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The writer of the paper “Rocks Classification to Age” states that in order to carry out comprehensive bridge design, the architecture must coordinate with the geologist to come up with these intensive geological facts and understand the ground under which the construction will take place…
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Rocks Classification to Age
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Part B
The magnitude of the earthquake and its potential impact can be established by investigating the nature of rock strata in its totality. This study can also be very helpful for engineers who construct the bridge as it will help in establishing the suitability of the site. Cross sectional of the rock will help in giving more insights on the rock structure (Price 2015). The vertical cutting of rock structure is what is called cross sectional and it shows various layers of the rock from bottom to top. The arrangement of the rocks in strata from top to bottom is the relative age of the rock. If one is able to establish the age of two rock layers, then it is easier to know which rock is older than the other but is very difficult to understand how long the given layer is older than the other. This can be shown below;
(Source: www.iris.edu/educate/animations accessed 1 October 2015)
In using the principle of cross cutting relationship of the rocks, the rock intrusion is young since other rock must exist first before it can cut the across. Fault E from the figure is younger than other rocks it cuts through. C is older followed by B and A is the youngest rock. The same argument is supported by the principle of superposition which stresses the arrangement of sedimentary rocks. The sequence is the same and the occurrence of events can be illustrated as shown below
D is the intrusion formed across the rock strata. Occurred, forming a layer of soil on top of layers A.
Construction of cross section is easier with the availability of the geological maps as they give the information concerning the genera; stratigraphic columns which are important in the construction of the bridge. The earth vertical slices are enough to explain the major geological structure of a place. It helps engineers in interpreting major geological paths and depths. The stratigraphic columns are normally vertical representation of the width of the various formations in a given area (Price 2015). Once a vertical scale is chosen, each formation or unit is represented on the column at the thickness it crops out of the map area. The vertical cross section is given below;
When constructing a bridge, these geological strata explanations are very important and can help in determining the vertical level of the bridge, establishing the direction of the water flow.
Part C: Potential Bridge Sites
In establishing the potential bridge sites, it is important to investigate and interrogate various issues concerned with geological issues and the site stability. An analysis of each site should be conducted and a comparison of the various sites should detail the strengths and weaknesses of each route.
South t
Morphology type
Cuts and fills bridge
Tunnels fills
Bridge and fills
Cuts, tunnel fills
Condition of the topography
Slope diversification along the hill
Contains steep slope with many ridges on the slope
It has many gullies and valise which are very smooth
Smooth but with diversified slopes in downhill areas
Geological nature and structure
Ground quality
Loose materials with talus which are thick
The quality of the Flysch is moderate
There are materials that cover the surface
Loose materials with talus which are thick with high flysch
Disturbance of tectonic structure
Normal for pindos rock masses
Uncertainty of the geological structure
Very limited
occurrence of old landslide
Not all the time
Riskiness of the landslide
Moderate risk
High risk
No risk
Low risk
Riskiness of the new landslides
Cuts slope are very high consisting with the abutments bridge
Limited to some extended and very much localized.
Cuts slope are very high consisting with the abutments bridge
Limited to some extended and very much localized and around bridge abutments
Instability resulting from underground water
Strengthening measures employs
Very important for given density and strength and should be considered in the process
Only restricted to the formation of the bridge
Very important for given density and strength and should be considered in the process
Only restricted to the formation of the bridge
Problem with the drainage system
Low permeability consisting with the poor quality flysch in most of the areas and it creates uncertainties
Low permeability consisting with the poor quality flysch in most of the areas and it creates uncertainties
Not applicable
Low permeability consisting with the poor quality flysch in most of the areas and it creates uncertainties
Follow up of drainage maintenance
The system reliability must be emphasized to avoid degradation over time. This must be fixed with the follow up team and corrected in time
The system reliability must be emphasized to avoid degradation over time. This must be fixed with the follow up team and corrected in time
For some bridge foundation it requires this and not applicable for drainage, minor for
For some bridge foundation it requires this and not applicable for drainage, minor for
Risk from geotechnical
hazards during operation of
the highway
This exist locally as the rocks falls the steep slope. Remedial measures should be taken to avoid any occurrence of the risk
This exist locally as the rocks falls the steep slope. Remedial measures should be taken to avoid any occurrence of the risk
May exist locally due to rock falls from
Steep slopes. These risks can be reduced to very low levels by appropriate remedial measures
Uncertainty may exist over long sections of highway. This uncertainty
is difficult to reduce to very low levels
Foundations of bridges
Foundation sites close to unstable
areas, often in weak flysch
Foundation sites close to unstable
areas, often in weak flysch
Foundation sites close to unstable
areas, often in weak flysch
Foundation sites close to unstable
areas, often in weak flysch
Environmental issues
associated with
geotechnical remedial
The possibility of encroachment on the river banks, structures that help in the maintaining the river bank, forest damage and re-vegetate in the process.
The possibility of encroachment on the river banks, structures that help in the maintaining the river bank, forest damage and re-vegetate in the process.
The impact is not as wide since construction of roads and bridges are mitigated.
Muck from
tunnels can be used to construct
embankments for interchanges
The impact is not as wide since construction of roads and bridges are mitigated.
Muck from
tunnels can be used to construct
embankments for interchanges
(Source: https://www.rocscience.com/documents/hoek/references/H2006.pdf accessed 1October 2015)
The magnitude of the earthquake and its potential impact can be established by investigating the nature of rock strata in its totality. In order to carryout comprehensive bridge design, the architecture must coordinate with the geologist to come up with these intensive geological facts and understand the ground under which the construction will take place. The comparison of the available sites is done so that the most suitable site is picked. In the above case, four sites were investigated and the various characteristics were listed in the above table to help in decision making.
Price, N. 2015 Fault and Joint Development in Brittle and Semi-Brittle Rock: The Commonwealth and International Library: Geology Division. Elsevier
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9 Pages(2250 words)Assignment
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