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Solutions to obesity - Essay Example

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This essay describes the danger of the obesity, health consequences and what should be done to stop it. Research reveals that obesity is associated with numerous chronic health states counting diabetes, stroke, heart diseases, and high blood pressure…
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Solutions to obesity
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Introduction Research reveals that obesity is associated with numerous chronic health s counting diabetes, stroke, heart diseases, high blood pressure (Glied, 2003). The number is increasing constantly, however, obesity does not come alone but in association with other chronic conditions, radically enhancing the cost of healthcare. Essential therapeutic concern and management requires to deal with comorbid states, resulting in the financial burden on the nation and deficit in upcoming healthcare endowment. A more wide-ranging interdisciplinary research is required to have an insight to understand the situation (Glied, 2003). As obesity has emerged as an issue that is engulfing the well-being of individuals of the present epoch and is rising as an epidemic in the United States of America, the incidence of obesity amongst adults has become two fold in past couple of decades intensifying the health concern and related issues of the inhabitants (Flegal, 2010). Obesity condenses eminence of life, enhances the probability of untimely death, augments the jeopardy for numerous persistent diseases, related to heart such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, other related disorders like high cholesterol levels, sleep apnea, overweight resulting in orthopedic problems, stroke, early signs of puberty in case of obese kids, reduced life expectancy, obesity enhances the possibilities of witnessing Type 2 diabetes, elevated BMI, cancer, arthritis, metabolic disorders and other related anomalies (US Department of Health and Human Services: The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Obesity). Obesity not only brings concern about health, but it adds to the financial burden too. Obesity augments the health care costs. Estimates reveal that obesity accounts for approximately 10% of yearly medical expenses, increasing the obesity-associated medical costs to $147 billion in 2008 (Finkelstein. 2009). Obesity has reached an alarming position in USA, and two well distinguished categories have been demonstrated namely obese and extreme obese. Findings disclose that over one-third adults of United States are found to be obese during the year 2007–2008 (Flegal, 2010). According to The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the incidence of obesity in the United States could be estimated by means of data for height to weight ratio. The prevalence rate of obesity displays that there was a steady increase in obesity equally in both the sexes belonging to all ages from 1976 -1980 to 1988-1994. On the other hand, the trend in obesity augmentation between 1988-1994 and 1999-2000 was significant in other ages except for the males belonging to the age between 40 to 59 years. While data analysis from 2001-2002 to 2003-2004 recommended escalating trends since 1999-2000 in males and not in females (Ogden, 2006).​ Causes of Obesity As described by Glied, (2003), eating habits and consumption of large quantity of calorific food by an individual with little physical activities or work output leads to the accumulation of the calories. An obese child turns out to be an obese adult and therefore, an appropriate discipline is desired in the life cycle of adults and children, i.e. the entire family. The triggering factors to eat more could be varied, starting from loneliness to eating discipline. Observation reveals that children are becoming dependent on fast food which are readymade, easy to cook, tempting and pleasing to tongue. Since both the partners are working their children also look for the easy options to satisfy their hunger pangs (Rosenheck, 2008). Junk food items are rich in calories, the process of preparing junk food also destroy the vitamins and minerals of the ingredients which might be pleasing to tongue but possess diminished food value. Observation reveals that if high calorific food is consumed even in small amount it leads to obesity as compared to the individuals who consume a lot of low calorific or low energy food (What Can We Do To Fight Obesity?). Sedentary life style is always associated with weight gain (Jacobs, 2006). Besides sedentary life, luxury in transport has left little room for walking or any physical outputs. Other factors which are responsible for causing obesity are certain routine habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. As these entities enhance the cortisol levels, which is responsible for increase in fat storage and muscle burning, they should be eliminated from the habits (What Can We Do To Fight Obesity?). Not only the amount of food intake plays a crucial role but, the content of the food is also imperative. Food rich in fats encompassing butter and oil, such as fried food is said to be rich in calories but besides fats, other food items rich in carbohydrates such as sweets (containing sugar), also put alarming situation for individuals consuming such food items in high quantity and eventually lead to the condition of obesity. The present article deals with the solution to obesity. Why Is It Important To Fight Obesity? It is imperative to fight the condition of obesity on the priority basis, not only to induce good health but also to prevent the onset of dreaded diseases in the society. Physical ailments are distressing and take away the mental well being of the individual leading to psychological predicaments. Essentially, devising solution to the condition of obesity is the priority to prevent the creation of detrimental, unattractive and pricey society which squanders too much money on excess and processed food. As with time, health care costs are mounting, together with the cost of processed or fatty food an awareness should be generated in the mob towards healthy eating (What Can We Do To Fight Obesity?). Solutions for Obesity However, there is not a solo and simple solution to obesity epidemic and therefore solution to obesity relies on the combined efforts of states, society, schools and parents by opting healthy food choice for children, youngsters and families. School Food Service Directors and Managers It is essential that school food options for breakfast and lunch are healthy as well as appealing. Introduction of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, whole grains and simultaneous reduction of the access to calorific, high-fat or high sugar containing food items. Using cafeteria to improve awareness for healthy food choice to build an environment where healthy eating is promoted. Seek student input for their eating plans and habits either in the form of discussions, classroom activities or contests (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Improving Access to Healthy Food In 2007, Center incorporated research and actions for low-income groups to live in healthy environs. Low-income urban as well as rural communities are provided with limited opportunities for accessing healthy food. Owing to the limited transport facilities these individuals rely on available expensive fatty, processed food items being sold at the nearby stores. However, innovative state programs and policies are being implemented to provide this group with the access to affordable healthy foods (Improving Access to Healthy Food). Providing Competitive Foods in Schools Schools and peers have an direct influence on the childrens choice of food items as well as eating habits. Schools are required to ensure that the food and beverage options of the schools meet the dietary recommendations to provide healthy food items encompassing vegetables, fruits, whole grains as well as low fat or non-fat dairy products. Under Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, US Department of Agriculture has issued Smart Snacks in School for competitive foods and beverages being sold outside schools. These involves setting standards for salt/sugar/calories as well as fat components in the foods. The motive is to promote snacks with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low fatty diets, protein foods as their chief ingredients. The motive of Smart Snacks is to bring a transition from chocolates, cookies, fruit flavoured candies, donut and colas to peanuts, light popcorns, granola bars, a cup of fruits, non-flavoured water etc (Competitive Foods in Schools). Introducing Salad Bars to Schools By strictly implementing the move of introducing salad bars to schools, children are provided with an access to fresh fruits and vegetables and thereby making a transition from junk food stuffs to healthy food items (Salad Bars + Schools). School Administrators Habits are inculcated and therefore promoting healthier eating together with the physical activities in the school leads to fitness and good health of the students. It is essential for the school administrators to have a registered dietitian/nutritionist meet the faculty to generate awareness about the eating habits of the students and staff. Introducing healthy diet is a program, a crusade where schools food service directors create an environment of healthy food choice for students (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Solutions from States and Communities An assessment of retail food environment is essential to understand variation in accessibility to food items. A provision of incentives is desired for supermarkets and farmers markets to institute their businesses in low income areas as well. As all businesses are directed to churn profits, incentives are liable to bring healthy food to under-privileged urban/rural areas. National Farm to School Network It is a program for schools or preschools for health and nutrition education opportunities encompassing farm field trips, school gardens as well as cooking lessons. This program aims to improve the health of children and communities consequently, it supports local/regional farmers as well (National Farm to School Network). Introducing Water In Schools Water is an essential component required for survival of the life. Substituting water with sugared/flavored/soft drinks may result in intake of 235 extra calories. A recent survey carried out in California reveals that 40 percent of the schools have no access to free water during meals, 62 percent of the children belonging to the age of 12-17 years and 41 percent of children belonging to the age of 2-11 years have the habit of consuming sweet/ flavoured drinks/beverages (Water in Schools). Improving the access to drinking water limits the sale of sweet/flavoured drinks/beverages. Access to Parks and Playgrounds By creating and maintaining safe neighborhoods for physical activity as well as improving access to playgrounds and parks reduce the incidence of obesity in children and their parents (National Recreation and Park Association). Physical Education Schools must work to increase physical activities through physical education (PE) classes to improve physical fitness. As, Healthy mind resides in a healthy body, PE enables student to develop knowledge, motor and behavioural skills, attitudes as well as build confidence to adopt and maintain active lifestyles. Due to obesity, focus has shifted to moderate-to-vigorous physical activities (School Based Physical Education). Site Based Decision-Making Councils A strict formulation is required to set policies with guidelines for the food items to be sold in school with a clear demarcation stating- can/cannot be sold. Constant re-evaluation of contracts should be performed, bribe in any form may not be in the interest of students. Creating an action plan for assessing the eating environment is desired. Daily physical activities with supervised use of exercise equipments must be introduced for students and staff of school (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Role of Teachers Teachers are the guide for students, besides providing them with good knowledge of the subject it is also essential to enlighten the students with good understanding and awareness about healthy lifestyle and importance of being fit by making right eating choice. For this teachers must incorporate movements in the form of classroom curriculum. Involving parents to promote healthy eating behaviour by asking them to bring healthy snack options. Students must not be rewarded with junk foods/sugared candies or chocolates for their accomplishments but with a healthy choice, simultaneously, students must not be punished by taking away their recess. Teachers must initiate programs to generate awareness about the importance of physical activities. Schools must have a health educator to speak at different programs about the importance of physical activities and healthy planning of meals (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Solutions from Communities By creating a community that promotes physical activities for children as well as increase access to healthy food items/food choices- vegetables, fruits and other low-fat diets. Access to food is one aspect to reduce obesity; however, increasing access to gyms/playgrounds, walking/biking trails could be a step towards reducing obesity (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Solutions from Civic Leaders By working with city planners and engineers, bicycle paths and sidewalks planning be implemented. These are safer and less crowded enabling people to walk freely. Civic leaders must promote farmers markets and create a community coalition to address childhood overweight, also they must enhance the access to public facilities for all communities (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Solutions from Government Government intervention plays a crucial role in overcoming any epidemic. Since obesity has become an epidemic it is essential that government should take a lead role in implementing solutions to the gigantic obesity by creating policies for healthy eating and physical activities. Making rules for health education, providing educators with health education materials and allocating funds for promoting as well as monitoring health promotion programs (Childhood Obesity Prevention). Solutions from Parents Parents are the most important role models of their children, as they are the one who buy the food, cook and serve the food. Slightest alteration may lead to big difference in childs health. i) Restricting TV/Computer Timings Parents must set limits on the TV and computer timings of their children as time spent with electronic devices reduce the physical activities and also increase the consumption of calorific snacks. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children should be allowed to watch video, TV, movies and computer games for only 1-2 hours in a day (Childhood Obesity Prevention). ii) Encouraging Child to Eat Fruits and Vegetables Providing the child with a variety of healthy snacks, placing a bowl of fruits and vegetables in the front shelf of the refrigerator to have Five a day i.e. five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. By providing children with yogurt and fruits and less chips and cookies as well as by serving children with more ice water and less sodas will reduce their calorie intake and thereby reduce obesity (Lifestyle and Home Remedies). iii) Limiting sweetened beverages Parents should not buy juice and sports drinks as they are less nutritious and highly calorific and moreover they prevent the child from eating healthier diet (Lifestyle and Home Remedies). iv) Eat Family Meals Together Family must eat together, without watching TV. This helps to keep a check on the eating habits/behaviour and also on the quantity of food being consumed by every member of the family (Lifestyle and Home Remedies). v) Eat at Home More Often Visit to fast food and other restaurants must be kept to the minimum as restaurants offer food with high fat and calorie content (Lifestyle and Home Remedies). vi) Encourage Physical activities the child likes Eating right should be accompanied by physical activities as they aids in burning calories. As children follow parents and therefore parents should be active to make their child active. There should be time where family enjoy regular physical activity altogether. Moreover, little household activities must be shared and rotated to keep everyone busy and to avoid boredom such as washing the car, vacuuming, mowing the lawn etc (Childhood Obesity Prevention). vii) Solutions for Psychological Implications Parents are required to spend quality time with their children. In this fastidious life parents must devote time for their children and should understand the childs feelings and needs as well as allow the child to decide the comfort zone for physical activities. There should always be a reason to praise the child and recognize childs accomplishments. Rewards should not be through food items but a visit to local park. Parents are required to guide their child to focus on positive goals. Parents must avoid food-related power struggle and must emphasize on the positive outcomes of healthy lifestyle. Parents must set a good example to eat healthy and maintain body weight in front of their child (Childhood Obesity). Eating Right Is The Best Solution to Obesity Consumption of low calorific diet encompassing low-fat diet and low-carbohydrate diet could be a step towards fighting obesity. However, carbohydrate restricted diet (such as Atkins) could be helpful. Consumption of such restricted diet alone could not be a help, besides, reasons apart from diet also share responsibility for healthy life, such as genotype of the individual, tendency to gain weight, sedentary life style, lack of physical output. These parameters must be set to be healthy and accordingly diet has to be manipulated. If the lifestyle is sedentary it is essential to control the weight through diet. Incorporation of Atkins which reduce the weight at double speed and thus keeps the body fit besides improving the condition of heart and minimizing the risk factors of heart attack and stroke which are otherwise prevailing amongst the obese individuals. The nutrition component of the diet should be modified on the basis of the lifestyle and other habits. Thus, one rule cannot be applied for all, some may restrict themselves to low-carb diet while others on the basis of low-fat diet to keep their weight under check. One must not get carried away by what means others have adopted to reduce weight or with the false advertisements but should plan out the lifestyle together with the diet (Calories, fat or carbohydrates? Why diets work (when they do)). Conclusion Although most of the surgeons and scientists do not support the view that obesity is a disease. According to the Rick Berman of Center for Consumer Freedom, "Thats not a disease, thats something thats within the control of everyone. And for us to now shift this over to say ... its societys responsibility is a real sorry day for this country" (Americas Obesity Problem Spurs Debate). According to environmental campaigner, John Gibbons, “much like burning coal, processed foods laden with salt, sugar and fats are only cheap as long as you don’t have to pay to clean up the mess, and society, rather than the producers and polluters, continues to pick up the tab” (Debate on Obesity Our view: Hooked on junk food). Obesity has reached an alarming situation in United States, it is taking more severe form as compared to the flu or any other disease condition. Parental obesity is transmitted to children and childhood obesity is potentially more dangerous as compared to the adult obesity. As a responsible individual, it is essential to create healthier society which is devoid of dreaded diseases and for this it is essential to fight obesity not only by means of diet control but also with the help of lifestyle interventions and by adopting diet that matches the lifestyle. References Americas Obesity Problem Spurs Debate. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. Calories, fat or carbohydrates? Why diets work (when they do). [online] Available at: .[Accessed 30 March 2014]. Childhood Obesity Prevention. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. Competitive Foods in Schools. [online] Available at: .[Accessed 30 March 2014]. Debate on Obesity Our view: Hooked on junk food. 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Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. 2006. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, 1999-2004. JAMA. 295(13), 1549–1555. Rosenheck R. 2008. Fast Food Consumption and increased caloric intake: a systematic review of a trajectory towards weight gain and obesity risk. Obesity Reviews. 1-13. Salad Bars + Schools. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. School Based Physical Education. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. US Department of Health and Human Services: The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Obesity." Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, US Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General; 2001. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. Water in Schools. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. What Can We Do To Fight Obesity. [online] Available at: . [Accessed 30 March 2014]. Read More
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