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My Leadership Observations - Essay Example

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The author states that although there is no standard way of describing leadership, we can relate leadership to an acceptable way of following a specific individual. The author has observed that a leader must have followers who accept and respect them.  …
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My Leadership Observations
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I have observed that good leaders are role models who are willing to create more leaders (Chand, 2008). They pass their leadership skills and experience to specific individuals.Leaders must accommodate innovation and be flexible to diverse opinions from other leaders and their followers. They manifest relevance by being flexible and accommodative. Indeed, good leaders seek to make a difference and engage in consultations aimed at making the best decisions. As such, leaders must be followers of experienced leaders.

I observed that leaders establish strong associations and collaborations with others to enhance their skills and competence. This enables them to derive authority and respect from their followers. Most importantly, I observed that good leaders are objective and focus on growth in their organization (Chand, 2008). As such, they engage in activities like seminars and conferences that foster personal and leadership development. Nevertheless, it is evident that certain traits like corruption and misuse of power hinder good leadership.

As such, it is challenging to find a good leader.   

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