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Class Relationships in US - Essay Example

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Entire world was aware of the common racism factor going on in US at that time. The communities of blacks were brutally overruled by the communities…
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Class Relationships in US
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When we talk about the relationships in America before the civil war, then there are no such hidden myths to this dilemma. Entire world was aware of the common racism factor going on in US at that time. The communities of blacks were brutally overruled by the communities of whites. The slavery system of black people was at its peak. Blacks used to be treated so unkindly as not being humans; they weren’t given equal rights as compared to the whites. When this system took step beyond its limits, it pushed the black people to get into a war against slavery and the unequal rights issue.

This war turned out to be the biggest war in the history of the world, named as Civil War (Tripp). Civil war was the longest war to be fought; it took five years for American authorities to overcome this war. The central point of this war was the slavery system of black people, and the domination of white people. Civil war pushed America to reconstruct the whole nation of America by bringing them together. The nation’s unity and the new laws regarding the system of replacing slavery and the status of slaves took into consideration.

The slavery system was abolished and the black people were given the freedom to utterly claim their-selves as the citizens of America, likewise the whites. The African American identity was allotted to the black nation of US. The blacks were given equal rights to contribute in the elections by voting for their preferred leader, by the US government. The statuses of the slaves were taken care of by giving four million of them the identification of being called as American citizens. Civil war stood out the nation power more superior to the state government.

After the Civil War, US nation endured unity and the US quickly became the primary economic power in the world.When we see the US today, it gives us the clear picture of a complete new reformed America. Zero class discrimination is being seen. There is seen to be a strong & equal bounding between blacks and whites. After the coming of Barack Obama the place of class has been changed. The coming of African American President is the proof of present class status of America. Laws are developed in the favor of blacks, for the protection of their rights.

With time white has started to equalize themselves with Blacks, but on the basis of religion the issue is still in light. Slavery of Black people has overcome finely. We can see blacks in every industry. Blacks are much motivated to join US army, Hollywood & politics. Blacks are treated equally as Whites. The thinking of Americans towards the color of the people & class has changed widely. Whites are marrying blacks & wise versa (Reconstruction: After the Civil War - THE MAKING OF A NATION -) Yet in some colonies, class issue still exits.

Similar issue is being seen in some work places either, regarding blacks. For this purpose US government should form more agencies which protect the black nation’s rights against whites. Works CitedReconstruction: After the Civil War - THE MAKING OF A NATION -. n.d. 12 August 2014 .Tripp, Steven Elliott. Race and Class Relations in Civil War . 1997. 12 August 2014 .

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