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Program Planning al Affiliation Infants and their Health The acts that enhance production of healthy infants make sure that the wholecommunity is psychologically and physically healthy so that the community projects become productive. It has been noted that children who are brought up by single parents, especially mothers are at greater risks of being compromised health wise. Such parents are more likely to be unemployed hence their children might not get the best provision for basic needs in their early lifetime.
The effect of there being such parents in the community is that members of the community will have to pay some price in the rescue of such infants. Most single parents are as a result of teenagers who bore children at an early age of below 20years and it is evident that such infants may suffer as compared to those borne by women of a higher age of around 30 years (Baldwin et al., 2009). Teenagers are not yet ready to commit to bearing their children and raising them in the best way since they have some other pleasures of life to enjoy.
It is during this time that they would want to practice some vices being done by their fellow youths e.g. smoking and alcohol intake which affect the babies they are carrying. In fact some teenagers who get pregnant do not attend prenatal care because they would not like it to be known by their parents and friends that they are pregnant. Therefore, in efforts to boost the health of infants born year by year, the community health activist should enforce campaigns to reduce teenage births (Baldwin et al., 2009).Child bearing past the teenage is essential because the prospective mothers will have completed school and will know the importance of attending prenatal clinics even before planning to get pregnant.
Such parents will also have no fear of it being known that they are pregnant since most of them will be legally married and working hence no financial constraints. This can reduce the cost incurred by taxpayers in US who raise around 7 billion dollars per year to support malnourished infants. Since teenage births lead to birth of children in marriages that mostly end up in divorce, its discouragement will enhance only married or mature people giving birth hence such infants will not suffer psychological torture.
The reason as to why there are large numbers of infants born of poor health hence dying is because most of them are raised by single parents who probably bore them in their teen age. Such parents may have avoided attending antenatal health services that educate people on maintaining good health for the good of both the mother and child. These prenatal activities involve screens that re done even before getting pregnant, most youths miss out since their pregnancies are mostly unplanned for (Baldwin et al., 2009).Education campaigns in high schools against teenage pregnancies done in a friendly way can help reduce teenage births by 30% and if any of them gets pregnant, they should be encouraged that there is no harm getting prenatal care.
Such messages can help boost infant health by 40% hence producing healthy and productive people in the society. A group of activists should take a responsibility of arranging for campaigns to educate teenagers in high schools since most adolescent vices start there. They should receive funds from the national government and this should be a lifelong activity at intervals of two months in the year.ReferenceBaldwin, Laura-Mae,M.D., M.P.H., Grossman, David C,M.D., M.P.H., Murowchick, E., PhD., Larson, E. H., PhD.
, Hollow, W. B., M.D., Sugarman, Jonathan R,M.D., M.P.H., . . . Hart, L. G. (2009). Trends in perinatal and infant health disparities between rural american indians and alaska natives and rural whites. American Journal of Public Health, 99(4), 638-46.
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