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Mannerism in Art History - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Mannerism in Art History" states that s\he prefers more classical works such as Michelangelo, da Vinci, and other works of that time. The work of art from this period is more realistic.  Human figures are more proportionate and easier to appreciate…
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Mannerism in Art History
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I do respect Mannerism. The symbolism is unique to each and every artist. Whether crosses placed inconspicuously in Parmigianino’s Madonna with the Long Neck or El Greco’s distinctive colors, the Mannerist symbols are interesting. The elongated limbs, torsos, and faces fit into pictures in a flowing aesthetically pleasing manner. This movement was relevant to art. It was a movement that was not classical or Baroque. It was an art movement distinctly inimitable. If a critic or viewer looks hard enough, a Mannerism painting is easy to distinguish from other periods of art.

Modern art can be compared to Mannerism. The cube style of Pablo Picasso’s figures with their long exaggerated limbs could be compared to Mannerism. Monet’s dots with hidden pictures could be compared to a Mannerist’s hidden symbols. Modern art does not have to be real but can express emotion alone. Many Mannerists painted in this type of manner. The emotion, color, and symbolism could be compared with modern art throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

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