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High Performance Teams and Quality Improvement in Healthcare - Research Paper Example

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The researcher of this essay aims to pay special attention to the high-performance teams and quality improvement in healthcare. High-performance teams in healthcare may include surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, and dentists among others…
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High Performance Teams and Quality Improvement in Healthcare
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High performance teams and quality improvement in Healthcare Introduction High performance teams are necessary in the management of patients, especially when rendering services aimed at meeting the patients’ needs. Hospitals are nowadays adapting effective team structures aimed at providing up-to-date patient care. Training health care professional on high-performance teamwork is necessary; the ability to perform assigned tasks effectively is vital especially in the health care industry. According to AORN journal (2011, p.4), a team can only achieve competence when there is a positive outcome in their assigned task. As a result, they are in a position to repeat the same performance and even train others on achieving the best results. Fabre (2002, p.1) argues that, high performance teams overweigh the other teams, hence promoting quality and competitive advantage. Therefore, high performance teams are very important in health care as it is a labor-intensive industry. Workloads are evident, causing staff burnout and leading to low productivity and resulting to high employee turnover. Fabre (2002, p.1) emphasizes that high performance teams in health care are capable of handling workloads appropriately. These teams are able to collaborate, think critically, and make quality decisions. High performance teams, for instance, surgeons are competent, and as a result, they are in a position to produce the same results when faced with a similar situation. The ability to contribute to positive outcomes in patient care is the main goal of healthcare industry; as a result, high performance teams play a vital role in healthcare improvement. This paper will discuss in depth High performance teams and quality improvement in Healthcare. High Performance Teams and Quality Improvement in Healthcare High performance teams in healthcare may include surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, and dentists among others. They all handle the delicate lives of patients; indeed, high performance depends on the will of an individual. According to National institute of clinical studies (2003, p.6), high performance is associated with quality care. Nevertheless, high performance is determined by various factors. For instance, human resources policies that are geared towards the employee’s well being such as working in shifts that avoid biasness and employee burnout (National institute of clinical studies , 2003, p.11). In addition, promotions, empowerment, and career development affect employee’s performance positively, as a result of motivation. Teamwork is important in healthcare, and as a result, there are various departments in health care; this proves that a single profession, for instance, the nursing profession alone cannot deliver all the services in healthcare (Leggat, 2007). In addition, each team member’ skills, experience, capabilities, values, personality, and attitudes determine their contribution to a certain task. Health care teams comprise of healthcare providers. According to Sollecito & Johnson (2011, p.124), the value of team is measured by the success of quality improvement through performance. In healthcare, several problems arise such as poor communication between shifts that can results to problems for patient and the hospital staff. Some problems are minor and solved fast; however, poor communication may cost a hospital time, quality, and continuity of providing their services. Addressing the problems requires collaboration from team members. In order to improve on quality of service provided in health care, a quality improvement strategy is necessary, which assists in identifying problems and solving them. Sollecito & Johnson (2011, p.126) add that high performance teams empower other individuals by ensuring participation in identifying a problem and solving it. Empowerment creates a sense of commitment to the organization; a result, the employees are motivated towards quality improvement. In a health care setting, different individuals work together with an aim of improving patient care. These employees may range from a pediatrician receptionist to a doctor. A receptionist is on the frontline of a hospital setting, and as a result, she is capable of identifying and understanding certain problems, for instance, the long waiting times on certain occasions. This is because the receptionist may have served in that position for a long time. As a result, she may be in a position to assist in reducing the long waiting time experienced by the patients. Therefore, problem solving requires individuals who understand the root of the problem, as a result suggesting quality decisions (McLaughlin & Kalunzy, 2006, p.161). The advancing technology offers hope for improved healthcare, however, providing quality care is also a challenge for many countries. Needless to say, another challenge arises in the establishment of collaborative health care team that can meet the needs of patients. Holmes (N.d, p.180) explains that, a high performance team is one that is capable of developing goals and plans and working toward achieving these goals. In addition, such a team should be capable of enhancing communication among its members, such that, information is shared freely, honesty is fostered, and listening skills are applied. This aids in creating room for feedback and developing healthy relationships at the place of work. High performance teams also manage and solve conflicts fast and amicably, while decision-making process is successful and productivity is evident Needless to say, quality improvement in healthcare is necessary especially when high-performance teams are involved. High performance organizations often compromise of high-performance teams, and as a result, continuous quality improvement is necessary in health care, as this will ensure that the organization maintains it competitive advantage, thus attracting more clients. However, these successful teams require training and guidance to excel in this competitive environment. Quality improvement bears positive outcomes in healthcare. The high performance teams often share similar goals, and as a result, quality improvement efforts are easily achieved. While addressing quality problems, support from team is required. These quality problems present an opportunity for quality improvement in health care (McLaughlin & Kalunzy, 2006, p.162). In health care, it is important to have high-performance teams, mainly because health care industry deals with delicate situations concerning human lives. Therefore, quality is essential in all disciplines of healthcare; surgeons should be capable of achieving positive outcomes on operations continuously, while nurses should also be in a position to provide quality care for patients. Quality improvement in health care enables patients to trust their caregivers; as a result, such an organization is likely to attain a competitive advantage. Conclusion High performing health care organizations compromise of high performance teams. The presence of high performance teams guarantees quality patient care and quality healthcare services. These teams compromise of different individuals from various disciplines, but under health care field. The ability to maximize productivity, avoid employee burnout, make effective decisions, solve conflicts amicably, and maintain healthy relationships in the workplace are some characteristics of high-performance teams. These characteristics foster quality improvement in health care because of unison in decision-making and problem solving. The health care industry is delicate, as it deals with the lives of people; as a result, quality decisions can help save these lives. Quality improvement in healthcare is influenced by quality problems; these quality problems give room for solutions that add quality. Needless to say, the high performance teams are driven by competence and motivated by human resource policies such as work shifts, which reduce biasness and burnout. References AORN journal. (2011). Defining Competency in High-Performance Teams. AORN journal, volume 93. Retrieved from Fabre, J. (2002). Winning with High Performance Teams. Smart Healthcare, LLC. Retrieved from Holmes, T. (N.d). Ten characteristics of a high-performance work team. Retrieved from Leggat, S. (2007). Effective healthcare teams require effective team members: defining teamwork competencies: BMC Health Services Research. Retrieved from McLaughlin, C. & Kaluzny, A. (2006). Continuous quality improvement in health care: theory, implementations, and applications, Edition3. NY: Jones & Bartlett Learning Publisher. National institute of clinical studies. (2003). Factors supporting high performance in health care organizations. Retrieved from Sollecito, W. & Johnson, J. (2011). McLaughlin and Kaluzny's Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care. NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Read More
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