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Efficacy of Part Time Staff vis--vis Full-Time Staff - Essay Example

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The purpose of the essay "Efficacy of Part Time Staff vis-à-vis Full-Time Staff" is to establish the efficacy of part-time staff in comparison with full-time staff. A tangible relationship would be established, wherein the extent to which these affect an organization can be studied therein…
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Efficacy of Part Time Staff vis--vis Full-Time Staff
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Efficacy of Part Time Staff vis-à-vis Full Time Staff Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to establish the efficacy of part-time staff in comparison with full-time staff. It is endeavoured, that a tangible relationship would be established, wherein the extent to which these two working domains affect an organization can be studied therein. The rationale for the research is the mode of employment preference for a company. Having had the choice between a fulltime and part-time employee, what would suit the organization better? Although it is appreciated that every organization has its own needs and requirements, yet it is stipulated that there would a trend that would help establish a generalized preference for the genre of employee that would be suitable for an organization. Literature review There is a reasonable amount of work that has been done on various aspects of fulltime and part-time employment before, but slightly in different perspectives. “Part-time and full-time employees differed on a number of attitudes and that psychological contract fulfillment could be used to explain differences in certain attitudes (e.g., satisfaction) but not others (e.g., affective commitment). Analyses also show that the relationships between psychological contract fulfillment and outcomes were rarely moderated by work status, suggesting that part-time employees will respond in a similar way as full-time employees to adjustments in their psychological contract” (Conway, 2002). Similarly, Wolbers elucidates, “Dual system participants combine fixed-term contracts with full-time employment, while studying workers are not very different from their non-studying colleagues. Working students are more often employed on a part-time basis. Nevertheless, the permanency of these student jobs is fairly high, much closer to the situation of regular employees rather than to that of dual system students” (2003). However, it is believed that “since the work-life system is multi- and not just two-dimensional, it is important to examine how all life domains interrelate with each other. In this way, we would be in a better position to begin to assess all the benefits and disadvantages associated with working part-time and with other work-life balancing strategies” (Warren, 2004). “For both men and women the likelihood to return-to-work increased with increasing number of opportunities to adjust. Adjustment latitude increased returning to part-time as well as full-time work. The study indicates that work organisation is important for return-to-work” (Gun, 2006). In addition, it is highlighted that “females, freshmen and full-time (versus part-time) students reported a greater degree of exposure to stressors” ((Buchanan, et al, 2004). “There are very few small businesses that do not offer coverage and that have substantial numbers of uninsured workers. These businesses are not quite as rare as a needle in a haystack, but they are very difficult to find” (Richard, 2006). These would of course generate uncertainty within the employees, and hence the lack of insurance is avoidable in the majority of cases, presenting the argument for job security. “Implications for human resource management are identified, as the conflicting needs and views of manager and part-time employees are explored. These conflicts are particularly difficult for HR to reconcile as part-time and reduced-hours working continues its expansion” (Emerald, 2005). Here, Karin believes that “tailored HRM is needed: assisting employees with a mismatch wanting to work fewer hours can be achieved by allowing them more flexibility in their working schedules. Employees with a mismatch of wanting to work more hours can be assisted with additional support, e.g. shopping services” (2005). Sverky follows suit here by adding, “perceptions of the job (job insecurity, job control and demands), but not the type of employment contract, predicted health complaints. However, type of employment interacted with perceptions of job insecurity, in that insecurity was associated with impaired well-being among permanent full-time workers, while no relationship was found for on-call or core part-time employees” (2000). “When the loadings, which casuals are paid, are taken into account, I find that part-time casual employees are actually penalised by virtue of working as casuals. I conclude that casual jobs are inferior jobs, irrespective of the satisfaction levels of their incumbents” (Watson, 2005). This refers to understand of the humanistic concerns within the organization. Further, “the nature of the organization and its policies as well as certain characteristics of the sample may limit the generalizability of findings to other sectors and groups of employees. Practical implications - The research highlights the need to assess whether work-family policies are experienced as intended, a process which may contribute to future policy development and assist human resource specialists to promote genuine balance between work and non-work responsibilities” (Bradley, 2005). Gallie, et al, elaborate in detail, “while in most respects part-time workers and those on temporary contracts (especially those with contracts of uncertain duration) are in more lowly skilled jobs, only those on temporary contacts suffer from relatively high levels of insecurity. Despite this, non-standard employees appear to gain more than full-time permanent employees from being part of a high involvement work system - part-timers, in particular, benefit most from the increased level of skills these workplaces demand, and some types of temporary employees take additional benefit from the enhanced employment security with which these workplaces are associated” (2004). All these aforementioned studies highlight to the fact that there is a considerable difference between the orientation of the fulltime and part-time employees. However, there is more work need in this domain, which can help us understand and study the variables associated with this phenomena in a better manner. Thus, the study is designed in the manner elaborated below, which would help in the understanding of the issue in a better manner. Scope of investigation The scope for the study entails a sequential yet simple process. Primarily, it is a comparative, cross-sectional study various organizations, to find out the incidence and awareness of employment dynamics. It is questionnaire-based study, which shall give us demographic as well as technical data into the subject. Objectives of the research The objective of the study involves finding out about the incidence of employment among personnel of various organizations. It also endeavors to investigate the level of awareness that the workers possess about their organization, its preferences and management. A comparative study between the fulltime and part time, and the facilities shall also be disused. Statement of the problem To establish the difference in the efficacy of employment of part-time workers in comparison with fulltime workers. Hypothesis formulation It is a cross sectional study, which means that it shall have a sample that is representative of varying segments of the society. It is not merely a study of one group, one community or one class within an organization. The subjects for this study shall be in two categories. Firstly, there would be people who work fulltime for their companies, and then there would be those who are part-time employees. Questionnaires shall be devised that shall be specific for the two tiers; the organization and the employees, their respective perspective would be assimilated. As the questionnaires would primarily have objective and closed-ended items, thus the statistical analyses at the end would involve item and questionnaire analysis. Thus the hypothesis would turn out as: Fulltime employees provide better productivity for their organizations in comparison to part-time employees. The study would then go on to prove or disprove this hypothesis. Research questions 1. How do employees of companies differ in their relationship to their organizations? 2. What is the general well-being of employees with fulltime and part-time affiliation with their organizations. 3. How do people in different organizational brackets respond to treatment of employment through support groups? Sampling (choice and justification of sample) The subjects chosen for this study would be adults, of varying ages. The reason why this is chosen is to minimize any bias associated with a particular age group. With employment, people already have their own dynamic development issues that may provide additional, undetected variables which may threaten the validity of the study. Also, the most important factor is that employees are more susceptible to suggestion and influence within their companies, and hence the effects of variables would be easily identifiable within them. Given the domain identified as above, the feasibility as far as the subjects are concerned should be not much of an issue. (i) Inclusion Criteria. The participants of the primary research group shall be from 18 to 65 years of age. (ii) Exclusion Criteria Members under 18 and over 65 years of age shall not be included in the study. Interns and volunteers with organizations shall also be excluded from the study. Further, 3rd parties, insurance companies, and minimal liability employees shall also not be included (such as lawyers and medical consultants for the firm). A sample of 200 employees would be tabulated. To add, 50 senior managers, heads and CEOs would also be made part of the study separately with their respective questionnaires (a total of 250); this is considered as suitable to make a reasonable comparison for the sake of the study. These would be a fair enough sample of a population, to establish a trend of the incidence of employment among the two cadres. Further, it would help in establishing the trend analysis for the classification, including its incidence and management. Analysis of data that will be used and justification The preferred methodology for research would be ‘Case control study design’. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study that shall attempt to compare upon the pretext of certain variables, how the research groups react. This means that a comparative study shall be conducted between the same variables done for two different entities (groups) at the same point in time. Firstly, data would be collected from the population. For that purpose, personal presence would be mandatory at the institution. The employees may like to take the questionnaires home and return them the next day duly completed if physical presence is not possible. After the data is collected, then subsequent information would be tabulated and analyzed for the consequent discussion upon the study. There are two different types of questionnaires that have been made available. Firstly, there is the form for the CEOs that will seek information about their organization, and incidence of employment dynamics (Appendix A). Secondly, there is another questionnaire that would be filled by the employees, both fulltime and part-time (Appendix B). Interpretation of analysis Once the objective data is made available through the questionnaires, then the data shall be fed to the computer software SPSS, and subsequent evaluation shall be done. Special areas of interest as far as the results are concerned shall include the incidence of employment, the awareness about it, and the knowledge of the CEOs about the same. Finally, a comparison would be done on these three parameters among the two cadres mentioned. Conclusion Despite the advances made in the occupational world today, employment still possess to be a potent challenge to managers all around the world. This means that proactive steps need to be taken so that all care can come before cure. However, all of this can only be possible once we know what exactly the nature of the problem is. Therefore, the epidemiology of the problem must be established so that it can be adequately tackled. Studies like this are imperative to the cause of organizations and their employees all over. It is extremely important, for the purposes of appropriate distribution of resources, and proper development of facilities that the true nature of the problem is found out. For that, the management needs to develop ever more so that the people can cope with the technical and administrative problems that employment may like to offer. Appendix A Questionnaire Demographic Information and Consent Form a) Age _______ b) Years since heading current organization _______ c) Total number of employees under command _______ d) Profession _______ e) Timing (s) / Shift(s) of work (if any) _____________________________________________________________________ f) Any education/skill program being pursued _____________________________________________________________________ g) No of job(s) changed in the past 5 years _____________________________________________________________________ I hereby undertake that I volunteer to be a part of this study on employment. I understand that I shall be required to share some information regarding the full-time and part-time workers of my organization. I further understand that at no point in time during or after the study, shall my identity and the identity of my employees will be made public without my prior consent. Name________________________ Sign _______________________ Date _________ Questions 1. I trust all my employees equally. Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 2. I fear that I shall face some disruption from my employees? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 3. I always know before a problem regarding employees is about to happen? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 4. I feel full time employees are better? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 5. I feel part time employees are better? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 6. The commitment of all employees is the same all the time? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 7. Part time employees are as reliable as full time? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 8. I feel that all employees are equally motivated? Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 9. I am uncertain about the loyalty of part time employees. Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ 10. Full time employees get stuck in this organization. Always _____ Mostly ______ Usually _______ Sometimes _______ Never _____ Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Appendix B Employment Questionnaire Q1 About you 1.1 Please mark the boxes next to the categories that apply to you (you may need to mark more than one) I am a… Senior Manager Part time Employee Middle Manager Supervisor Junior Manager Skilled Worker Contract Employee Assistant Daily Wager other (please specify)…………………………………. 1.2 Name……………………………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………… Email……………………………………………………………………………………… (This part can be left blank if you prefer) Based on your knowledge and experience, please give your opinion to the following questions:- Q2 Understanding your organization 2.1 What is your understanding of the employment preference of your organization? 2.2 What is the level of your personal commitment wit the organization? 2.3 In your opinion, is your organization is a) Human Resource driven? OR b) Personnel driven? 2.4 If you think that b) is true and there is a basis for its presence, how would you advise that it should be changed? 2.5 In your opinion, how could improvements in the company-employee relationship change your affiliation with the organization? Q3 Current Standing 3.1 What is your strongest reason to stick to your organization? 3.2 Where are the gaps in other reasons? 3.3 If there are obstacles to closing the gaps, how can they be overcome? Q4 Future strategy 4.1 What do you see as the most important areas that will increase your affiliation with the organization? Please list them in order of priority. 4.2 Why are they important? 4.3 Where do you see yourself and the company in the next 3 years? 4.4 Where do you see the company in the longer term (more than five years)? 4.5 What would make the strategy work? 4.6 If you were asked, how could you or your organization contribute to the strategy? 4.7 What do you think the barriers could be to implementing the strategy? 4.8 Is there any other advice or comment that you would like to give to your company that will help it produce its strategy? Thank you for completing the questionnaire. References Bradley, L. (2005). Investigating work-family policy aims and employee experiences. Employee Relations, Volume 27, Number 5, pp. 478-494(17). Buchanan, P. (2005). Balancing the demands of school and work: stress and employed hospitality students. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 16, Number 4, pp. 237-245(9). Conway, N. (2002). Full-Time versus Part-Time Employees: Understanding the Links between Work Status, the Psychological Contract, and Attitudes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 61, Number 2, October, pp. 279-301(23). Emerald. (2005). Between a rock and a hard place: the dilemmas of managing part-time working in the police service: Is working part-time a fair cop? Human Resource Management International Digest, Volume 13, Number 1, pp. 24-25(2). Gallie, D. (2005). For better or worse? Non-standard jobs and high involvement work systems. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 15, Number 7, November, pp. 1293-1316(24). Gun, J. (2006). Return to work and adjustment latitude among employees on long-term sickness absence. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Volume 16, Number 2, June, pp. 181-191(11). Karin, S. (2005). Mismatch in working hours and affective commitment: Differential relationships for distinct employee groups. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Volume 20, Number 8 , pp. 712-726(15). Richard, K. (2006). A Needle in a Haystack? Uninsured Workers in Small Businesses That Do Not Offer Coverage. Health Services Research, Volume 41, Number 1, February, pp. 40-57(18). Sverky, M. (2000). Comparing three alternative types of employment with permanent full-time work: How do employment contract and perceived job conditions relate to health complaints? Work & Stress, Volume 19, Number 4, December, pp. 301-318(18). Warren, T. (2004). Working part-time: achieving a successful ‘work-life’ balance? The British Journal of Sociology, Volume 55, Number 1, March, pp. 99-122(24) Watson, I. (2005). Contented Workers in Inferior Jobs?Re-Assessing Casual Employment in Australia. The Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 47, Number 4, December, pp. 371-392(22). Wolbers, M. (2003). Learning and working: double statuses in youth transitions. Transitions from Education to Work in Europe, November, pp. 131-156(26). 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