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Management of Age and Disability in the Workplace - Research Proposal Example

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Significantly, workforce diversity, under human resource management has been a vast topic of discussion particularly on its influence on organizational success. Typically, it refers to the different ways that vary in terms of gender, age, education, race, culture and religion;…
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Management of Age and Disability in the Workplace
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MANAGEMENT OF AGE AND DISABILITY IN THE WORKPLACE- CHALLENGES, SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN THE BRITISH AND BRAZILLIAN MODELS (RESEARCH PROPOSAL) NAME Course Institution Professor Date Introduction Significantly, workforce diversity, under human resource management has been a vast topic of discussion particularly on its influence on organizational success. Typically, it refers to the different ways that vary in terms of gender, age, education, race, culture and religion; and how these different factors can affect a particular task, relationship and the behavior of the different staff members in an organization (MOM, 2010. Relatively, some of the HR managers would define it as the investigation of these differences in a secure, constructive and fostering environment through understanding each other in the work place and going beyond simple endurances to hold and commemorate the rich elements of diversity contained within each person (Jabbour, 2011). Past research shows organizations today are increasingly embracing the use of diverse work groups as a strategy structure combination to facilitate the achieving of their objectives and goals. Definitely, this strategy has predicated on flexibility, fast decision-making and innovation in a teamwork setting (Joshua, 2011). Moreover, it has increased competitiveness and most, if not all organizations rely on these diverse work groups to generate ideas used in making the business or organization successful (Mercy, 2012). Apart from ethnicity and national origin, there are other personal demographics or factors of diversity like age, skills, knowledge, abilities, values, beliefs, attitudes, cognitive and behavioral style and others that are partly considered include; family connections, political favors and educational advantage (Harzing &Pennington, 2015). However, this research proposal focuses extensively on age and disability as elements of diversity in the workplace. The aim of the dissertation is analyzing the major challenges, similarities and differences in diversity management focusing on the adaptations of Human Resources Departments in developed countries such as the UK as compared to a developing country i.e. Brazil. The evaluation of approaches in the two dissimilar countries forms a firm foundation to understanding detailed implications of diversity in addition to formulating a human resource solution for other developing countries with similar challenges. Background of the Study United Kingdom (Developed Country) As one of the most developed countries, the United Kingdom is also among the leading states in terms of diversity models in the workplaces. In addition to the common factors of diversity such as race, ethnic background and language, the UK has other personal characteristics covered by the discrimination law under employment (CIPD, 2014). Organizations such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) are in the forefront relative to fighting and campaigning against the unfair treatment of employees hence, over the years, they have included other personal characteristics under the discrimination (CIPD, 2014). Some of these personal characteristics included in the United Kingdom’s approach entail disability, age, sexual orientation among others. Evidently, disabilities such as dyslexia have been a subject of discrimination and unfair treatment, similar to age, where some of the management teams force the experienced and age to retire before time. Typically, these are some of the common cases among states around the world but the UK has been keen in implementing models that consider all possibilities and implications of every diverse trait. According to forums, studies and reports by the CIPD, most organizations in the UK acknowledge the management of diversity through the appropriate valuation of everyone (CIPD, 2014). This makes the diversity approach in the HR department a significant approach and based on the findings of some studies conducted in the UK, very few corporations use singular approaches in the management of employees. Precisely, single approaches in organizations do not apply in the achievement of justice and equality of all employees. Every employee has individual discrepancies relative to requirements, values and beliefs but it is significant they get equal opportunities, which prompts the use of multiple approaches and models in the management of personnel (Beardwell &Thompson, 2014). The main element to achieving this as depicted by studies in the UK is the exercise of flexibility and simultaneously improving on consistent fairness and inclusiveness in the support of business needs. Relative to age and disability being forms of diversity, the United Kingdom has had extensive studies and research on the topics as a firm basis to formulating long – lasting solutions for HR management teams. The findings have been efficient since most of the authors use information from discerned victims. For instance, the CIPD 2015 report on managing an age- diverse workforce showed a strong correlation between life stage and experience under employment opportunities (CIPD, 2015). The organization derived such conclusions from interaction with young professionals whose focus in the workplace was trust, recognition and freedom, which was different form the older employees who aimed on attaining flexibility and a balance between work and their personal lives. Additionally, the studies’ objectives, relative to age, have a wider scope, not only on the corporations’ views on it as a form of diversity but also on the employees’ perceptions. The interaction with employees gives summary findings on predisposed organizations that fixate on certain age groups. Appreciably, there are corporations in the United Kingdom that perceive age diversity as a positive light and influence on the success of the organization and solutions to some of the primal challenges experienced today (CIPD, 2015). Essentially, although the United Kingdom has had vast research on age and disability under diversity in the workplace and human resource, past findings depict excellence on the different approaches and areas that require improvement and further studies i.e. the correlation between the younger and older employees, knowledge sharing or the exploitation of disabilities such as dyslexia to enhancing employee performance. Even though diversity of employees in the workplace mainly falls under the department of human resource management, the organizations’ can contribute in ensuring age and disabilities are not influences of discrimination. Relative to recent findings, formal practices in the organizations could take note of the issues as a way of increasing the urge of age and disability in the country. Typically, this is a comprehensive depiction of the United Kingdom’s current stature on the age and disability approaches as prevalent influences of discrimination in the workplace (Beardwell &Thompson, 2014). Given that the UK is a developed country, their overall approach is impressive and would greatly influence the conditions in developing countries. However, further research would apply better in the comparison relative to the core objective of this research proposal. Nonetheless, an evaluation of Brazil (a representation of the developing states) shows a different depiction of the age and disability models and diversity management, at large. Brazil (Developing Country) Firstly, a study conducted in 2011 on diversity management shows it as a prevalent issue in corporate governance. In fact, most of the organizational challenges result from bigoted practices among the employees (Jabbour, 2011). Only 20% companies in Brazil have implemented a dependable set of diversity management or have standard HR departments acknowledging aspects such as age and disability as potential sways of discernment. However, very few of the 20% companies understand the significance of diversity as an influence of success. The study showed only four companies from the sample acknowledged the requirement of strong support on the matter. Unlike in the United Kingdom where research on diversity constitutes multiple studies on sub-facets such as race, age, disability among others, Brazil has very few studies on diversity. This attribute creates the rationale for research on age and disability as a progression and motivation for developing countries with similar struggles. Comparing the United Kingdom’s approach with Brazil could act as platform to formulate new diversity models in the developing countries, particularly those that are prevalent in the UK and other developed countries (United Nations, 2007). For instance, authors have compared Brazil with South Africa under aspects of legislation and administration measures in countering workplace discrimination, which is a prevalent issue in the international corporate world. According to the United Nations, Brazil has up to 25 million people with disabilities with over 75% having received a certain amount of edification. Compared to the average number, the edified number is impressive and shows that most of them should subjects of proper employment (United Nations, 2007). However, over 90% of the corporations do not offer opportunities to the disabled or even aged. Additionally, those that experience the privileges of employment receive extensive unfair treatment i.e. less than minimum wages. Unfortunately, corporations in Brazil only consider employing the disabled and aged because of the legal regulations. The national stature clearly speaks out for the conditions in the few companies with HR management teams. Past studies relate employment issues in the Brazilian labor market with the population size, their traditions among others (Jabbour, 2011). For instance, the increased population applies as a justification for discrimination of the aged and disabled in the workplace. Moreover, corporations overlook HR management issues using the recent positive performances as the motivation. Nonetheless, Brazil still experience inequalities with age and disability diversities overcoming culture, race or even language (Jabbour, 2011). The limited incorporation of HR departments in corporations’ management teams might contribute to the scarce studies but the best approach to providing substantial solutions would be comparing the few companies with the age and disability condition with the United Kingdom’s stature. Appreciably, some companies have made an attempt of integrating United States’ practices but discrimination is still evident as indicated by the recent diversity management study. Moreover, the fixation on legislative and affirmative practices through corporate policies only influences development having limited effects on diversity management (Lawler, 2009). In fact, the results are taking longer thus the age and disability management in the workplace requires immediate action. Research Questions 1. What are the similarities and differences of age and disability management in United Kingdom and Brazil’s workplaces? 2. What are the challenges experienced in workplace management of age and disability in developed and developing countries? 3. How can the approaches used in the UK (developed countries) influence effectual diversity management in Brazil (developing countries)? Objectives 1. Classifying the similarities and differences of age and disability management in United Kingdom and Brazil’s workplaces 2. Identifying the challenges experienced in workplace management of age and disability in developed and developing countries 3. Formulation of effective diversity management models for the challenged developing countries that will advocate for fairness, equality and flexibility, which will also assist academic professionals and company management teams in development. Research Methodology a. Introduction This section discusses research methodology used in this study namely the research design, study site, target population, sample size, sampling method and procedures, instruments of data collection, ethical consideration and data analysis methods (Sanders, 2012). The rationale of the methodology entails mixed methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches applying as per the two methods reflected in the data collection section. b. Research Design The study will use review of secondary data and literature, observation, descriptive survey design with variables to test the effect of standard diversity management models in the UK as compared to Brazil (Patten, 2004). The research methodology depends heavily on evidence relative to the current initiatives of diversity management under human resource management in both countries (Dawson, 2002). The evidence mixes with a foundation survey based on whether the differences between the two countries could be the source of age and disability management challenges. c. Data collection The research will apply two methods of data collection in the process of conducting this study. Methods will use both primary and secondary sources data. The primary will be the administering of questionnaires to employees and HR management teams (Pears &Shields, 2013). Secondly, there will be an internet search using the commonly known search engines like Google, with initial search focusing mainly on findings from past research on peer-reviewed articles and journal. This desk study will be the basis of obtaining independent information that will help in supporting the hypothesis. d. Data Sampling Sampling techniques involve non- probability which will be adopted in this study to draw the sample from the population. 1. Target population and Sample size The target population is an entire group of individuals, events or having common observable characteristics. The sample size is one HR Manager and four employees that spend from multiple corporations in the UK and Brazil. The sample size is as explained in the table below. Sample Group Sample size Percentage HR Manager 1 20% Employees 4 80% Total 5 100% e. Research Instruments Questionnaires are the key instruments for this study because they are much more efficient in that they permit collection of data from a much larger sample; moreover, they allow respondents to give frank answers to sensitive questions if they are not required to disclose their identity. Moreover, it is essential to apply observation by visiting the sampled homes or schools collecting information not obtained by items in the questionnaire. The observation schedule gathers detailed information including that, which the respondents could provide. 3. Validity and Reliability of the Instruments Validity is the accuracy and meaningfulness of inferences based on research results being the ability of instruments to measure what they are intended to measure (Sullivan 2011). A pilot study takes place prior to the actual research and a percent of population is enough for piloting to enable researcher to determine whether there is any ambiguity in any of the items and ensured that the instruments elicited the type of data anticipated to answer research questions. Supervisors who are experts in the area of study review the instruments too and those that fail to measure the variables intended are either modified or discarded. Reliability is a measure of the degree to which a research adds consistent results or data after repeated trials and an instrument is reliable to the degree that it consistently measures the characteristic of interest over time (Key 1997). The researcher will administer questionnaires and after a week, the similar questionnaires will be re-administered to test reliability. f. Data analysis Quantitative techniques of data analysis through data tabulation and disaggregation will be primary in the methodology especially in establishing a substantial basis for discussions relative to the desired results (Creswell, 2009). This study will also have qualitative data from the questionnaire, and a different analysis of this data; where the qualitative be analyzed using the latest version of SPSS (Rubin &Babble 2015). Tables, charts and graphs will apply in the analysis of qualitative data. g. Ethical Considerations The researcher will get authority from the participants under review for their consent forms issued to HR managers and employees. Study subjects that are mainly employees and HR departments from the selected corporations will have an assurance of confidentiality in the handling of their data. Proposed Timeline of Actions Week 1- week 4: search for related literatures reviews, study, and assess their findings. Week 5 – week 7: determine and setting objectives that Brazil and other developing countries will aspire and work to achieve by implementing the right diversity management models and approaches Week 7- week 10: Review other diversity management approaches from other developed countries. Week 11 – week 22: distribute the intranet and online questionnaires Week 23 – week 25: Review and analyze data from observation and questionnaires. Week 25 – week 28: write project report. Week 28: Submit and present report. Discussion of Required Resources The comprehensive research will take 28 weeks with the major costs being on the research and issuing out the questionnaires. The set time will give the respondents enough time to fill out the questionnaires and in case, the researchers want to consult more, the time is sufficient. Review literature and the desk studies will require extensive data access. The data collection and analysis will require instruments such as SPSS and One- Way Analysis of the Variance (ANOVAs) to facilitate the identification of discrepancies between the two countries and various workplaces. Limitations of the Study Resolutely, this study has some limitations, as a survey it relies on a lot of literature review in gathering information from past studies relative to the deductive approach and self-report data, that depends on respondents to truthfully and accurately report on occurrences in their workplaces; therefore, the information unknown to the participants is not included (Creswell, 2009). It is a requirement for the researcher to make efforts on following up where possible and sought clarifications to enhance accuracy of the findings. Moreover, the sample population and participants affect the anonymity as an advantage of the research instruments i.e. questionnaires Bibliography Beardwell, J &Thompson, A. 2014, ‘Human Resource Management-A contemporary approach’, 7th ed. United Kingdom: Pearson Beute, M. 2015, ‘The Employment Cycle’ BBK_FFMN014H4_1415’: People management and diversity. Birkbeck College. Unpublished. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 2014, ‘Diversity in the Workplace- Overview’: Fact Sheet, CIPD, viewed 18 May 2015, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 2015, ‘Managing an Age- Diverse Workforce- What Employees Need to Know’: Research Report, CIPD, viewed 18 May 2015, Creswell, J, 2009 ‘Research design: Qualitative & quantitative approaches’, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, California Davis, M., 2012, The Influence of Personality Dimensions on Organizational Performance: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.2 (17), p.184 – 194 Dawson, C. 2002, ‘Practical Research Methods’, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’ Distributors Harzing, A &Pennington, A. 2015, ‘International human resource management’, 4th edn, London: Sage Jabbour, C., Gordono, F., Oliveira, J &Battistelle, J. 2011, ‘Diversity Management: Challenges, benefits, and the role of human resource management in Brazilian organizations’, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 30(1), pp.58-74 Joshua, O., 2011, ‘Impact of Workforce Diversity on Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of Nigerian Bank, Vol.11 (3), p. 93-110 Key, J 1997, ‘Reliability and Validity’: Research Design in Occupational Education, Reliability, viewed 18 May 2015, Lawler, E &Boudreau, J. 2009, ‘Achieving Excellence in Human Resources Management- An assessment of human resources functions’, California: Stanford University Press Mercy, G., 2012, ‘Workforce Diversity Management and Employee performance in the Banking Sector in Kenya’: DBA Africa Management Review, Vol.3 (1), p. 1-21 Ministry of Manpower (MOM), 2010, ‘Managing Workplace Diversity’: A Toolkit for Organizations, Vol.1 (1), p. 3-8 Patten, L. 2004, ‘Understanding research methods’: An overview of the essentials, 4th ed Glendale, Pyrczak Publishing. 170p Pears, R. &Shields, G. 2013, ‘Cite then right’, 9th edn. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Rubin, A., & Babble, E. R. 2015, ‘Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work’, 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks, & Cole Sullivan, G. 2011, ‘A Primer on the Validity of Assessment Instruments’: Journal of Graduate Medical Education, vol.3, no.2, pp.119-120 Saunders, M, Lewis, P &Thornhill, A. ‘2012, ‘Research Methods for Business Students’, 6th edn, Essex: Pearson Stewart, J., &McGoldrick, J. 1996, ‘Human Resource Development. Perspectives, Strategies and Practice’, Great Britain: Pitman Publishing United Nations, 2007, ‘Employment of Persons with Disabilities’: Department of Public Information, United Nations, viewed 18 May 2015, Read More
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