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Working with and Leading People - Assignment Example

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The assignment “Working with and Leading People” discusses enhancing satisfaction among work groups allowing flexible work practices, leadership styles, communication skills for effective leadership, healthy competition between departments, diversity in HR as a requirement of the global market etc…
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Working with and Leading People
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Working with and Leading People Task 1 – Recruitment, Selection and Retention 1a) Human resource planning for the company entails predicting its future needs of human resources and organizing the best way in which they can be accomplished. The organization is required to develop SMART objectives for its human resources as well as develop and put programs into operation, which enhance the availability of skills and competences among the employees to perform the organizational tasks effectively. These programs include personnel recruitment and selection, performance management and appraisal, employee compensation and training among other human resource practices (Hersey et al. 2007). Human resource planning may also include developing strategies for performance improvement as well as enhancement of employee satisfaction to increase organizational productivity, product quality as well as encouraging inventiveness in the accomplishment of workplace tasks. Data collection is also a significant aspect of human resource planning for the company. It provides a basis for evaluating the usefulness of the continuing programs and letting the planners know what needs to be revised in the programs. Human resource planning needs to be incorporated in the strategic planning for the company. This ensures that the organization adopts a long term approach in regard to satisfaction of its human resource needs (Huczynski & Buchanan, 2007). 1b) There should be guidelines and standards that guide the recruitment and selection process. The job summary is an important guide for effective recruitment. Derek et al. (2008) observes that there should be concurrence between the organizational managers and the HRM regarding the job summary and content before moving to fill the vacant position. Recruitment should result in a number of interested candidates from which the most suitable person(s) for the vacancy can be selected. Various media can be used to facilitate the recruitment process, such as the press, employment agencies and bureaus, as well as the company’s newsletter or website. The organization should invite the recruited candidates to participate in the tests that are typically designed to help the HRM to identify the most qualified candidate. The tests can be either written, oral interviews or hands on with the organizational systems such as computers or machines. The candidates are ranked in order of merit and the most qualified candidates selected for interviews, which provide an avenue for one to one interaction between the management and the candidates. Further ranking of the candidates is performed depending on the information they provide as well as their presentation skills (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000). 1c) Legal and ethical concerns in designing a HR policy arise when dealing with employment benefits, rewards occupational health and safety, career development among other issues that affect employee satisfaction. The disparities that arise due to dissatisfaction among the lower grade employees generate ethical concerns especially when the incentives of higher grades seem to be more than what such individuals deserve. There is a common threat for most HR managers of losing competent executive managers and hence they have to be maintained through payment of high salaries and compensation packages. However, it is important to consider all levels of employment when developing policies regarding compensation packages and employment benefits to avoid dissatisfaction among the lower groups in employment (Rose, 2008). Ethical practices such as equal employment opportunities, gender equality, and employee diversity among others need to be upheld for best human resource practices to be accomplished. Laws protecting employees from discrimination should be observed to avoid conflicts with the legal system. The requirements of each state in regard to employment relations need to be considered especially for international human resource managers. Employees should not be exposed to hazardous substances in the workplace (Scullion & Starkey, 2000). Task 2 – Building Winning Teams 2a) All members should share particular organizational goals that enable them to visualize what they should be expecting. The mission needs to be developed at the developmental stage of the team to guide the members in the development of the team goals. Effectively performing members must have understood the team goals in the formative stage of the group. The structure of the team is also a major determinant of its success. The capabilities of individuals have to match their roles in the group for objectives to be accomplished. The correct matching of individuals to the right job is achieved through personality profiling, which enhances the team’s development and fast maturity. Job matching is significant in talent management and also leads to job satisfaction and employee retention, efficient coaching, and maintenance of the morale of the team members among other benefits. On the other hand, a successful team follows a set of rules that govern its operations, which must be adhered to by the members. The standards of performance are set based on the team’s values and norms (Whitfield & Poole, 1997). All the team members should participate in setting the standards that have to be in line with the organizational standards. Teamwork allows understanding by all members regarding each other’s tasks and responsibilities to avoid duplication of roles. As a result, members of a team assist each other in identifying the possible failures that may result from performing tasks in a particular way, which enhances the performance of individuals. Harold & Frank (2009) argue that since each team member is focused on the accomplishment of a particular organizational goal, they attach much importance to working together, which makes them more productive. The members of a team possess diverse skills and therefore they can accomplish different tasks and share knowledge to form a strong workforce. There is a possibility for people working in a team to discover their talents and utilize their potential maximally. In certain situations, members of a team discover that they can do better than their workmates when they try to work like them. Such workplace relations are significant in the accomplishment of the overall business goals. 2b) It is important for the management to display concern in regard to the employees’ needs. They usually feel empowered when they are appreciated for their efforts in the accomplishment of organizational goals. The manner in which leaders in GKN communicate in should demonstrate their support for employees, whose satisfaction should always be upheld to enhance productivity. The managers should promote a shared vision in the organization. They should also promote ownership of organizational goals among the employees. Moreover, they should share the goals and ensure that everyone understands the overall organizational mission. Team building strategies are important to motivate the employees to be proactive in transferring knowledge within the workplace. The management needs to demonstrate trust and understanding towards the organizational human resources (Edwards et al. 2007). Empowerment also involves effective communication between the management and the employees. The managers should ensure that vital information that the employees can use in accomplishing tasks is accessible to them. Access to information also enhances decision making among them. Authority should be delegated to the employees to ensure that they are able to develop their own strategies for accomplishing tasks. Constant feedback is significant to ensure that the employees’ efforts are recognized (Whitfield & Poole, 1997). 2c) The organization’s internal employees are experienced in working with different cultures and therefore are able to interact and form strong relations especially due to the fact that they can speak diverse languages. Enhancing satisfaction among work groups through allowing flexible work practices is important in the enhancement of planning of tasks and also coming up with creative ideas that are significant for intergroup development. It is important to assign the challenging tasks to the experienced employees in the groups to set the standards of performance. Many of the internal employees are drawn from various businesses fields and therefore can be resourceful in development of strong groups due to knowledge transfer. Recruiting new graduates each year introduces fresh knowledge in the organization, which on the other hand are mentored by the experienced employees thereby maintaining competence in the workplace. Effective intergroup development is based on the maintenance of an enthusiastic and diverse workforce. Actions to motivate team members are appropriate in maintaining their interest to remain in the organization (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000). 3a) Likert also established four leadership styles that are significant in influencing others to accomplish organizational goals. These include; exploitive and benevolent authoritative styles, consultative and participative styles. Benevolent authoritative style is a significant approach to leadership that is focused on maintaining high commitment through generating enthusiasm and interest. Rewards are used as a means for encouraging effective performance. By putting the desires of colleagues in to consideration, there is a high possibility of generating satisfaction among them and hence they can easily be influenced to undertake tasks effectively. Consultative style involves the down-up decision making. The new colleagues are involved in the decision making process whereby they raise issues regarding the manner in which they would like to undertake their tasks, which generates satisfaction and the willingness to accomplish goals. Participative style involves participating with colleagues in performing their tasks. This style is encouraging and it is possible to influence them to accomplish tasks especially due to the leader’s participation (Kouzes & Posner, 2007). 3b) Strong communication skills are significant for effective leadership. The leader should be in a capacity to effectively communicate ideas to the subordinates. Effective organizational relationships are based on good communication. The leader should also be honest with the management team as well as with the subordinates. He/she needs to possess unquestionable integrity to maintain confidence among the subordinates. The leader should be a visionary person who can see ahead of the others. This enables him/her to help others to understand the destiny of the organization. The leader should be in a position to select a strong team that has the capacity to act as an enhancement of his/her skills (Kesler, 2002). Much time should be spent listening to the views of the subordinates. This is significant to ensure that there is clear information regarding the day to day tasks in the organization. The leaders who actively participate in the activities assigned to the subordinates are able to interact with them and understand their concerns. Changes that occur in the organization are communicated to the subordinates and due to the constant interactions; the leaders are kept up to date in regard to the changes that occur in the organization (Reilly, 2008). 3c) Motivation can be in form of rewards which ensures that there is healthy competition between various departments that work hard to achieve recognition by the leader. Performance evaluation strategies should also be adopted to ensure that various teams are committed to their duties and responsibilities. Leaders are also advised to appreciate diversity in the workforce so as to achieve the best results from the cross generational interaction. Successful managers are diplomatic and give instructions in a calm approach. They treat workers in a fair manner and shun preferential treatment. They pay attention to the workers’ point of view and are always accessible for assistance and encourage proposals and views from the subordinates. Such managers encourage employees to establish individual development goals, which are in line with organizational objectives thereby promoting employee satisfaction (Harold & Frank, 2009). Leaders need to promote harmonious relations in the workplace are important for the maintenance of employee competence. This involves team building to enhance productivity among employees by working as a group that is focused on the accomplishment of organizational goals. It is significant in maintaining confidence among employees so that they are not easily lured out of the organization by competitors. Internal career ladders are also significant motivators to effective performance (Alldredge et al. 2003). Task 4 – Work and Development Needs 4a) The global market requires organizational strategies that have transnational representation of human resources. Decisions regarding the human resources in the organization need to take diversity in to consideration. Global operations require that employees from different cultural backgrounds be engaged in the workforce and be treated fairly. The organization’s human resource managers need to understand the desires of the diverse cultures in workforce. It is important to appreciate that different people have different talents which can form a strong team when utilized to the maximum. The proposals of the managers in the subsidiaries need to be appreciated especially due to the fact that they represent different cultures. This improves the diversity of ideas and the quality of decisions that are significant in the accomplishment of organizational goals. Due to the differences in technology in the international arena, the HRM have a responsibility of satisfying the training needs and the reduction of the possibilities of de-skilling by upgrading the skills of the conventional workforce to utilize the emerging technologies (Edwards et al. 2007). The top management should have a balanced representation of the various countries that it operates. The employment laws that govern employment relations in the different countries should be adhered to. 4b) Identifying the level of self awareness of colleagues is one of the important strategies that can be applied to meet their development needs. It involves individual understanding of oneself as different from the perceptions of self at a particular time. Self awareness and knowledge is significant in the determination of individual talents and competences. Once people discover their talents, they are able to participate in accomplishment of the shared goals. It is also important for people to discover their self identity, which needs to be established to enhance the confidence to perform. Identifying talents is significant for their utilization and development. For example in the contemporary workplace, teams accomplish tasks effectively through identifying and combining individual talents (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000). Once the employee potentials are discovered, the management can develop strategies for improvement. It is also important in the improvement of employability of the employees. The quality of life of the employees should be understood to ensure that a work-life balance is accomplished, which is also significant in the improvement of employee satisfaction and hence improved performance. Understanding the employees’ ambitions and dreams helps the management to establish ways of enhancing their accomplishment. The training and development needs of employees are accomplished when the human resource managers identify their competence as well as the areas that need improvement (Schrader & Lawless, 2004). 4c) One of the key elements of an effective development plan is a list of the goals. These indicate the position in which a person would like to be in future, how he is going to get there as well as the time that the goals must be accomplished. Goal setting is simple but requires caution because it is the foundation of any future endeavours that the individual or groups may be aspiring to undertake. It is important to have short and long-term goals. The course of action is also an important element in the development plan. It defines the procedure to be followed for success to be accomplished (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000). The development plan needs to indicate the strengths and weaknesses, which are significant determinants in the accomplishment of the development goals. The person needs to know what he/she is supposed to improve and the areas where he/she needs to capitalize on for maximum benefits. The development plan should also contain the performance indicators that will be necessary in evaluating a persons’ success. The personal strategies should be incorporated in the organizational strategies through job profiling and assigning each individual the responsibilities that match his/her development plan (Schrader & Lawless, 2004). References Alldredge, M., Johnson, C., Stoltzfuz, J., & Vicere, A. 2003. “Leadership development at 3M: New process, new techniques, new growth”. Human Resource Planning, Vol. 26, 3, p 45. Derek, T., Laura, H. & Stephen, T. 2008. Human Resource Management, 7th Ed. Harlow, FT Edwards, T., Colling, T. and Ferner, A. 2007. “Conceptual approaches to the transfer of employment practices in multinational companies: an integrated approach”, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 17, 3, pp 201-17. Harold, E. & Frank P. S. 2009. Value-Driven Project Management, John Wiley & sons.  Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. H. & Johnson, D.E. 2007. Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, Prentice Hall. Huczynski, A.A. & Buchanan, D.A. 2007. Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Education. Kesler, G. C. 2002. “Why the leaders never gets deeper: Ten insights about executive talent development”. Human Resource Planning, Vol. 25, 1, pp 32-34. Kouzes, J. M. & Posner B. Z. 2007. The leadership challenge, Wiley Reilly, P. 2008. Strategic HR? Ask yourself the questions. HR Director. 44(2), 16-17. Rose, E. 2008. Employment Relations, London, Prentice Hall, Financial Times Schrader, P. G., & Lawless, K. A. (2004). The Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Approach: How to Evaluate Performance and Learning in Complex Environments. Performance Improvement, Vol. 43, 9 pp 8-15. Scullion, H. & Starkey, K. 2000. “In Search of the Changing Role of the Corporate Human Resource Function in the International Firm”. International Journal of HRM, Vol. 11, 6 pp 1061-1081. Shields, J. 2007. Managing Employee Performance and Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies, Cambridge University Press. Viswesvaran, C., & Ones, D. S. 2000. “Perspectives on models of Job Performance”. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Vol. 8, 4 pp 216-226. Whitfield, K. & Poole, M. 1997. Organizing Employment for high performance: Theories, evidence and policy”. Organization Studies, Vol. 18, 5 pp 745-764. Read More
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