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Organization Communication and Conflict in the Workplace - Term Paper Example

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The paper 'Organization Communication and Conflict in the Workplace' analyze how conflict and inefficient communication at the workplace affects organizations and it uses two informants to help in understanding the topic clearly. The manager of Sweet Waters believes that poor communication causes conflicts…
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Organization Communication and Conflict in the Workplace
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Organization Communication and Conflict in the Workplace Table of Contents 0 Executive Summary……………………………………………………...3 2.0 Background on the Issue…………………………………………………4 3.0 Current and Future Importance…………………………………………..6 4.0 Informants………………………………………………………………..8 5.0 Argument for and Against………………………………………………..11 6.0 Personal Stand …………………………………………………………....13 7.0 Applicable Laws………………………………………………………….13 8.0 Recommendations………………………………………………………..15 9.0 References………………………………………………………………..18 Executive Summary Organizations survive because of their ability to communicate and solve conflicts. Poor communication and lack of techniques of solving disagreements may lead to low returns, decrease in markets share, and high employee turnover. This essay analyzes how conflict and inefficient communication at the workplace affects organizations and it uses two informants to help in understanding the topic clearly. The manager of Sweet Waters who is one of the informants believes that poor communication causes conflicts while the human resource of Greenwich Tiles argues that the causal relationship between the two factors is two way. The Sweet Waters leader believes that firms should install efficient communication channels to prevent conflicts. The Greenwich Tiles manager, on the other hand, believes that firms should install proper problem solving techniques as well as efficient communication channels. Some managers believe that companies should aim at implementing efficient communication and problem-solving frameworks; while the opponents of these strategies argue that they are time-wasting and expensive. The laws applicable in this topic include hiring, termination, and employer and employee rights. These laws promote conflict resolution and communication when companies adhere to their requirements. Organizations may enhance communication and disagreement resolution by training workers, developing adaptable cultures, and developing laws that govern equality at the workplace. Organizations may also use the Tuckman’s team development model to promote efficient team work that leads to efficient communication and problem solving. Background on the Issue Communication is the backbone of the success of every organization because it passes information between stakeholders such as managers, employees, customers, and suppliers. This means that if communication does not take place in a workplace, companies do not achieve their goals. However, communication may also lead to the failure of an organization if it is not efficient, friendly, and respectful (Heller 10). This means that companies must manage communication in their workplaces to ensure that it takes place and that it does not lead to conflicts. Most of the organizational managers fail to manage communication in their workplaces because their companies employ numerous employees who have diverse differences such as culture, beliefs, behavior, religion, and schooling (Let’s talk 12). Poor communication in an organization may also arise from personal differences between workers, inefficient leadership, and unclearly defined organizational goals and job description. Personal differences arise when workers have another relationship outside of their workplace. When the other relationship is in difficulty, it may cause an employee to communicate using unacceptable language at the office. Although numerous organizations advise workers to deal with workplace issues only while in the office, it may be hard for employees with personal issues to heed to this call especially when they work in the same department or office (Reilly, Sirgy and Gorman 24). Poor leadership that results when a leader does not possess efficient leadership skills also causes poor communication. For example, when a leader has poor skills of communicating to junior workers, this causes an overall collapse of communication at the workplace. This is because the leader does not pass all the information that is required to complete tasks to employees. Inefficient communication at the workplace also arises when managers control workers in every function that they perform instead of leaving them to complete tasks in their own best way (Jones and George 30). When workers are coerced to complete tasks, they become rebellious and fail to listen to their leaders. The failure to listen then causes inefficient communication in the office. Conflicts are also major causes of ineffective communication in numerous organizations. The basic causes of conflicts, on the other hand, include uncomfortable workplace environment, overworking, unclearly defined job roles, insufficient training, unfairness, dissatisfaction, and personal differences (Heller 28). These factors may cause disagreements between two or more workers, between an employee and a supervisor, between two or more supervisors, or between workers and customers. For example, disagreements between employees may be caused by miscommunication or personal differences. Conflicts between managers and workers, on the other hand, are caused by poor distribution of job roles, unfair treatment, or failure of employees to provide the supervisors with feedback (Jones and George 31). The failure of employees to listen to their coworkers and supervisors may also cause clashes in an organization. Another cause of disagreements at the workplace is the lack of sufficient resources and poor performance (Moussa 56). When an organization lacks sufficient resources such as computers, pens, and work space, employees struggle to use the available materials. However, conflicts may arise when workers compete for the resources so that they can use them to complete their tasks and leave the office on time. Poor performance also leads to clashes at the job place because each individual blames others for the failure to achieve first class results (Jones and George 39). The individuals who are blamed for the poor results also react by shifting the blame from themselves to other workers. Workers may also shift the blame for poor performance to their supervisors and managers especially if the leadership failed to listen to their suggestions of improving performance (McCartney 76). The blame game may continue and lead to further conflicts among the various groups of individuals who work in an organization. This indicates that communication and conflict are indirectly correlated in an organization. Efficient communication reduces conflicts; while numerous disagreements cause poor communication (Reilly, Sirgy and Gorman 59). This also means that organizations have to manage communication if they want to reduce disagreements at the workplace. Current and Future Importance Organizations need to learn about communication and conflict currently so that they can learn how to reduce the negative impacts of poor relations and disagreements. For example, companies that are currently incurring losses that are brought about by poor communication and disagreements may reduce their losses when they learn how to handle these factors efficiently. Learning about these topics may also help companies to increase their market shares because they will determine techniques that they can use to communicate with customers successfully (Kumar and Kuri 26). For example, companies may learn how to use social media and websites to pass information to consumers. These mediums reduce the conflicts that arise between employees and customers. The use of websites and social media also may enable customers to provide companies with feedback about the level of satisfaction that they receive from goods and improvements that they would suggest (Ihlen, Bartlett and May 65). Effective communication and conflict resolution may also enable companies to form long lasting relationships with workers. This is because organizations will learn how to form efficient internal cultures that encourage workers to respect one another. Firms will also form lasting relationships because they will discover the techniques that they may use to involve and motivate workers in the office. The motivation techniques include rewards, promotion, teamwork, and a safe working environment (Moussa 58). The rewards that motivate employees include gifts and wages that reflect the effort that they use to complete the tasks in a company. Promotion involves lifting employees by giving them jobs that are at a higher level when they acquire enough experience to enable them to perform the tasks in the higher level. Employees who gain promotion refrain from conflicts because they achieve their goals and they complete their tasks efficiently. Long lasting relationships between firms and workers are also achieved when the employees and their leaders learn to work as a team. Efficient team work involves effective communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. This means that when workers practice team work, they enable an organization to achieve its goals. This also means that while companies try to improve their relationships with employees, the workers will also benefit because they will advance their skills of communicating and solving conflicts (McCartney 82). Companies will also learn how to reduce future conflicts among various stakeholders when they learn the techniques of facilitating efficient communication and reducing conflicts in their workplace. For example, when organizations create cultures that reduce disagreements and encourage efficient communication, they will pass it to future employees. The future employees will therefore maintain cordial relationships with their coworkers and supervisors (Jones and George 54). The determination of techniques that reduce conflicts and enhance communication will also enable companies to create long-term relationships with customers. Organizations leaders will also discover the type of leadership that promotes team work, efficient communication, and conflict resolution at the work place. This is because the leaders will learn to understand the characteristics of employees and how they should be led to ensure that they utilize their skills effectively. Companies will learn this by identifying various leadership theories such as participative, charismatic, and trait hypotheses (Kumar and Kuri 35). Informants This paper interviewed two informants who were from different companies. One of the informants was the manager of Sweet Waters Restaurant while the other one was the human resource manager of Greenwich Tiles and House Furnishings. The manager of Sweet Waters who is known as Mr. Kelvin argued that poor communication is the root cause of conflicts in an organization. Mr. Kelvin believes that conflicts cannot exist in an organization when the channels of communication are efficient. Mr. Kelvin argued that poor communication results when managers fail to define the roles of workers, when workers do not cooperate with one another in completing the tasks of the company, and when managers control workers forcefully. According to Kelvin, workers who do not know their specific roles in a firm dissatisfy their supervisors because they do not complete all the tasks that are within their job role (Heller, 49). Therefore, the informant thought that supervisors should define the tasks of each worker so that the employees can complete the efficiently. Supervisors may define the job roles of employees when they are employing them to ensure that the workers know the job that they are paid to complete. Defining the job role is essential when recruiting workers because it prevents hostility that may result in future when employees discover that they have to perform more tasks than they used to do before (Moussa 109). The informant also argued that some employees may fail to cooperate with others, for example, by failing to inform their colleagues about their work in progress and opposing the views of others every time. This is because these workers are not able to understand to work as a team. Mr. Kelvin, therefore, believes that companies must train their employees as soon as they recruit them so that they can learn the need for working as a team. When workers identify the functions of others, they appreciate and cooperate with them. The informant also argued that training enables workers to learn to use machines and other technologies in an organization efficiently (Hiam 106). Mr. Kelvin also argued that managers should refrain from forcefully controlling workers because this causes conflicts. The conflicts arise because employees oppose the force and they may fail to listen to the instructions of the managers, an act that causes poor communication. The forceful control of workers also increases their hostility and it reduces their productivity. This may lower the performance of a company if the problem remains unsolved (Ihlen, Barlett and May 46). The manager argued that the performance of Sweet Waters decreases when there is poor communication in the company. The manager will help the company to create a culture that encourages efficient communication when he learns the techniques of improving communication. The manager will also help the company to maintain customers because he will teach workers how to handle clients by talking to them in a friendly and respectful way. Mr. Kelvin will also identify characteristics that leaders must have for them to lead workers successfully. He will then be able to train other managers in the company so that they can lead employees in a friendly manner that promotes efficient communication. The human resource manager of Greenwich Tiles, Mr. James, on the other hand, argued that the cause-effect relationship between poor communication and conflicts is two way (Reilly, Sirgy and Gorman 73). This means that either of the two can cause the other. The manager concurred with Mr. Kelvin’s argument about how poor communication causes conflicts. However, Mr. James argued that conflicts may also cause poor communication. For example when two employees argue, no one among them listens to the other. The communication between these workers becomes poor and they cannot resolve their conflict because they start using unfriendly language. The manager also gave an example of an employee and a customer, whereby the client approaches the worker while complaining and shouting. Mr. James argued that the customer would cause a conflict, which would prevent the employee from responding efficiently (Heller 67). The manager pointed out that other conflicts that may cause poor communication include unfair treatment and harassment at the workplace. Unfair treatment arises when managers or supervisors treat employees selectively, for example, by giving them more gifts and assigning them fewer tasks than others (Heler 66). The employees who are treated unfairly respond by failing to cooperate and this causes poor communication between them and the others. The effect of this is the decrease in the productivity of the workers, which then deteriorates the performance of an organization. Mr. James, therefore, argued that organizations must develop structured and efficient techniques of solving disagreements to enhance communication between various stakeholders. According to the informer, companies must implement a rule that requires workers to report their disagreements to managers as soon as they arise. This will ensure that the leaders solve the conflict speedily to avoid wasting time by concentrating on the disagreements instead of the solutions (Heller 67). Mr. James will learn how to implement channels of solving problems from the recommendations of this topic. The informant will also understand the characteristics that managers and leaders should have for them to lead employees in a way that reduces conflicts. Mr. James will also learn the need for training workers is to promote team work and cooperation, which prevents and reduces conflicts. Argument for and Against The believers of communication and conflict resolution in an organization argue that these factors are essential because they increase the successes of a company. The successes that organization achieve by using these two strategies include formation of long-term relationships with employees and customers, reduction of the employee turnover, and additional market share, sales and profits (Let’s talk 20). These strategies also enable companies to develop organizational cultures and increase efficiency. This is because when companies solve disagreements that exist between employees, the workers cooperate and complete their tasks efficiently. This increases the quality of products and services, which consequently leads to an increase in sales and profits. The proponents of communication and conflict resolution also argue that these strategies are essential in companies because they help to improve management and leadership. This is because when companies aim at implementing efficient communication channels, they begin by training managers how they can communicate and solve problems effectively. The managers then pass these skills to their junior employees by training them and leading by example (McCartney 123). Efficient leadership and management then improve the performance of a company. The opponents of communication and conflict resolution argue that it is expensive and impossible to install efficient channels of communication and solving problems. The opponents believe that stakeholders who disagree should be left alone to solve their problems. This is because when third parties mediate in such cases they may hinder cooperation and lead to additional problems (Kumar and Kuri 54). The additional problems then expose the organization to higher expenses than it would incur before the mediation of the third parties. This would also waste for the company the time that it would use to perform value adding tasks. Opponents of communication and problem solving also believe that these are characteristics that individuals are born with and that they cannot be passed on (Ihlen, Barlett and May 97). This is because they believe that passing these characteristics to individuals would be like poison, which achieves worse results than the expected because it confuses the workers. Therefore, the opponents believe that companies can only cope with these problems and let them end naturally instead of coercing workers to acquire the traits forcefully. Personal Stand I support the argument that communication and conflict resolution are essential in the success of organizations. The essence of these two factors is simultaneous meaning that they are inseparable in the nature. I support communication in businesses because it is the platform that gives rise to opportunities that later transform into businesses. This function of communication in an organization indicates that the factor cannot be ignored because if this happens, it may lead to the loss of the business and the opportunity and idea that gave rise to the undertaking. Just as Mr. Kelvin argued, communication enables managers to define the roles of all employees in a company. This means that without it, workers would idle around the premises of an organization without knowing what to do, how, and when to do it. Therefore, communication is crucial in a firm because it enables the smooth performance of activities by enabling managers to define and distribute job roles, makes plans, coordinate activities, and perform monitoring and evaluation (McCartney 118). Conflict resolution is also essential in companies because it may be both healthy and harmful if not resolved on time. This means that conflicts may enable companies to succeed according to the techniques used to resolve them, and at the same time, they may cause the collapse of an enterprise when ignored (Kuri and Kumar 146). I support the idea of Mr. James that companies should formulate rules that require workers to report conflicts to their supervisors as soon as they arise. This ensures that disagreements are resolved as soon as they arise and it also ensures that the conflicts give rise to healthy working environments and organizational success through high sales and profits. Applicable Laws Certain laws are applicable in enhancing communication and conflict resolution within organizations; for example, hiring laws, worker and employer rights, work place privacy, and termination (Ihlen, Bartlett and May 102). The worker and employer rights law determines the rights of employees and the companies that employ them. In case the employer violates the rights of workers, conflicts arise. The law is then used as the basis of encouraging dialogue between these parties so that they can solve their disagreement. At the end of the resolution, which is enhanced by communication, the employer and employees enjoy their rights as they are stated in the legislation. One of the rights of workers in this law is a comfortable work environment that has safe and sufficient working tools (Kumar and Kuri 148). The legislation requires employers to provide workers with such an environment. When organizations comply with this law, conflicts reduce at the workplace and this also enhances communication between workers and their supervisors. The law of hiring is also applicable because it explains how employers recruit workers. The law requires companies to define the characteristics and qualifications that they require individuals to possess before employing them. Employers then sign contracts with employees requiring them to always complete the tasks that are defined in their job roles efficiently (Moussa 133). This law binds employees and it helps to reduce conflicts because workers are able to know their functions and they complete them efficiently. The law of termination, on the other hand, determines the cases that cause employers to terminate their employment contracts with employees (Reilly, Sirgy and Gorman 96). This means that companies cannot fire their workers without following this law. In case of conflicts, the parties use this law as the basis of resolving the conflict by employing efficient communication. Recommendations There are certain strategies that companies can use to enhance communication and reduce conflicts in their workplaces; for example, avoiding favoritism, training workers, creating organization cultures that are easily adaptable, and arbitration. Companies may avoid favoritism by formulating laws that govern the treatment of workers (Heller, 93). These laws should clearly state the relationship between a worker and a supervisor and how each of them should view the other. These laws should punish the supervisors who treat employees unequally because their actions cause conflicts. Organizations may also follow the rules of ethics strictly because they direct managers how to be fair. Companies should also train their workers on how to communicate to their supervisors, managers, and coworkers. The training should encourage employees to be respectful when dealing with others because this reduces disagreements. The trainings also equip workers with problem-solving skills and this enables them to resolve conflicts successfully. This saves the companies the time that they would use to mediate in minor conflicts such as those that arise between employees because of their personal differences and opinions (Kumar and Kuri 123). Organizations should also train new workers to encourage them to adapt to their new environment instead of being assertive. This is because assertiveness is a technique that involves changing the environment and this would be impossible for the employees. This means that before training workers, companies should ensure that they develop clear organization cultures that are adaptable by workers from any culture. Organizations may also employ arbitration as a technique of solving conflicts. This technique involves hiring a third part who listens to both of the parties who are conflicts. The arbitrator then resolves the conflicts in the fairest way. Managers of companies should also ensure that they employ workers who have the right qualifications (Let’s talk 26). The managers should state the skills that potential employees should have before hiring them. This ensures that firms do not hire less skilled workers who cause conflicts in the organization because of their inabilities and poor skills of communicating to their peers and executives. Another solution to conflict at the workplace is team work. Companies should establish teams and train them to complete their tasks efficiently. Organization may also use the Tuckman’s model of team development to nurture employee’s teams. This model argues that the growth of a team takes place in four stages, which include forming, performing, norming, and storming (Moussa 176). In the first stage, which is the forming, workers relate with one another efficiently because they are not certain about their functions in the team. However, when the team reaches the second phase that is storming, conflicts start arising in the groups because workers start arguing about who should complete which task. In the third phase of team development that is norming, teams learn to settle their disputes because all workers get used to their functions. In the last stage that is the performing phase, this continues as workers aim at increasing their efficiency in the teams and achieving the goals of the organization (McCartney 185). When managers are able to determine the stage in which the teams in their companies are, they devise techniques of helping them to develop efficiently. The main stage in this case is the storming that involves numerous conflicts that arise because of unclearly defined job roles. Supervisors of teams should learn ways of solving problems when they arise at this stage, for example, by clearly defining the role of every member in the group. The clear definition of job roles then promotes efficient communication as well as reducing conflicts in an organization. Works Cited Heller, Daniel. Taoist Lessons for Educational Leaders: Gentle Pathways to Resolving Conflicts. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2012. Print. Ihlen, Øyvind, Jennifer Bartlett, and Steve May. The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Print. Jones, Gareth, and Jennifer George. Essentials of Contemporary Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011. Print. Kumar, Anurag and Joy Kuri. Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach, 2004. Print. Lets Talk: A Guide to Resolving Workplace Conflicts. Edmonton, Alta: Government of Alberta, Human Services, 2012. Print. McCartney, Timothy. Managing workplace stress and conflict. Boston: media creations incorporated, 2006. Print. Moussa, Nelson. Conflicts management and negotiation. essential skills for project managers, 1, 3, 2011. Print. Reilly, Nora, Joseph Sirgy, and Allen Gorman. Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012. Print. Read More
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