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Gender-Based Violence Messages For Use in IEC Materials - Coursework Example

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The paper "Gender-Based Violence Messages For Use in IEC Materials" highlights that practice of FGM goes against Islam, which does not permit the harm of living things unless the benefit accrued is greater than the pain inflicted. Do not alter/ change God’s creation by practising any form of FGM…
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Gender-Based Violence Messages For Use in IEC Materials
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HARMONIZATION OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE MESSAGES Contents GENERAL MESSAGES 7 Health 9 2.Families 10 3.Internally displaced people (IDP) 10 MESSAGES TAILORED FOR SPECIFIC AUDIENCES 11 4.Communities 11 5.Women and Girls 12 6.Men and Boys 13 7.Children and Youth 13 8.Survivors 14 9.Parents 14 10.Humanitarian Workers 15 ISLAMIC CONTEXT 16 Gender-Based Violence Messages For Use in IEC Materials Gender-based violence is a global pandemic and human rights violation that hinders both individual and societal development. Furthermore, the prevailing socioeconomic and political inequalities between the sexes ensure that women and girls are most susceptible to violence. Global surveys consistently find that 50 percent of all sexual assaults are perpetrated against girls, 15 or younger and nearly one out of every three women will endure some form of abuse during her lifetime. In Somalia, this phenomenon is rampant and highly pervasive. Prolonged periods of conflict, poverty, limited state capacity and the persistence of harmful cultural practices (such as female genital mutilation) have created a hospitable environment for GBV. And although the existing data is insufficient and incapable of accurately measuring the magnitude of the problem, there is a growing consensus among the international and local community that gender-based violence is a pressing issue. In response to this reality and to recent reports detailing the escalation of sexual violence against women, the GBV working group for Somalia identified an urgent need to strengthen the communication skills of humanitarian actors and development partners in order to effectively advocate for gender equality, limit the occurrence of gender-based violence and ultimately eradicate its practice. The harmonization and consolidation of anti-GBV messages enables stakeholders to spread a unified message and thus streamline future and current advocacy campaigns. In order to create effective messages, the zonal workshops were conducted to enhance the competencies of humanitarian actors in a range of areas including gender equality through the prism of Islam, content development process, advocacy and community mobilization. The workshop participants were then divided into groups and tasked with the challenge of reviewing and validating GBV messages. These messages were later transformed into insightful messages that highlight various aspects of gender-based violence. A vast majority of the proposed messages referenced scriptures from the Qur’an and hadiths that espoused gender equality and urged men to reform. In total, the workshop created and reviewed ---------- messages; and of those messages, ---------- were deemed appropriate for public consumption. Gender based violence messages GBV is not only sexual violence; there are many types of violence: physical, emotional, economic and sexual committed against women or men within their social responsibilities as women and men.   GBV is linked with Social construction of gender in a given society; GBV is more or less accepted in a society because of the social status of women and men.     For any incident of GBV, there is a Victim and a perpetrator. Therefore, all our actions in prevention and response need to address both the Victim and the perpetrator, when the perpetrator is known. Many studies have however shown that women are mostly the victims of GBV and men perpetrators, due to the patriarchal system which gives too much power that is not always well managed by men.   The causes of gender based violence are mostly routed in culture, family, formal and informal education and the consequences of gender based Violence impact on the entire development of the victim.   For any incident of GBV, there is a Victim and a perpetrator. Therefore, all our actions in prevention and response need to address both the Victim and the perpetrator, when the perpetrator is known. Many studies have however shown that women are mostly the victims of GBV and men perpetrators, due to the patriarchal system which gives too much power that is not always well managed by men.     GBV cases are not sufficiently reported and documented. The entire community and the victims have to be deeply sensitized to report GBV cases.   Gender Based Violence is an act that degrades a human being but it should also be very clear that it is a violation of human rights. GENERAL MESSAGES Gender-based violence is an undeniable human rights violation. Gender-based violence is not limited to sexual violence. Every person’s voice is valid. All they have to do is say NO to GBV. Culture can never be used as an excuse for subjecting women to gender based violence. None of the culture in Somalia supports violence against women. Strictly defined gender roles and societal perceptions about gender inequality encourage GBV. Culture cannot be used as an excuse to tolerate violence against women and girls. Although GBV can happen to anyone, studies show that women are more susceptible to violence. Gender-based violence can only be brought to an end if everyone in Somalia participates in this course. In order to end GBV, we must strive to both provide support for survivors and prosecute the perpetrators. Violence against women and girls is the most pervasive, and least reported human rights abuse in Somalia. Lets speak out! Violence against women and girls takes many forms: rape, domestic violence, sex trafficking, crimes in the name of honor, sexual assault and abuse and traditional practices like female genital mutilation/cutting, and forced marriages. Lets fight GBV at all levels - government, private sector, and civil society. Addressing violence against women and girls must be given greater priority at all levels. The need for greater political commitment remains, as does the need for more resources. Strong, sustained leadership and political will are required to uphold and advocate for this issue in the policy arena for addressing violence against girls. There must be accountability for human rights violations and concrete steps to end impunity. Love is never expressed through violence ( in some cultures, it is believed that if a husband does not beat his wife , he does not love her.) Gender-based violence can only be brought to an end if everyone in Somalia participates in this course. Violence against women undermines development, generates instability, makes peace harder to achieve When women and girls live without fear of violence, they have the potential to contribute to the advancement of families and communities Multi-sectoral prevention and response of gender- based violence should focus on empowerment and reintegration of the survivors. Progress can only begin when the violence ends. It takes real courage to stand up for what’s right. Speak out against GBV. A society cannot fully succeed without the contribution of all its members. The empowerment of women is the seed from which the country can grow. 1. Health Victims of domestic violence account for 38 percent of all female homicides globally. Survivors of domestic violence are 1.5 times more likely to contract STIs, including HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea. Domestic violence doubles the likelihood that a woman will suffer from depression. Domestic violence doubles the likelihood that a vulnerable group will suffer from depression Female circumcision is pre-Islamic and great sin. It can lead to many health problems. Stop hurting our daughters. There are no health, social or economic benefits of all forms of FGM/C Professional health workers who care do not practice any form of FGM/C It is not acceptable that 125 million girls have been mutilated (undergone FGM) in the name of tradition FGM: unimaginable pain, Haemorrhaging, Infections, Infertility, Death 2. Families Approximately 50 percent of children who experience GBV will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children who grow up in violent households are more likely exhibit social, emotional and behavioral problems. Men who commit acts of GBV are four times more likely to have either experienced or witnessed domestic violence as children. 3. Internally displaced people (IDP) IDPs are particularly vulnerable because of the poor conditions in IDP settlements, including inadequate housing and lighting, limited access to safe sanitary areas, and lack of support to livelihood activities. Survival strategies, which include sexual exploitation for access to food, goods and services, must be addressed at the highest levels. Female IDPs and refugees are left more vulnerable to GBV because of the kind of insecure life that they live. Women living in IDP and refugee camps needs more protection from GBV. MESSAGES TAILORED FOR SPECIFIC AUDIENCES 4. Communities We will be guilty of a greater shame if we do not come together and support the survivors of violence. Although violence hurts women, a culture of silence leaves deeper scars. Please pledge to speak out against GBV and actively support survivors of violence (Terry & Hoare 2007, p. 99). Every woman is a daughter in both her family and community. When you hear about violence committed against any woman, provide her with the strength and support to seek medical and legal assistance. It is time to end violence against women. Silence hides violence. Stop the spread of domestic violence. REPORT and ACT. Female genital mutilation is a great social ill. Together, we can end its practice in our communities. Female circumcision can lead to many health problems. Stop hurting our daughters. It is not women or men working alone to end gender-based violence that yields the best results, but the partnership between them. This is not just an issue for women and girls; it is an issue of concern for everyone. 5. Women and Girls Violence against women and girls severely hinders development by seizing the victims’ ability to leverage their potential effectively. Violence has profound effects on the reproductive health and life cycle of women and girls. It can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, fistula and unsafe abortion. It leaves deep psychological scars that can take years to overcome. My daughters will not be circumcised because Islam does not recognize the practice. Protecting the rights of our girls today will strengthen the economic and social development of our communities and country tomorrow. Oh, Mothers and fathers! Let us unite against FGM. Fathers and mothers, all types of FGFM are harmful to our girls. Protect our daughters from FGM When women and girls live without fear of violence, they have the potential to contribute to advancement of families and communities. Although GBV can happen to anyone, studies show that vulnerable group are more susceptible to violence. Be bold, speak out against FGM All unmarried men ( young, old and middle aged) choose your pride based on love and integrity Eradication of FGM/C is key in improving community health and quality of Life for all Let all unite to end all forms of FGM/C 6. Men and Boys Fathers, husbands, uncles, brothers and young boys, religious leaders alike can do their part to eliminate violence against women and girls. Men and boys’ involvement should not be perceived as just “good for women and girls” - it is a “win-win” for all. Real men do not abuse women. Say NO to violence against women, it is anti Islam . Any violence against a woman is violence against someone’s mother, sister or daughter. Do not sit back: stop and report incidents of GBV. There is no legitimate excuse for committing violent acts against women. Develop a zero tolerance for GBV. Fathers and sons, all types of FGM are harmful to our girls. Protect our daughters from FGM. Oh fathers, let’s unite against FGM, let’s protect our daughters from FGM because it is violence against women (Santos 2006, p. 201) Women and men should partner against Gender- based violence Being a real man means respecting rights of women and girls Violence jeopardizes the health and reproductive health of women and girls. The consequences can last a lifetime . Our wives, daughters, and sisters should see us as a sign of protection not a threat to their safety. An assault on our wives, daughters, and sisters should be taken as a personal insult. 7. Children and Youth The youth are a fundamental part of families and the community. Involving young people in the fight against GBV empowers both them and the community at large. Avoid walking alone, especially at night. Always go with someone you trust when collecting firewood, water or buying food. If anyone (either strangers, acquaintances or members of your family) hurts you, scares you or touches you in a way you do not like, make sure to tell someone you trust and seek assistance from the nearest child-friendly support group or humanitarian agency. If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, you should visit your local health facility as soon as possible to get treated against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and follow- up. Say something, speak up for your right not to be cut. 8. Survivors If anyone touches you or demands sexual favors, immediately report the incident to the appropriate authorities and reach out to support groups, advocates and humanitarian agencies that specialize in gender-based violence. No intimidation should stop you from reporting a GBV CAS Reporting a GBV case is saving the next probable victim of GBV from going through the same thing that you went through. If you do not end GBV, you children and grandchildren are probably going to be victims. 9. Parents Humanitarian aid is FREE. Nobody has the right to touch children or demand anything in return for supplies or support. If this happens, report it immediately to the nearest official, child protection advocate or child-friendly humanitarian agency. Safe and secure services have been set up for ALL children including children with disabilities, unaccompanied children, separated children and children living on the street. Stress, difficulty sleeping, and nightmares are common signs that a child has faced sexual, psychological or physical trauma. If these symptoms worse or last for prolonged periods, immediately seek support from child-protection advocates and agencies. You are supposed to protect your children, let not your children need protection from you. Talk to children, listen to children, pay attention to them and allow them to fully express their concerns and fears. Keep them informed about what is happening. Beware of people offering jobs, education or to take care of children in exchange for food, money, shelter, etc. Your child may be at risk of being exploited, recruited or trafficked. 10. Humanitarian Workers Worldwide, health systems often fail to meet survivors’ needs. Health services are ill equipped to handle the specific physical and emotional traumas faced by survivors. The health sector must strengthen its response at both the primary and secondary levels. Health service providers must be trained to meet the needs of victims. If a child has been raped or sexually assaulted, you should take them to your local health facility as soon as possible to get treated against sexually transmitted infections including HIV (Gebreiyosus 2013, p. 121). Care provided to sexual assault and gender-based violence survivors should always be confidential. Adolescent girls and women in emergency situations have specific needs for privacy, hygiene and protection that must be taken into account. If you encounter any cases of boys or girls in need of protection or assistance, contact the nearest child-friendly support group, humanitarian agency or child protection advocate. Healthcare provider should take more interest on GBV victims since they also suffer physically and psychologically just like the other patient. There is no minor or major GNV, healthcare providers should help all victims of GBV to seek justice. ISLAMIC CONTEXT Adhere to the teachings of Prophet Muhamed and speak out against FGM (Salhi 2013, p. 116). Islam does not condone any act of violence against women. The practice of FGM goes against Islam, which does not permit the harm of living things unless the benefit accrued is greater than the pain inflicted. Do not alter/ change God’s creation by practicing any form of FGM Even the great phrophet of Allah, Mohamed was given birth to by a woman. Bibliography Gebreiyosus, Y 2013, Women in African refugee camps: gender based violence against female refugees, Anchor Academic Publishin, [S.l.]. Salhi, ZS 2013, Gender and violence in Islamic societies: patriarchy, Islamism and politics in the Middle East and North Africa, I.B. Tauris, London. Santos, MBD 2006, Consensus: combating gender based violence through Islam, tradition, and law, Kachere Series, Zomba, Malawi. Terry, G & Hoare, J 2007, Gender-based violence, Oxfam, Oxford. Read More
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