the desired item from the drop-down list rather than typing. The users may also be allowed to add, edit, or delete the items of the drop-down lists.2. All the text fields shall be read-only; means they all shall not allow editing.
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