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Role of Video Games in Feminism and Gender Equality - Literature review Example

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The paper "Role of Video Games in Feminism and Gender Equality" proves female gamers are treated as “other” in the gaming culture and the game itself. The video industry erotizes and sexualizes females. Radical feminists suggest that it is high time the gaming industry design stereotypical games. …
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Role of Video Games in Feminism and Gender Equality
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Role of Videogames in Feminism and Gender Equality How video games play a part in feminism and gender equality Online attacks on women have intensified recently. The reason behind these harassments and attacks go back much further. There have been big changes in the video game business. The audience for its products has been redefined and has been expanded beyond the male demographic that was traditionally young (Wingfiled, 2014). According to this association, forty-eight percent of people who play video games are women in United States of America (Terlecki, 2011). This figure has increased recently due to the increased opportunities to play video games via social networks and other avenues (Wingfiled, 2014). However, majority of those who develop these games are most of the time men. The international Game association conducted a survey in the year 2014, and most of the respondents were male, only twenty one percent said they were female(Williams, Martins, & Consalvo, Ivory, 2009 ) .The aim of this article is to discuss how video games play a part in gender equality and feminism. Video games reflect the beliefs, attitudes, and customs of a specific society. Thus, how women are represented in a video game shows the attitudes that the society has towards women. In many video games, women are oftenly portrayed in a different manner than that of men. Most of the characters who are women are depicted as sexy companion, with clothes that barely cover their sexy bodies. They are not relegated to the role of the lead character. The lead character belongs to their counterparts who are male. Moreover, women are seen as inferior, sexual objects, foolish, and not comfortable with their sexuality. As the gaming industry continues to grow, its influence in the society has grown too. In real life, how women are treated in some of these video games is influenced by how they are portrayed. Not only have video games influenced the way men think about women, but also women have been taught on how to think about themselves. Thus, marginalization of women is evident in the video games industry and also in the video games themselves. According to Prescott & Bogg (2013), there should be a change in the gaming industry since gender and sexuality issues and ideas are changing rapidly in all societies of the world. Oversexualization in some of the video games impacts female’s psyche in a negative way. Various studies conducted on this notion asked a number of women to wear a sweater or bikini. Those who were in bikinis respondent by saying that they felt shame about their bodies, while those who were in sweaters said they felt more comfortable with their bodies. So, the body images of women can be negatively influenced by how they are portrayed in these games. This has led to many parents worrying about the kind of games their daughters are playing. Other video games like Lara croft a video game whose character is a protagonist with a wasp like waist, extremely short shorts, and has large breasts, and she fights evil people, is much worse to watch than any other movie with women in bikinis. This is because the protagonist is reflected as a sexual object by her large breasts. Moreover, studies have suggested that characters embodied in the virtual world have a greater influence on people who play video games than just watching a character passively (Wilda, n.d.). Offline outlook, values, and events can be influenced by game play. As a result, the Porteus effect comes into play whereby the behaviour of a person conforms to that of their digital identity. The following are some of the gender differences and reasons for the gender divide in video games. Motivation for play Research shows that women prefer to play games that are easy to play and master, and their leisure time is less. Another gender difference is that video games are the first choice activity to men while women do it for fun or kill boredom. Ivory (2006) suggest that female gamers’ primary motivators to play video games are fun and communication. On the other hand, males are motivated to play by fun and challenge. Games that are seen as real, hardcore, and mainstreamed are portrayed as for men while women play more puzzled games. A British Study that was conducted on gamers who were aged between seven and forty shows that women played games that were more puzzled and offered life stimulation (Denner & Campe, 2008). On the other hand, men played games that involved first person shooter, sports games, and violent games. Violent, first shooter, and sports games forms the hardcore games. Casual games such as puzzle are a segment of the game market that is growing on a high rate due to games like Bejeweled Blitz and Farmville on social sites like face book. Thus, a gendered dichotomy of the male hardcore gamer, casual gamer, and face book gamer is evident. According to Dill et al., (2007), to address these gender differences, radical feminisms call for the gaming industry to understand these differences and come up with game plays that not only attract men, but also attract women. In addition, game industries are urged to understand components of a game that make it fun, what different demographics term as fun. The issue of pertinent that influences how work is shared at home in terms of responsibilities concerning children and domestic chores should be discouraged since women lack leisure time to play these games. In addition, games that are neutral in all gender aspects should be developed. Today, some of the video games created are more appealing to women and are family friendly. However, they do not put the issue of gender equality at hand (Prescott et al., 213). Gendered space Feminists argue that gendered ghettos have been created due to some video game companies making games with the aim of attracting a female audience. According to Jennifer in 1999, these ghettos influence or rather determines the way women or girls should play video games. Therefore, the gaming culture gives women signals of how they should act. Some researchers posit that computer and video games sites challenges the dominance of gender stereotypes, yet what they do is to reproduce the gender roles and stereotypes through their game spaces, game activities, and game content (Winn & Heeter, 2009). Furthermore, they suggest that game spaces exclude women and are gendered. Women assume particular roles and are given limited access within leisure and gaming more generally than men. For example, in gaming competitions that is part of public gaming spaces, women do not participate due to the stereotypical notion of gamers being males. Thus, these stereotypes create barriers for women participation in games that are public. Winn et al., (2009) suggest that the limited access and women roles in video games are reinforced by the offensive and stereotypical behaviour of men towards women. For example, patronization, objectification, and belittlement they have toward females. Virtual games offer anonymous spaces that reduce behaviors that are stereotypical, as it allows women to compete independent of their gender. Gendered leisure activities are also male dominated. Thank you to the mobile phones that allow women to play games in a more accessible and less restricted space (Terlecki et al., 2011). Other platforms offer activities that are seen as belonging to men and are bound to culture. Social networking sites also offer women a space that is less restricted and more accessible. Although mobile phones and social network sites offer women space for gaming, the dichotomy of the casual and hardcore games remains a problem. This is because it reinforces the notion that gaming is for males, thus leaving women outside the mainstream. Feminism advocates for society to accept gaming as a leisure activity for women. Additionally, girls should be given equal access to video games technology at home. For female participation to increase, girls and women should be encouraged to play these games on alternative spaces and platforms. Prescott et al., (2013) posit that these platforms are like on social networks like face book and twitter, and on mobile devices. Acknowledgement of use of spaces of virtual games should be encouraged since women compete regardless of their gender. Game preferences and genre Various researchers argue that female gamers prefer casual games while male gamers prefer hardcore games. This notion is gendered and is bound on cultural expectations of who is supposed to play what. It also positions women as “other “gamers. Women have now conformed to those expectations, and they feel that they do not have time for leisure. When they get a chance for leisure, they have been taught to believe that their leisure time should involve things that can be quickly interrupted, or that can be done within a short period. Williams et al., (2009) suggest that that women’s invisibility is the only portrayal that can be noted in video games. This indicates that women are portrayed as ‘other’ and are viewed as pleasures and tokens for superior male gamers. When a game is being developed, it means that its target market and audience is specifically identified from the beginning. For example, games that target female audience are created with pink colors to reflect them as a part or a subgenre of a bigger computer game genre. Therefore, female games are seen as “other” in the mainstream dominated by men. Moreover, stereotypes surrounding female games are traditional and revolve around romance, social relations, role-playing, and emotions (Ivory, 2006). More women than men play a wide variety of video games genre; therefore, women should be encouraged to become game creators, for a variety of videos to be made that respect diversity and presents different styles that attracts both women and men. In addition, development of games should be done in a way that it attracts and is safe for all audiences. Gender dichotomy should also be reduced by developers realizing that females can be committed to their casual games as their male counterparts are, to their hardcore games. All types of game genres should also attract a gamer audience that is inclusive. Computer game play and computer use Various studies conducted on computer use and game play suggests that females prefer video games with more variations while men prefer games with all characters being male. Besides, there is a likelihood of male players to play alone while women like playing with friends or family. Men are also said to have more interest in these games than women. Moreover, another study suggests that female players view computers as tools while men view them as toys, and that men are more confident and are more interested in video games than women are. Thus, computer based games are represented in an image that is male. To address these challenges, females should be encouraged to play video games and their confidence should be encouraged too. The image that computers and computer games are for males and boys should be eradicated completely (Terlecki et al., 2011). How advertisements are made about video games should be done in a manner that is free from stereotypical gendered issues. It should not be portrayed as a leisure activity that is for male only. Female representation Most video games tend to target an audience that is dominated by males. Female representation lack in many games and when represented their role is passive and males are represented as active characters. In addition, female characters are represented as hypersexual objects, and this is reflected by large breasts, little clothing, and tiny waists. Unrealistic bodies are used to represent male characters, but these images are not sexualized as those of women. They reflect that men are strong beings. The emphasis of men as strong beings takes the form of massive biceps. Female characters are viewed in many video games as sexually provocative and helpless, and tend to be less aggressive and strong (Williams et al., 2009). The game industry and game culture plays a significant role on how women are represented. They are seen as sex objects within this culture. Women prefer casual games because most of the characters are women. The video games genres that contain few or no female characters are such as sports games, adventure games, and action games. Designers of these games creating games that are gender sensitive and those that do not reflect the ideal stereotypical notions of feminity can address how women are represented in viewed games. The number of women designers should also increase for the gaming industry to change, and have games that are free from gender-based stereotypes. Therefore, game genres should gender neutral and the increased number of women in participation in casual games should encourage male dominant game designers to shift and design gender neutral game genres (Winn et al., 2009). Gender identity According to Dill (2007), when looking at females as video players, the complexity of identities of people should be taken into consideration. This is because video games act as contexts for experimentation with identities that are gendered (Dill, 2007). He further states that the interaction between cultural factors, personal histories, and gender can lead to desirable insights of how video games might serve as ideal platforms for new forms of gender identity development. Other studies show that women who play video games embody feminity but execute masculinity. Traditional norms about women influence how they create an avatar but with characteristic that are masculine. The characters that are oftenly chosen can be applied in the real world. An avatar represents an identity within video games. Girls and women feel that character development and narratives are aspects of video games that are relevant to them. Not only do women love character and narrative development, but also they enjoy being designers of narratives themselves. Feminist views suggest that more choices for women on the appearances of their avatar. Their suggestion is that their avatar should be sexy but should not have some exaggerated body parts and showing body parts (Prescott & Bogg, 2013). Male bodies in video games are also exaggerated but not as sexual objects but as a symbol of strength. The body has an enormous impact on society, and it offers an avenue where identities are expressed. Bodies are also socially constructed, thus can deny or offer precise formulations (Dill et al., 2007). Women rarely identify as gamers and the time they use to play games is limited. Recent studies suggest that when an individual identifies as gamer, other identities like sexuality, race, and gender intersects with the gaming identity (Prescott & Bogg, 2013). People fear from identifying themselves as gamers due to the negative reputations associated with gaming. According to the feminist view, the issue of identity should be addressed in such a way that women are allowed to choose how their female avatar’s appearances. In addition, it is important for female gamers to be allowed to try various identities in an environment that is safe (Ivory, 2006). Developers and designers should reduce game rules that have an adverse impact on identities. Game culture Women are not only underrepresented in video games themselves, but also are underrepresented in materials related to these games. These materials are like game reviews, magazines, and game covers. Consequently, the whole game culture is reinforced as dominated by men. Most gaming magazines portray men as violent characters, these magazines show images of women as having large breasts, and promiscuous, while males are viewed as dominant, mean and powerful. Therefore, younger gamers are influenced by the representation of men and women in video games. Denner et al., (2008), suggests that although women are today represented in games, gender differences continue to dominate in these games. For example, Female characters are given passive roles while males are given roles that are active and relevant to the game. Women characters also appear on the cover but not as frequently as men, if they do appear, they are not given roles of the primary character, are portrayed as things of sexual pleasure, or are less likely to be a male companion. Masculinity is inherent in video games and the notion that games are for men. There has been the marginalization of feminine play. The media, video games, and the gaming industry have influenced this marginalization. Alienation of women and girls is evident from advertisements of video games that portray and suggest that females do not ply videogames. The roles of female’s characters in video games are the same as gender roles portrayed by other forms of media (Terlecki et al., 2011). In conclusion, it is apparent that the video game industry design games that under represent women. This has been seen by how women are missing in the video game industry, and how they are not given the role of the central or active character. Most of the time, they are given the role of the secondary character. Moreover, video games are designed for the audience that is predominantly male; therefore, the female gamers are treated as “other” within the gaming culture and the game itself. The video industry erotizes and sexualizes females, and this has an influence in both female and male gamers. In addition, it gives an image that portrays computer games as belonging to boys only. Radical feminists suggest that it is high time the gaming industry design games that are not stereotypical and those that are gender neutral. Various ways to address these gender stereotypes have been discussed. References Denner, J. & Campe, S. (2008). What games made by girls can tell us. In beyond Barbie & Mortal kombat: New perspectives on gender and gaming. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Dill, K.E, & Thill, K.P. (2007).Video game characters and the socialization of gender roles: Young people’s perceptions mirror sexist media depictions. Sex roles, 57, 851-864. Doi: 10.1007/s11199-007-9278-1 Ivory, J. D. (2006). Still a man’s game: Gender representation in online reviews of video games. Mass communication and society, 9(1), 103-114. Doi: 10.1207/s15327825mcs0901_6 Prescott, J. & Bogg, J. (2013). Gender Divide and the Computer Game Industry. USA: IGI Global. Terlecki, M. et al., (2011). Sex Differences and Similarities in Video Game Experience, Preferences, and Self-Efficacy: Implications for the Gaming Industry. Curr Psychol, 30, 22-33. Wilda. (n.d.). Brown University study: Sexually active girls more likely to be bullied. Retrived 18 October 2014 from Williams, D., Martins, N., Consalvo, M. & Ivory, J. D. (2009). The virtual census: Representations of gender, race, and age in video games. New Media and Society, 11, 815-834. Doi: 10.1177/1461444809105354. Wingfiled, N. (2014). Feminist Critics of Video Games Facing Threats in ‘GamerGate’ Campaign. Retrived 18 October 2014 from Winn, J. & Heeter, C. (2009). Gaming, gender, & time: Who makes time to play? Sex roles, 61, 1-13. Doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9595-7 Read More
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