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b. Food that comes from animals should be safe to eat and free of carcinogens, hormones and steroids. 1. Many animals are giving growth hormones to create more meat so more money can be made. 2. Steroids and genetically modifying medicines create animals that are missing body parts and allow for manufactures to make more money. 3. It seems as if genetically modified foods were created in order to minimize money lost from crop damage or animals not producing enough. II. Technology a. Technology is partly to blame for the start of genetically modified foods. 1. Genetically modified foods became most popular in the 1980’s. 2. 2/3 of the population consumes genetically modified foods and technology can be to thank. 3. Technology has allowed scientist to alter DNA and inject certain DNA traits that are favorable. III. Genetically modified foods have effects on one’s personal life and those in the community. a. One becomes afraid to eat foods because they have become so modified. 1. It is important to become better educated on the harmful effects. 2. People in the community can take action and avoid purchasing modified foods.
Genetically modified food has made a large impact on society and affected many communities. These effects are important to my thesis as they explain how food has become genetically altered since first becoming edible. . In an article written by Grossman 2009, it is argued that “since the use of genetically modified foods, animals such as the monarch butterflies are being affected from genetically modified corn pollen”. This is proof that the whole living eco system is being affected from genetically modified food sources.
This is obviously a large problem and events since genetically modified foods have been introduced have occurred more and more. The events have a large impact on society. What exactly is genetically modified food? Genetically modified foods are foods that contain specific traits. Genetically modified foods can happen in both plants and animals. “Plants that have been genetically modified are likely modified to create a plant that can withstand certain environmental conditions or bear more fruit”. (Dona, A., & Arvanitoyannis, I. S. 2009) Animals that have been genetically modified are likely to contain traits that allow them to produce what is said to be better milk, better antibodies and better quality meats.
Animals can be genetically modified by becoming injected with different and more desirable strands of DNA. Technology is what has allowed the genetic modifications to talk place. The growth of technology since the 1980’s has allowed for scientist to develop ways to examine DNA and obtain specific traits from the DNA. Many of the desired traits are cloned and then injected into the desired animal. Documentation from the Institute of Science in Society 2006 explains that, “tests do not show future harmful affects genetically modified foods can have and studies show the use of injecting lab rats has killed many being tested.
” Technological advances have only enabled and allowed genetically modified foods to become more acceptable. Since technology
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