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Your recommendations if this the time that McBride should consider a total overhaul of the hotel opening process? What could he change, and how should he go about doing it? There are many reasons why I do not recommend overhauling the training process. First, the 7-day countdown is a Ritz-Carlton tradition that has been proven through time to prepare its new employees to become a proud part of the famous hotel chain. In fact, there have been no reports that the hotel chain have subpar employees.
Second, there are many other ways to increase occupancy, such as providing packages for events participants, creating a loyalty card for frequent guests, increasing advertising, etc. Your observations for your review of the care on whats different about experimenting in a service business? Human resource is an integral part of service business. This makes experimenting more difficult, because not only should it be considerate of the customers’ happiness, but also of the employees’ welfare.
Unlike machines that only need power to drive it, butlers, managers, and other personnel need more than food and clothing, they also need job security, sense of achievement, and good work relations.
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