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Research Paper I. Thesis. Both Medieval Europe and Rome had similar expressions of what. But it was Medieval Europe that adapted art from ancient Rome. II. Art A. Visual 1. Architecture 2. Painting B. Anglo Saxon 1. Early Christian art 2. Byzantine art III. gods A. Latin for the roman 1. Jupiter 2. Juno B. Greek for the Greek 1. Zues 2. Hera IV. Warriors A. Mongols 1.dao 2.saber B. Knight 1. Armor 2. War horse Unlike the visual ancient Roman art, medieval art emerged from the artist legacy of the Roman Empire, and partly from some Christian traditions of the early church.
Ideally, these were interspersed with the dynamic barbarian artistic culture of northern Europe to make exceptional artistic heritage. Come to think of, the chronicler of the medieval history makes us view the possibility of interaction amid the rudiments of orthodox, early Christian and barbarian art. Far from the recognized characteristics of orthodox, there was persistent culture of practical portrayal of things that lived through the Byzantine art. It is common knowledge that the art Italy took a visual form.
Ancient Rome for this matte, the main forms of Ancient Rome are architecture, sculpture, mosaic work and painting. As of now no paintings stood the test of time in ancient Rome. Ideally, majority of paintings in Rome were done using what was known as the secco method. It is now known that most of Roman painting ideas were borrowed from the Greeks. Furthermore, these Roman paintings carried important messages with variety of themes. Theses themes included portraits, scenarios of daily life and somewhat mythological subjects.
Either way, some portraits invoked On the same length the expression of art was considerably left by those works which survived the classical age because the medieval art was religiously influenced. Medieval Europe adapted a lot of things from the Romans. These include art and architecture and theatre The Romans were endowed with building comparatively superior roads that were well connected to each other. This was a style that was well adapted across Europe. The architecture behind the construction of Monarchs such like the Charlemagne can be rooted back to the Greco-Roman period.
The architecture of medieval Europe should be associated with genius. Matter of factly, people of medieval Europe and the Romans were exceptional builders. Their architecture was both tremendous and restrained. The Romans and the people of medieval Europe constructed superior and better building than any community in the classical era could not rival. Tourist by the suck load today still give special and pure regard to the ruins in Athens and Rome. The buildings that were constructed at this ancient and medieval time have lasted and passed the test of time.
It ought to be noted that these buildings still possess the intricate talent of the builders’ skill to date. In Medieval Europe around 1000-1300 A.D., however, the architectures and builders adapted the ancient Roman art and architecture, which they used in building historical landmarks. When it comes to religion, the Romans adopted they ideas of the religion from the Greeks. However, the gods only varied in terms of names. For one thing, the Roman gods and goddesses had Latin names for the Roman, while the Greeks gods had Greek names.
Medieval Europe knights and the ancient Chinese Mongols were high skilled warriors. Both warriors used highly special weapons during battles. The knights used the armor which was designed as counteract against sword and the shield. Either way, the Chinese Mongols used a special type sword called doa and saber. This therefore means that these two warriors used almost similar tactics and methods in fighting their enemies in the ancient wars. To cap it all, we the aforementioned civilizations have comparative aspects in one way or another.
Work Cited Joax, Bienvenido. “Medieval Life.” Medieval Times and Castles 28 Nov 2011 .
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