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Advertisement from 1925 and 1927 - Essay Example

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The concept of marketing also grew due to this change. The trends began to change in the 1920s and the society started accepting significant changes. However, there…
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Advertisement from 1925 and 1927
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Extract of sample "Advertisement from 1925 and 1927"

Advertisement from 1925 to 1927 In the 1920s, a rapid economic growth was observed in America which brought about the economic and social change. The concept of marketing also grew due to this change. The trends began to change in the 1920s and the society started accepting significant changes. However, there were resistive forces that tried to repel the change as well but the factors driving the change were effective.The economic and social change occurred due to the wave of industrialization.

It caused significant economic growth which in turn changed the standard of living of the people of America. Due to mass production, the concept of marketing of consumer goods began to grow. Therefore, large organizations started to market their products through advertisements.The examples of the advertisements from 1925 to 1927 are: advertisement for Berkey & Gay Furniture Company (1925) and advertisement for Eveready Flashlight and Battery (1927). Both the advertisements are written in the style of a story in which the product and its pros have been described.

These advertisements show that customers were convinced about the utility of the product through a scenario which represents the use of the product.The customer would know about the products through the advertisements which would appear in the newspapers and wall posters. The advertisements are written in such a manner that the customers would read them along with the rest of the articles. The customers would care about the advertisements because they provide a realistic scenario and they would compel the customer to think about the product.

Thus, it can be concluded that the trend of advertisements in 1920s was triggered by the rapid economic and social change. The examples of the advertisements provided above show that the advertisements were presented as short stories which attracted the attention of the customers due to their realistic scenarios.Works Advertisements (1925, 1927). 2011. 21 September 2011.

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Advertisement from 1925 and 1927 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Advertisement from 1925 and 1927 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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