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How did Syria got impacted the Middle-East and especially Turkey - Research Paper Example

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Many countries in the Middle East including Syria are facing a major humanitarian crisis, which relates to the global food, refugees, fuel, and water crisis. Notably, the events that happened and the current happenings in these countries influenced the political, social, and…
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How did Syria got impacted the Middle-East and especially Turkey
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nd Humanitarian Coordinator Valerie Amos (“United Nations Radio” 1) claims that the Middle-East countries are facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis courtesy of the civil war in Syria and the debate on the chemical weapons policy in Syria. As a result, many areas in Syria cannot access basic needs, which include water, food, fuel, and medical care (“World Food Programme” 1). Moreover, the civil conflict in this region rendered many people jobless, which consequently lead to an increase in food and fuel prices thus jeopardizing the humanitarian situation in Syria (“World Food Programme” 1).

The World Food Programme offers monthly food donations to about 4 million people who are victims of the civil conflict in the region (“World Food Programme” 1). Moreover, other humanitarian agencies offers clean drinking water to about 1.1 million people in Syria (“Government of Canada” 1). Notably, most of the countries in the Middle East region are downstream riparian states and have scarce water resources and hence the continued debate and conflict on water issues in this region (“The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs” 1).

Ideally, agriculture accounted for about 25 percent of gross domestic product in this region and hence the water shortage is hindering efforts to maintain economic growth in this region (Williams 1). The water conflict is equally a source of tension as many countries including Syria seek to increase its political dominance where it competes for the water resources with Turkey, Iraq, and Israel. Analysis shows that Turkey is likely to face water shortages in the near future although it presently has significant water resources (“The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs” 2).

As a result, of the crisis there have been continued debates and efforts geared towards addressing the Syrian crisis with some countries supporting military action while others like U.S and U.K are considering other diplomatic interventions. Lately, the

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