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Promoting Healthy Equity - Case Study Example

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This case study "Promoting Healthy Equity" presents the contextual case study, that is power for health, address a specific health issue- social determinants of health as well as reduction of the health disparities in both the Latino and black communities…
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Additionally, the case study brings to light that, the target population is characterized as one where its members of the different demographic groups lack trust among each other, which is a major challenge that the population experiences(Brennan Ramirez et al., 2012). Further to mention, the population as depicted in the contextual case study features the characteristic of having a language barrier. There are two major ways that the case study population's cultural beliefs and behaviors contributed to the existence of the health issue in the case study.

To start with, the contextual population has different cultural beliefs on aspects such as social capital, creation of solutions as well as identifying health concerns(Brennan Ramirez et al., 2012). Besides, the contextual population also holds on the cultural behavior of mistrust among themselves based on different demographic groups as well as the presence of language barrier. With both the cultural behaviors and beliefs being part of their social life and social capital, such has accounted for the presence of health disparities and social determinants of health within the case study population.

In the contextual cases study, the are various public health and other groups which intervened to improve the health of the contextual features population. These include Emmanuel Community General services, Community Capacitation Center of the Multnomah County Health Department, the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the Oregon Health and Science University(Brennan Ramirez et al., 2012). Besides, there were other un-mentioned several communities and faith-based groups. The above-mentioned groups did cooperate towards improving health for the contextual population through using resources that seek to enhance the population's access to not only social but also economic resources(Brennan Ramirez et al., 2012). Besides, the groups seek to explore the various ways that the communities are different ethnically as well as racially and the ways such difference can use existing social capital in changing the community conditions.

In conclusion, to ensure that the organization respected the dignity of the individuals and their culture, the organizations involved embracing the measure of denouncing the aspect of discrimination. In this, the organization did randomly select the participants from the community who would participate in the survey. With the participants being 170 adults,  the organization conducted both surveys as well as in-depth interviews with selected community members(Brennan Ramirez et al., 2012).

These participants would help the organization in determining the ways that development, as well as the function of the social capital in black communities, differs from that in Latino communities. Summing up, the contextual case relates to our class resources regarding culture and collaboration, since as depicted in the class resources, the case study illustrates that culture will differ based on some aspects, which more often will have immense negative effects when considered to their collaboration.  

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Promoting Healthy Equity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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