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Major Topics of Hitlers Table Talk - Essay Example

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The essay "Major Topics of Hitler's Table Talk" focuses on the critical analysis of Hitler's Table Talk. Hitler’s Table Talk consists of notes of Hitler’s casual conversations during lunch and dinner time. These conversations were made in the presence of close friends and colleagues…
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Major Topics of Hitlers Table Talk
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Hitler has shown complete contempt for the Russian communist movement. He says that this movement has led to complete anarchy in the country. He compares the Russian communist movement with the fascist movement in Germany which he claims is an attempt to return to the traditions of the ancient Rome. Hitler considers Aryans to be the most genetically powerful people. The Fuehrer also disapproves of the Russian work ethic. He says that the Russian does not work unless there is some external pressure on him. This is in stark contrast to Germans who have are naturally hard workers and thus superior to the Russians. If Hitler did not like the Russians, he had little love lost for their ruler – Stalin. He says that Stalin started his career as a clerk and has remained one all through the years. He does not have any novel ideas and plans. He is able to rule Russia only because of a dedicated and mindless bureaucracy which follows every order given by him. Although Hitler hated Russians but he valued the territory of Russia which was rich in resources like coal and mineral oil. He claimed that Russia will serve the same purpose for Germany as India did for England.

Hitler has shown both contempt as well as admiration for England. His views and feelings towards this country have moved from one extreme to another. He is full of admiration for the administrative capability of the English and the immense pride that they have in their country. He claims that England is superior to Germany in pride and administration and we can learn some invaluable lessons in these two fronts. The Fuehrer is full of praise as to how the English were able to control and colonize the Indians in spite of being numerically inferior. He claims that the reason for this was administrative capabilities of English. Germany needs to learn these capabilities in order to colonize Russia just as England colonized India. However Hitler is also furious with England for denying the due share of Germany. He accuses England of stifling German trade with tariff protection, international agreement and discrimination against our products. Hitler had great hopes for the future of England-Germany relations. He says that the 2 countries will not only co-exist peacefully but also march together against the Americans one day. But before all this happens , England needs to be knocked out by the Germans. This is because due to their pride , England will not respect Germany if they are not defeated by us. The memory of 1918 needs to be completed obliterated with a crushing defeat of English armies.

The only country which Hitler has praised in his book is Italy .He claims that both Germany and Italy have been propelled to the path of glory by the efforts of single man. He has shown immense praise for the work done by Mussolini .He has praised the attitude of Italian people and also the Italian architecture which he considers as far superior to the French architecture.

In this book Hitler has shown contempt for religion in general and Christianity in particular. He has claimed that Christianity is an invention of the Jews. He says that it is much better to respect the laws of the nature than the laws which have been made by priests. Hitler claims priests use the ignorance of people in order to extract benefits from them. He calls Christianity as full of intolerance. Christianity claims to teach the teachings of God but still ruthlessly finishes off everyone who is opposed to it. He says that National Socialism and religion cannot exist together for too long. Although he forecasted the end of Christianity with the advent of National Socialism but he says that there will be no need of a war against Christianity. It will destroy itself in the next few hundred years due to the weak nature of its foundation .The views of Hitler in this book are in stark contrast to his earlier claims of always being a catholic and remaining so till he died.

Hitler also talks about his economic though and discusses what the best economic model for Europe is. He has completely denounced the export based model being followed by England and other European countries. He calls it foolish to rely on exports when the demand for their products has declined considerably in the world. Whatever demand is left has invited cut-throat competition which has led to large scale unemployment in both England America. He claims that Germany is the only country which is free from unemployment due to home based economic model followed by it.

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