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Human Resource Policies Development - Case Study Example

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The paper "Human Resource Policies Development" is a perfect example of a case study on human resources. The development of human resource policies requires the analysis of various concepts. The concepts can act as a starting point towards ensuring that the public image of the company is good. When developing strategies regarding ethics, it is important to analyze the issues of operations…
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Name: Tutor: Title: Human Resource Policies Development Institution: Date: Executive summary The development of human resource policies requires the analysis of various concepts. The concepts can act as a starting point towards ensuring that the public image of the company is good. When developing the strategies regarding ethics, it is important to analyze the issues of operations, employment and other business practices that may be impacted by poor ethics. The paper also discuses the important strategies that needs to be addressed when dealing with social corporate responsibility policies. The strategies are mainly focused on building a good image for the company. This is done through focusing on the needs of the society. On the other hand, the paper has identified various strategies that are important when formulating values for the organization. The values determine the public image of the company depending on the behavior of the employees. Sustainability issues identified in the paper are mainly for the purpose of ensuring the company promotes health practices that protect the environment. In conclusion, it is evident that the measures developed by the company in regard to the human resource policies are the driving force of the company. It is recommended that the training of employees regarding the strategies must be done to ensure its success. Introduction In the current business environment, various factors can lead to the success or failure of an organization. These factors are not necessarily linked to the business but are important in the growth and development. The human resource policies are thus important when dealing with the issues of growth and development of a business. Ethics in business is one of the most important aspects of human resource management. Poor ethical practices automatically lead to the failure of an organization (Huevel, 2009). This is despite the huge amount of resources a company may have. The public image of the company is usually determined by the ethics within the organization. No customer would want to be associated with any business that does not uphold ethical practices. The social corporate responsibility is also an important aspect of business and builds a good public image o the company. It also shows that the company is committed to improving the welfare of the people in the community. The values that an organization upholds are also an important determination of success for the organization. The values define the organizational cultures which guides the aims and objectives of the company. Sustainability is also an important aspect of ensuring that the environment is protected. This is because most of the manufacturing process contributes to the pollution of the environment. The paper thus discusses the issues of ethics, corporate social responsibility, values and sustainability in relation to Coca Cola Company. Analysis Ethics The company recognizes the importance of maintaining good ethics while carrying out transactions (Coca cola Company, 2012). However in order to strengthen the ethical standards in the company, several strategic issues have to be addressed. The company mainly relies on its customers for the purpose of generating revenue. This means that the company has to carry out aggressive marketing campaigns to reach out to the customers. In the sales and marketing area, ethics are very important. This is for the purpose of ensuring that the customers get to know the real information regarding the products of the company. It is therefore important to ensure that the information used during the sales and marketing process is true and relevant to the customers. This is an indication of high standards of ethics as it gives the customers the freedom to choose the products they want to purchase. Unethical means could include use of false information for the purpose of attracting the customers. However the company must only use accurate information. During the recruitment of new employees, the ethical practices must be observed. This is because some of the candidates may be recruited after parting with bribes or other favors. The area of recruitment therefore requires high standards of ethics. Only the best candidates should be recruited and the process should be free and fair. The reputation of the company may be damaged if the process is not ethical (Dembinski, 2006). The renumeration of the senior managers and the employees is an important practice for human resource management. This is for the purpose of ensuring that the payment is relevant and in line with the economic situation (Marcoux, 2009). It is unethical to award the senior managers high amounts of money while the employees earn very little. It is therefore important for the human resource department to develop a framework that determines the salaries and renumeration of all the employees and the management. This is also important in eliminating the management mischief that may impact negatively on the operations of the company. The issue of appraisals and promotion is also an important aspect of human resource management. If it is not conducted ethically, it raises lot of questions regarding the transparency of the management. It may also lead to demoralization of the employees who work hard. Any form of unfairness must be eliminated as it is unethical and destroys the good public image of the company. It is important for all the members of the management team to be ethical at all times. A proper code of ethics should be given to all the members of staff and they should adopt it fully. However it is important for the members of staff to note that ethics depends on goodwill and personal commitments for it to be relevant (Laczniak, 2007). Unethical practices within the organization are a major cause of problems. This is because it hinders the company from achieving its goals and objectives which is focused on customer satisfaction (Anand, 2008). The main symptom of organizational problem is the lack of coordination among the members of the staff. This is because some of the staff members do not trust each other in matters relating to ethics. As a result of this the members with good ethics avoids working with those they perceive to be unethical. This leads to low levels of customer satisfaction. When the customers are not satisfied with the services and products of an organization, it is very common to receive a lot of complains. This definitely damages the image of the company. Losses or low levels of revenue may be experienced in case of organizational problems. This greatly affects the operations of the company. It is therefore important to ensure that good ethics is drives the operations of the company. The areas of human resource management should be critically analyzed to eliminate the problems that the company may face. It is also important for the company to develop a vision that is ethical and takes care of the customer’s needs and demands. Corporate social responsibility It is important for the company to be accountable for its actions by impacting positive aspects on the environment, community and the employees (Feltus, 2009). The participation of the company in social corporate responsibilities is a show of commitment to the law and to the spirit of good ethical practices. The company has to ensure that the environment s protected at all times. This is because the activities of the company may have negative impacts on the environment. This requires the company to reduce the emission of carbon to acceptable levels. The company can also participate in awareness campaigns sensitizing the local people on the importance of protecting the environment. The use of technological means to control the datacenter is also an important strategy that can be used to protect the environment. Social investments also form an important aspect of corporate responsibility that needs to be addressed. The building of schools, infrastructure and supporting educational programs is very important and it will ensure that the image of the company is good. Scholarships should also be awarded to deserving students within the community who cannot afford paying their fees but are bright. This social investment enables the people to build loyalty on the company which is also beneficial during marketing. The employees are a vital asset to a company and require a lot of attention. It is important for the company to focus on developing the skills of the employees so as to get better returns. The company should train the employees on life skills that will benefit them on the job and in the course of their lives. The investment on the employees should be seen as a responsibility for the company. This encourages the employees to participate in the activities that are beneficial to the society and the company. The health of the employees is also important and the company must ensure that it focuses on it. This can be done through the provision of primary healthcare which is vital for the health of the employees. The creation of an environment that fosters innovation is also an important aspect of corporate responsibility. This can be done under the long term investments by the company. The innovations by the community members should also be supported by the company in order to improve their lives and impact them positively. It is therefore important for the company to create a method of accounting for the projects it carries out within the community for the purpose of making improvements and for the betterment of the entire community (Wei, 2011). Values The values are very important to the organization as it defines how the company operates. The values are supposed to enhance the aims and objectives of the organization. The customers are the major stakeholders of the organization. Without the customers, then the company would no exist. It is therefore important for the values to be focused on customer satisfaction. The value statement should aid the values that are acceptable within the company. The statement also shows how important the customers are to the company. This is important in terms of promoting positive values as well as customer satisfaction. The value statement is thus a key issue that has to be addressed as it portrays the acceptable behaviors within the company. The values of the company are also important during the recruitment exercise and it ensures that the people who are recruited can uphold the values of the company. The communication of the values to the clients is also very important. During the business operations, it is important for the employees to portray the named values. This avoids any contradiction that may impact negatively on the public image of the company. It is thus mandatory for all the employees to act according to the values that have been set (Allison, 2005). Any new employee in the company has to be taught about the organizational values. This ensures that the new employee knows what is expected of her or him. This should be done carefully to ensure that the new employees fully understand the importance of the company’s values. The values also require updating from time to time. This is an important strategy as it ensures that the values are in line with any new developments in the company. The updated values should also be communicated to the employees for the purpose of implementation. A feedback mechanism is also important for the purpose of determining whether the values are upheld or not. This is because any contradictory behavior by the employees impacts negatively on the image of the company. It is important to ensure that action is taken against any employee who does not embrace the values of the company. The disciplinary measures should be defined by the human resource department in consultation with the employees. It is also important to carry out surveys concerning the values of the company. This may involve asking the clients what they feel about the values of the company. This will ensure that the company is able to make any necessary improvements for the purpose of customer satisfaction (Hamowy, 2008). Sustainability In the world today, sustainability is a major focus due to the depleting resources. It is therefore important to address strategies that are relevant to sustainability. This is not only for the purpose of compliance with the law but also for the purpose of protecting the environment. The pollution of the environment has a negative impact on both the human and plant life (Sun, 2010). The business therefore suffers a major setback if the environment is polluted. This is because the customers may not be in a position of purchasing the products of the company if it pollutes the environment. It is thus necessary to address the issues of green house gases which have negative impacts on the atmosphere. The company should develop a mechanism of regulating the amount of carbon it emits in the atmosphere. This will ensure that the environment is safe as well as the people. The company can also benefit from various awards if it cuts down the amount of emission to the atmosphere. This award ensures that he company gains recognition which is important in building the image of the company. The company must also seek expert advice on how it can operate without polluting the environment (Fialka, 2006). The laws regarding the pollution of the environment should also be observed by the company. The company should also ensure that it utilizes its resources well for the purpose of protecting the environment and encouraging sustainability (Redclift, 2005). It is important for the company to ensure that it recycles its materials to encourage sustainability. Since the company requires a lot of water for the purpose of production, it is necessary to encourage recycling of the water so as to avoid wastage. The recycling can be done using various techniques which are relevant in the locality. This does not only encourage sustainability but is also reduces the cost of production. Rainwater harvesting should also encouraged for the purpose of ensuring the company utilizes the natural resources well. The energy consumption by the company should also be reduced. This can be done using the appliances that do not require much energy. This strategy is very important for the organization and will also benefit the organization in terms of reducing the cost of operations. The employees should also be taught on the importance of sustainability. This can be done through seminars which the company should organize for its employees. It is also important for the company to ensure that its packaging materials can be recycled. This encourages sustainability as some of the materials used for packaging can be hazardous (Adams, 2006). Development of options In order for the company to address the strategic issues, it is important for it to analyze several options that may be useful to the company. It is important for the company to consider training the members of staff regarding the implementation of the strategies. The training may be done in phases or at once depending on the availability of the employees. This option is quite easy as the knowledge gained by the employees will be used during their operations. It is also important for the employees to have the basic knowledge of the strategies so as to appreciate them (Barnosky, 2012). This option may however take a lot of time due to the large number of employees. The other option may the use of experts in implementing some of the strategies. The experts must analyze the situation and give their opinions which should be adopted. This method may take a shorter time to implement as it only requires the company to avail resources. The main problem with this method is the cost implications. The experts may require a lot of money for the purpose of carrying out consultations. The best solution therefore lies on the training of the employees. This concept is an important aspect of human resource development in terms of capacity building. It also imparts life long lessons on the employees which are important in tackling the issues of ethics, corporate social responsibility, values and sustainability. Conclusion In conclusion it is very important to address the issues regarding the operations of the company for the benefit of the customers. The strategies are also important for the purpose of implementing the concepts. Ethical issues are very important for an organization as it determines is public image. The matters regarding ethics also define the operation of the company in terms of human resource management. It is also important to ensure that the company uses the right strategies when implementing the corporate social responsibilities. The strategies used should clearly define the purpose of the initiative taken. Proper strategies are important in building the profile of the company. The values within an organization also define the behavior of the employees. Good values are important for the organization in terms of customer satisfaction. The strategy when dealing with the values of an organization is the value statement. If the company is able to honor its value statement, then it wins the support of the customers. On the other hand, sustainability is important to an organization in terms of protecting the environment and complying with the legal requirements. The sustainability strategies are also useful in determining the commitment of the organization to environmental safety. Training of the employees on the strategies is also an important move in ensuring the success of the implementation. Recommendations It is evident that maters regarding ethics are quite sensitive in the business environment. Poor ethical practices lead to losses for the company. It is therefore recommended that all the employees in the organization should be trained on maters regarding good ethics. The management team should also undergo training on the concepts of ethics so as to uphold it when carrying out their duties., The corporate responsibility strategies are also important in defining the commitment of the company to the society and its employees. It is recommended that the company should increase the number of projects within the community s as to win the support of the locals. It is also important for the company to ensure that it invests on the training of the employees so as to enable them serve the society better as well as improve their skills. The health requirements of the employees should also be fully taken care of by the company. The values of the company are also very important and it requires a lot of dedication and commitment. It is recommended that the company should develop values that it can easily uphold. All the employees should be in a position of upholding the values of the company to ensure it has a god public image. The behavior of he employee should also be in line with the values. It is also recommended that action should be taken against any employees contradicting the values of the company. The measures take by the company to promote sustainability are also very important. It is thus recommended that the company must ensure that it regulates its emission of carbon so as to avoid environmental pollution. The use of natural resources by the company should also be regulated so as to encourage sustainability. It is also recommended that the company should undertake a training exercise for the employees on all the matters regarding the implementation of the strategies. References Adams, W, 2006, The Future of Sustainability: Re-thinking Environment and Development in the Twenty-first Century, Report of the IUCN Renowned Thinkers Meeting. 58. Allison,R, 2005, The Birth of Spiritual Economics In L. Zsolnai (Ed.), Spirituality and ethics in management, Vol. 19, pp. 61–74, New York: Springer:73 Anand, V, 2008, The Ethics of Organizational Secrets, Journal of Management Inquiry 17 (2): 97. Barnosky A, et al, 2012, Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere, Nature Review, 486: 52– Coca cola Company, 2012, Retrieved on September 13, 2012, from <> Dembinski, P, et al, 2006, Enron and World Finance: A Case Study in Ethics, New York: Palgrave. Feltus, C, et al, 2009, Strengthening employee's responsibility to enhance governance of IT: COBIT RACI chart case study, Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Information security governance (WISG'09), Chicago, Il, USA. Fialka. J, 2006, Politics & Economics: Big Businesses Have New Take on Warming; Some Companies Move From Opposition to Offering Proposals on Limiting Emissions, Wall Street Journal. pg.A.4. Hamowy, R, et al, 2008, The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, Los Angeles: Sage Publishers. Huevel, K, et al., 2009, Meltdown: how greed and corruption shattered our financial system and how we can recover, New York. Laczniak, P, et al, 2007, An ethical basis for relationship marketing: a virtue ethics perspective, European Journal of Marketing 41: 37–57. Marcoux, A, 2009, Business-Focused Business Ethics. in Normative Theory and Business Ethics, Smith. Plymouth Rowman & Littlefield: pp. 17–34. Redclift, M, 2005, Sustainable Development: An Oxymoron Comes of Age, Sustainable Development 13(4): 212–227. Sun, W, 2010, How to Govern Corporations So They Serve the Public Good: A Theory of Corporate Governance Emergence, New York: Edwin Mellen. Wei, J, 2011, Corporate Social Responsibility – A Comparison Between Vietnam and China, International Journal of Governance, Vol. 1. Read More
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