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Human Resource Management in the Global Perspective - Essay Example

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The paper 'Human Resource Management in the Global Perspective' states that mong the services offered by the humanitarian group was free medical aid targeting all illness except the diagnosis of terminal illnesses, offering counseling services to victims of social injustices, education facilities such as schools and library services…
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Human Resource Management in the Global Perspective
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? PORTFOLIO TASK HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Task I happened to be enrolled and worked in a newly established research group whose main objective was to recruit slum dwellers into a humanitarian organization that was set up within the slum and which helped the slum dwellers in a number of ways. Among the services offered by the humanitarian group was free medical aid targeting all illness except the diagnosis of terminally illnesses, offering counseling services to victims of social injustices, education facilities such as schools and library services. The running of this organization relied much on the research services my team offered in evaluating the social needs that the population had, device and advise on appropriate policies to undertake the relevant adjustments. Moreover, as a research team, we were involved in managing a database for the organization’s beneficially and issue identification cards through which the organization would track the frequency of using the facilities by the members and carry out periodical analysis for possible improvements. The success of our role as a team was therefore dependent on various factors, which were intrinsic to members, as well as other environmental factors. Though our team had a temporal assignment with the organization, success in the task assigned was mandatory. The team comprised of various players such as organizers and supervisors, coordinators as well as team workers who attended to different tasks as assigned. A general review of the performance of the team revealed a great success in the mandate assigned having completed the exercise a month earlier than the expected time and satisfactorily having delivered as required. The analysis however revealed the success to be explained by team behavior as against such factors as the intellect of the members. Nevertheless, we can no refute the strategic role played by skills and competencies exhibited by the members in handling the technical roles assigned. Each behavior portrayed by the team had a strategic and specific role to play in the overall success of the team as recorded (Cohen, 1993, p. 1-3). The ability of the team to combine ideas before the onset of the team as a functional unit reveals a high level of sense of commitment and obligation. Moreover, the team had a well-organized leadership structure through which the management was carried out. Incorporation of new members wherever needed had a specific structure which ensured the correct skills and competencies needed were sought and harnessed. Inter as well as intra team relations between the team members and other teams within the organization would be equally commended for the good performance of the team as noted. According to literature, the success of any team rests on such factors as cooperation and efforts of individual member. Moreover, teams do not behave, think or feel while the persons making up the team do. In this respect, teams have no obligations as distinct entities but rather, their successes depend of the factors inherent on team members. Therefore, the success from our team would therefore be explained by the good coordination as well as the individual traits to the members. Task 2 [The Coca-Cola limited (UK) is a constituent retail multinational organization which specializes in manufacture and sale of soft drinks across the globe. Having been in existence over many decades, the organization has had great exposure within the beverage industry and thus commands great mastery of business operations within the industry ( more than the emergent competitors command). The retail organization has employed thousands of persons in the UK and has numerous retail outlets within the country. This paper intends to analyze the operations of the retail organization with a special attention of its operations within the United Kingdom. Its official website URL is] The company specializes in manufacturing drink concentrates as well as syrups, which are later mixed with water at pacific ratios within the organization’s retail outlets. Its operations are focused on the manufacture of various brands of drinks unlike the common perception that it only produces drinks, which bear its trade name. In the United Kingdom, the popular brands manufactured and served within the retail outlets are such as Diet Coke, sprite, Fanta, Coca cola zero, dasani real water, Vitamin water, minute maid, PowerAde, as well as the Georgie coffee (Coca Cola enterprises ltd, nd, para 1-2). Besides, the organization manufactures juice drinks as well as juices besides the retail of ready to drink coffees as well as teas. The retail organization has a bureaucratic organizational structure as revealed by the presence of different departments within the physical retail outlets. The different departments are charged with specific tasks such as the manufacture, storage inventory and general operations departments. The different departments are headed through institutionalized leadership frameworks, which are under specific leaders called head of departments. Bureaucratic structure within the retail outlet has diverse benefits as seen through the ease of communication, speed and efficiency of passing command, un-ambiguity, precision as well as speed of data retrieval. Moreover, when bureaucracy is established within an organization or the public domain of government framework, it is hard to destroy it. The organizational culture of the retail organization as observed has been on capitalistic dimensions. The organization has been seen to be driven by the spirit of capitalism, which drive the urge to amass wealth through exploiting economic resources available as explained by the classical theorist school of thought. Unlike the case with Marx who criticizes capitalism, the classical theorists such as Webber reason that the bureaucracy as observed and capitalism are necessary for production and must be encouraged. Webber is against the traditional charismatic type of frameworks and supports the modern institutionalized organizational structures, which are strategic in establishing hierarchy and change of command. The formal governance structures and the labor specialization are ideal according to Webber for maximum efficiency in the modern organizations; such as within the retail organization under analysis (Farazmand, 2002, p. 24). He reasons that bureaucratization within a society is directly related to the level of industrialization; where highly industrialized societies are equally highly bureaucratized. This in turn results to high levels of efficiency and control within a society. This therefore explains the reason of bureaucratization of most modern world organizations for the purpose of efficiency (Farazmand, 2002, p. 24). Retail organizational management entails leadership and as such, the success of any organization relies much on the type of leadership adopted as well as the leadership structure in place. This retail organization exhibits two main kinds of leadership structures, which revolve around bureaucracy, and democratic kinds of leaderships. Whereas democracy insinuates the leadership structure ‘by people’, analysts reason that the principle is in itself a contradiction in that defining the ‘people’ is in this case vague. Bureaucratic kind f leadership exhibited by the organization has been seen through the distribution of power and command across the departmental leadership structure. The heads of departments are responsible for the general leadership of the various departments besides converging at the topmost decision making processes for the retail outlet. From the modern history, democracy in political facet refers to secret or voting without coercing, free association as well as expression, broad suffrage, a considerable freedom and the guarantee to personal rights. Liberty as well as equality (referred to elsewhere as human worth and human dignity) is basic frameworks of the principles behind democracy. The analysis of the Coca Cola retail organization within the UK shows a bureaucratic type of management. Office hierarchy as illustrated within the bureaucratic official framework within the organization is desirable in that the higher offices would be in a position to appeal to lower offices through well-laid institutional frameworks and vice versa for effectiveness. Documentation is a predominant feature in this hierarchical framework, which are often well preserved for reference within other managerial frameworks. Through the principles, general guidelines exist to govern or guide the office bearers. In such areas as the political elections, the office bearer derives power from the bottom up framework as against other office bearers who ascend into office through imposition by a superior power or authority. However, from the foregoing discussion, higher bureaucratic structure as exhibited within the organization would be blamed on the delayed decision making processes experienced (Keiser,2011, p. 1-5). I would therefore propose that the organization exploits other mechanisms of organizational structure which would reduce the overall time spent in decision making processes. Decision making process should be less tedious and less time consuming for the purpose of efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, despite the political perspective of democracy, a wider inclusivity of the Principe should be adopted to explain the social economic aspect with the interpretation shifting from the public administration only to be inclusive of the private sphere of the organization as well. Finally, the process of documentation as have been seen within the organization should be replaced with more secure and efficient methods of information storage such as through computerized systems of data handling. Task 3 The physical retail organization requires a well structured department to deal with centralized data collection, storage and ensure security of the organization’s information. The department should be headed by management personnel who sit in the executive management team of the retail organization in the physical location. This department is very critical in the modern day organizations as explained by the technological era we live in. strategic management of every organization incorporates the efficient and effective methods of data handling and storage for ease of sharing and comparison between different firms and departments. In the physical location within the UK, coca-cola retail organization requires a manager who will be tasked with instituting a sound system of storing the information of the organization and design mechanisms to ascertain the security and secrecy of vital information of the organization. The data management department requires a manager whose role would be to coordinate and oversee the effective and efficient data collection and storage. [The manager will be responsible in explaining the inventory mechanisms adopted for ascertaining competent data storage for secrecy and efficiency. This is an imaginary management position and as such should be understood as such. ] The specific job description of the manager requires high skills and level of competence in matters of information and technology. We are living in the age of information where increased efficiency in collection of data, handling, storage and ease of retrieval are basic concerns for any organization. Digitalized methods of handling data have revolutionized the information technology sector in the modern day life where the world has been shaped into a small ‘village’ (Vervenne, et al, nd, p. 11-13). In this regard, multinational corporations such as the Coca-Cola Company rely on sharing information between different departments within one physical retail outlet as well as with all other retail outlets across the globe. From the vision of the global company, realization of efficiency would not be realized without improved data storage and sharing. This analysis shows therefore that the physical retail organization in the UK requires the services of a qualified person to institutionalize the information department. Competency can be analyzed through educational competence, work experience and the acquired skills and expertise. Dynamics in the field of information and technology necessitates high level of flexibility in the methods adopted for handling data. The human resource department of the physical retail organization has the responsibility of designing and describing the details of the job designation in order to aid in effectively recruiting the required person. However, despite the strategic need for the human resource department to have a competent mechanism to establish the educational and skills level for the respective persons to fill in the position, it is also necessary that the skills and competencies be considered. Experience in a similar position would imply higher competency in the field, which would save the retail organization of the risks in hiring incompetent persons to head the most sensitive department. Besides the physical attributes in experience, education as well as competencies, the human resource department should ensure that the candidates selected portray good interpersonal relations as well as commendable leadership traits. As management position, team player, as a trait is a basic attribute that should be sought in any candidate interested with taking up the position. In my opinion, despite adopting the most qualified person for the position of a manager in the data department, the department requires good description of the tasks involved. In improving the department, I would ensure that modernized systems of inventory and data retrieval are put into place. Evolution in the information and technology field necessitates constant improvement in an organization’s systems in order to ensure high levels of security and efficiency while handling the information pertaining to a specific organization. Policies and guidelines to guide the working of the department and the position at large require being very flexible in addressing the dynamics within the information and technology field. Moreover, I would support high level of creativity in order to innovate other mechanisms of storing and retrieving data. Periodical analysis of the data requires that the department responsible devises and adopts methods that are very appropriate in order to have track recording of the performance of the physical retail organization. Task 4 In order to realize efficiency and the target in recruiting the most suited person for the management position under analysis, the human resource department of the physical retail organization needs to undertake certain practices in the process of hiring. Diversity, equal opportunities and affirmative actions are necessary for effective recruitment process fro this position. The HR department is entitle to undertake a thorough planning as well as evaluation exercise which will help the identification of the strategic needs to be addressed by the person to take up this position. This being a new position within the organization, there is need for the planning stage to evaluate possible crises that would ensue in the future concerning creation of other departments or even concerning the co-working of the different departments already created within the organization. Notable existing gaps within the management of the retail organization will explain the need for the creation of such a department and hence the position of a manager. Every effective hiring/recruitment process must take into consideration the job description, which will assist in designing the interview questions and evaluations to be considered (Whitford, nd, p. 11-25). Reference check questions also emanate from good description of the job as speculated. Job description identifies assigned duties as well as responsibilities covered within the job designation. In describing the duties entailed, the following attributes are very critical and vital: position purpose, general information, preferred qualifications, minimum requirements as well as the essential functions entailed within the position. The third step entails development of an appropriate recruitment plan that would be satisfactory to the management team of the organization. The recruitment plan ensures that the necessary information is passed on to the target group in order to ensure participation of different people from varying economic and social backgrounds, gender as well as professional backgrounds. Through this, the recruiting process would be effective in hiring the services of the most appropriate and competent manager for the position. The plan also describes the channels to be used for advertisement of this position Selection of a search committee is a mandatory step in the entire process of recruiting the most appropriate person for the task. A competent search committee is necessary in ensuring that the selection is not compromised by personal bias, which would be likely to happen in the process of selection by one person (Leatherbarrow, Fletcher, and Currie, 2010, p. 52-236). The search committee should be well developed in order to be very keen in establishing the competencies, as the position requires from the job description. The affirmative action’s by the appointed search committee should not be compromised in order to have a successful recruitment process followed by the posts advertisement. After the application by interested persons, the team follows in short listing the most qualified persons from the team. The shortlisted persons should then be interviewed to determine the legibility of all the applicants. The interview process gives the interviewer and the interviewee an opportunity to learn of each other and in the process; the interviewing panel establishes the most qualified person for the position. The rating sheets used by the search committee are very instrumental in granting the final hire approval. After the interviews, the committee responsible should settle on the most appealing candidate and the appointment is commenced. Therefore, because this is a new position being introduced within the organization, the human resource department would do the whole process of hiring. However, competent skills for hiring the particular person needed can be sought from other departments or even from other physical organizations of the same company and which are conversant with the roles of the newly created department (Regents of the University of California, 2013, para 1-8). Task 5 There are instances that such positions would be taken over by persons from the same organization and thus they have some knowledge concerning the physical retail organization. This therefore implies that the process of induction would be relatively different from the one where the person is wholly new to the organization. The latter case applies in our analysis and therefore, we take it that the data manager to be recruited is new to the organization though with a good background of the retail trade and sector within which the company works. Induction process is a very fundamental process for newly recruited persons for any person within an organization. This implies that even at such a management position, the process is necessary in order to prepare the person for the task assigned to him/her. It involves a number of elements which starts within the organization making contact with the employee. The human resource department has the responsibility of keeping in touch with the appointee even after sending the person the necessary induction documents such as the conditions for the designation as well as the description. Depending on the time period to be waited between the appointment and the actual commencement of the duties assigned, the organization through the hiring department has the responsibility of periodically keeping in touch with the employee. The induction program to be prepared focuses on the important aspects that the newly recruited person need to know concerning the organization, with the exception that much of retail and other operations entailed in our case is known to the person. A probation period for the employee is required to equip the employee with finer details of the organization while at the same time establishing rapport with other workers under the same department and other constituent departments. Managerial position is quit involving and as such require higher exposure to the general operations of the retail organization. In this regard, I would propose a six month probation/induction period through which the management responsibility of eh department will not be wholly under the employee but rather other heads will be responsible in overseeing the effectiveness of the person. The induction programs should be well organized in order to effectively equip the employee for specific or general tasks as assigned. The intensity of the training would be greater within the first month of employment as compared to the rest of the period to be undertaken for the induction process. The initial progress of the induction period will be evaluated over time for ensuring that the manager is fully equipped by the end of the induction period. A specific training program should be prepared and adopted for the new employee through which proper orientation is done. Besides the tasks induction, part of the orientation program would be devised to introduce the employee for the management practices. Reviewing the progress of the introductory program for the manager is effective creating effective and supportive environment for work. The review is necessary in ensuring that the employee has opportunity to ask and discover the in-directive aspects of the retail organization. The induction program is effective when accustomed to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic as well as cognitive of time factor for the effectiveness in realizing the objectives of the induction program (Anon, nd, p. 1-5). Task 6 A cashier is charged with the mandate of the actual exchange of the organization’s merchandise and receiving the payment for the same. The person employed for the work of a cashier has the direct responsibility of receiving the payment for goods bought and ensuring that the money received is the right amount besides confirming that it is genuine currency. For a newly recruited person into the position of a cashier, it is necessary that a thorough training is conducted during the induction process in order to have the person prepared effectively for the task assigned. Different organizations often have differing strategies for accepting payment for goods and for making the sale. During induction, the employee needs to be trained on the different mechanisms acceptable for receiving payment for goods such as through cash, smart cards as well as through cheques. Besides, there are emerging trends in retail trade where e-payment has become acceptable mode of payment and thus, a ‘new’ cahier within the retail organization needs to be well prepared for being effective in transacting the organization’s transactions effectively. After the normal induction period is over, the employee needs periodical evaluation in order to ascertain his/her competence in understanding the processes as learnt within the induction period. Among other ways that the management of an organization would learn the competence of a newly recruited employee is through the frequency of errors made in receiving the money, recording as well as detecting illegal currencies. Moreover, competence in using the accounting machines and systems would be effective tools to show the levels of competence of the persons. When a cashier frequently suffers cheating by the buyers, the money collected for the dispensed goods fail to match the expected amounts. It is through such errors that the organization identifies needs for equipping the new employees to enhance service delivery. Speed of transactions also help the management track and assess the learning needs if the new appointees after induction. During the induction, the management or recruiting team may be too occupied to realize that the employee is fast in transactions or otherwise slow. This understanding helps the management to settle for such processes as training processes even after the formal induction process. In the event that the newly hired cashier has a need for retraining beyond the official induction training the retail organization under the department of human resource would design a training program to facilitate the learning process for the employee. A five step-training program would be effective in training the employees for the tasks assigned. The five steps include observation, learning, practicing, shadow and eventually proving. In our case, the newly hired employee has a need to be retrained in performing sales duties fast. This implies that he/she requires to be retrained in improving the speed of keying in transactions and operating the computer system in order to issue receipts and correct financial balances. The training program following the five steps would be competitive in that it would ensure learning through observation and practice. In designing the program, the cashier is required to learn through observing other cashiers carry out their duties. Observation is a proven tool in learning practical operations such as it is the case with operating the machines. Learning and practicing follows the observation stage where the learner undertakes thorough practice, which would be essential in improving the speed of the employee. Shadow represents a more inductive practice level where the learner observes keenly and practices what the other cashiers does without repeating the mistakes earlier done. Effectiveness of the training after induction is evaluated in the proving stage where the trainee is required to embark on work without committing the previously noted mistakes (Nonberg, 2012, para 1-5). Task 7 Absenteeism alludes to the condition of employees failing to report for work or duty whenever scheduled without a justifiable reason such as due to a public holiday, when in vacation, when sick or even when with permission from the management among other causes. The UK based Coca-cola retail organization suffers high levels of absenteeism running at 8.3%. High rates of absenteeism are associated with very high losses to the organization. Productivity of an organization depends on the optimality in delivery by the employees and therefore, whenever absenteeism rises, then the overall productivity falls below optimal levels. Through effective management of employees, the retail organization would be in a position to improve the morale of the employees, increase productivity and improve the savings of the organization. A recommendable way of managing and addressing the rising concern of absenteeism for the retail organization would be by first investigating the possible reasons for the rising absenteeism and designing mechanisms to address the reasons identified. There are various reasons why employees choose not to report for work without prior permission, which includes low morale, bad working conditions, poor supervision and leadership, poor remuneration, transport problems as well as stress (Anon, nd, p. 1). Moreover, poor physical fitness, personal problems as well as general dissatisfaction with the job on the side of the employees are equal explanations to the concerns of absenteeism within any organization. Therefore, the retail organization has the responsibility of evaluating these factors and design possible remedies for the identified problems. In instances where employees are stressed and poorly motivated, the management has the responsibility of improving the working conditions and adopt appropriate ways of improving the morale of the employees, such methods as appreciation for good performance and improved remuneration structures would be effective tools to be adopted for improving the situation of absenteeism. Moreover, good leadership and supervisory practices would be effective tools of addressing the problem of absenteeism because of poor leadership. Establishing good relations between the management and employees at all levels of the organization would equally be appropriate tool to address the situation because the employees would always be in a position to raise grievances whenever such issues arises instead of failing to report for work. Task 8 In the Coca-cola retail organization under analysis, I intend to analyze the use of a total reward system (The total reward association, nd, para 1-3) concerning a driver’s position. Drivers are equal employees to other kinds of employees who are critical to the overall operations of an organization. It is therefore necessary that the retail organization undertake the appropriate mechanism to ensure that the driver’s position is highly esteemed through devising all appropriate mechanism to attract, retain as well as to motivate the employee (Moti, nd, p. 3). Though I do not know the reward system from the organization, then I suppose that for the organization to realize the intended objective of hiring and retaining the employees besides realizing the highest gains from the employees. The organization is responsible for instituting the appropriate benefits and compensation that would be attractive to the potential employees and which would boost the morale of the employees already hired. The organization should also institute programs that would recognize and appreciate the performance of the employees besides ensuring that the work-life of the employees is of the appropriate standards. Moreover, career development is a basic constituent to total reward systems in any organization. The retail outlet is therefore charged with the responsibility of instituting structures that would continuously improve the career life of the drivers. Through this, the productivity of the organization would be ascertained through the improved efficiency of the drivers as a career. Task 9 The coca cola company has had a good reputation in matters pertaining to the organization’s approach and relation to employees. The UK retail organization is no different and has in place various mechanism to ascertain good relations between the management and the employees for effective working. Flexibility in adopting technological change among other methods have been pointed out to be one of the most effective ways that the organization has adopted and through which, the management as well as the employees would interact. Besides interactions through social forums that the organization is known to frequently organize, the company at large has adopted the policy of using social media such as through twitter and facebook to interact between people of various levels. Internal labor market structures within the organization have noted a great evolution with the performance and relational structures adapting to the evolution. Competition and other external factors are commended to influence the institutional change notable within many modern organizations such as the retail organization under analysis. The organization has flattened the organizational relations and adopted improved and modern industrial relations where the subordinate stuff can comfortably relate with the senior management teams (Tsui et al, 1997, p. 1089). Besides, the coca cola retail organization in UK is known to have good motivational strategies and employee oriented programs which ensure high productivity from the employees. The governance structure adopted within the organization ensures active participation of all employees and as such, there is a good relation established between the junior fraternity as well as the senior management. Task 10 As a policy framework, the retail organization has decided to shut down one of the retail outlets that have been operational. Corporate organizations such as business entities work while focused on the overall returns; which are gains. Business are profit oriented and as such keep designing as well as implementing policies that are geared towards affecting the aim of profit maximization. One of the ways that corporate organizations adopt for the sake of improving in performance is closing down some of the outlets. This implies that a corporate aims at improving or changing its financial performance via changing the structure in outlets and the workforce by reducing their number and in the process cut on the operating costs. In the process of closing down the outlet, the organization needs to ensure smooth lay off of some of the employees and ensure that the employees that are retained are not affected by the exercise. Organizations realize this through strategic layoffs, redeployment, attrition, reorganization, orde-layering as well as through early retirement (Appelbaum, Patton and Shapiro, 2003, p. 22). The need for such operations crop from either, need to respond to mergers, acquisitions, adoption and execution of different organizational structures, revenue loss, social pressures, or through loss of share of market through such ways as industrial change or technological change (Mirabal and DeYoung, nd, p. 1). Downsizing is a strategic intervention that is commonly adopted by organizations in the planning stage for any eventuality that would require such intervention in the future. Downsizing can however be achieved through various other methods which include redeployment or transfers, early retirements and prolonged compulsory leave. Good practices of effecting the change would reduce the chances of low motivation and low employee turnover for the employees that rae left besides giving the laid-off employees a feeling of importance. Bibliography Anonymous, nd. Attendance Management. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Anonymous, 2003. Plan an induction program: Worksheet. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Appelbaum S. H. Patton E. and Shapiro B. 2003. The early retirement incentive program: a downsizing Strategy. Journal of European Industrial Training 27/1 [2003 ] 22-35. Coca Cola enterprises ltd, nd. products. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Cohen S. G. 1993. Defining effective self-managing work teams. Center for effective organizations. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Farazmand A. 2002. Chapter 2. Organization theory: from pre-classical to contemporary and critical theories-An overview and appraisal. Theory and Practice. Keiser l. R. 2011. The Impact of Bureaucratic Structure on Government Eligibility Decisions. Department of Political Science and Truman School of Public Affair. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Miraba N. and DeYoung R. nd. Downsizing as a Strategic Intervention. 1. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from < > Moti U. G. nd. Human resource management (hrm) in the global perspective: theory and practice. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Nonberg V. M. 2012. New-Hire Training: 5 Foolproof Steps. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Regents of the University of California, 2013. Recruitment and Selection Hiring Process. Human resources. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> The totalreward association. nd. What Is Total Rewards? Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Tsui A. al, 1997. Alternative Approaches to the Employee-Organization Relationship: Does Investment in Employees Pay off? The Academy of Management Journal, 40(5), 1089-1121 Vervenne L. et al, nd. Competency Related Data Management (CrDM). Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Whitford E. nd. Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting the Best Employees. The hiring process. Accessed on 26 July 2013 from <> Leatherbarrow, C., Fletcher, J. and Currie, D. (2010) Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice, 2nd ed., London: CIPD Read More
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