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Study of Genotype in the Treatment Approach to T1DM - Essay Example

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This essay "Study of Genotype in the Treatment Approach to T1DM" focuses on genetics that plays a role in T1DM. There is a genetic predisposition in the occurrence of the disease. This is related to Mendelian genetics where the expression of the genes is based on the dominant ones. …
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Study of Genotype in the Treatment Approach to T1DM
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?Nutrition and Dietetics Question Emerging issues Among the emerging issues in medical studies is Nutrigenomics. The concept, which is a branch of nutritional genomic, refers to the effects of foods on gene expressions. Nutrigenomics therefore uses scientific research on nutrient contents in different foods to either treat or influence the body immunity. Several diseases arise from poor lifestyles and consumption of unbalanced diets. Nutrigenomics therefore provides a platform for medical practitioners to research on the nutrient contents of food and their influence on the genes thus ability to limit the susceptibility to some diseases (Adams, Gress & Smith, 2007). Among the most common lifestyle, medical complications associated to poor dietary include obesity, diabetes and ulcers among others. This implies that food is an important determinant of the spread and the ability of individuals to manage their medical histories. The dietary balance provides an effective means of eradicating some of the diseases. Nutritionists carry out extensive researches through which they determine the best foods and nutritious value in the foods thus influencing patients’ diet in order to fasten the healing process. The body requires adequate energy to facilitate such basic functions as respiration. After ensuring the provision of such basic amounts of energy to the body, the nutritionists thus engage in the discovery of nutritious content that influence the genes of the patients thus hastening the healing process. Nutrigenomics help nutritionists by providing the relationship between nutrients and the numerous diets. Effective research in the branch of nutritional genomics thus helps determine the most appropriate food for diverse medical conditions (Artemis, 2010). Study of genotype in the treatment approach to T1DM Genetics plays a role in T1DM . There is a genetic predisposition in the occurrence of the disease. This is related to Mendelian genetics where the expression of the genes is based on the dominant or the recessive ones. This is where the phenotypic expression of the genes or allele come into play in the treatment used or T1DM. In doing this, the treatment adopts an approach which looks for expressive genes for insulinase. Any defects noted in relation to this are then noted earlier for the adoption of the right lifestyle factors. All this is made possible y learning the genotype in terms of allele expression. Muller (2003) notes that adopting an approapriate risk free lifestyle should then be embraced. Insulin in the genotype of T1DM The absence of insulin in the body thus results in the increase of the blood sugar level as the glucose levels go unregulated. Diabetes mellitus is the most common diabetes. The causes of the disease vary with most being lifestyle complications. The study of genotype is fundamental in the treatment and prevention of the disease since among the most common causes includes the ingestion of more sugar. As stated earlier, Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between nutrients in the foods people eat and the structure of the cells. This makes Nutrigenomics integral in the formulation of effective dietary combinations to help mitigate the susceptibility of the form of diabetes. Researches have shown that the disease arises from numerous eating disorders, which Nutrigenomics can therefore help alleviate. Possible Solution to T1DM Currently, the above condition presents a challenge to the medical world. This is because the condition has no known therapeutic cure. In fact, the condition can only be managed administered insulin shots. However, the appropriate solution as presented by Brethauer (2013) would be to adopt an appropriate attitude and behavior in terms of nutrition as well as lifestyle. One should exercise frequently and avoid potential risks such as fatty and sugary foodstuffs. Limitations of the study of genotype in the treatment of T1DM However, Nutrigenomics has several limitations key among which is that it takes time. Unlike drugs that treat and reverse conditions spontaneously, Nutrigenomics takes time, since the body must ingest and absorb the nutrients over a period in order to register the specific desirable changes that help improve the health and life of the patient. Additionally, the study of nutrients in the treatment of lifestyle diseases is only limited to such. The same is not applicable in most health conditions, which may not require direct influence of nutrients. Nutrigenomics is therefore only relevant when managing lifestyle complications such as diabetes, and diabetes that it does not treat but only mitigate by either stopping or slowing the rate of metabolism thus stopping the increase in body weight (Muller, 2003). Additionally, the concept is equally limited to the ageing of cells. Nutrigenomics help investigate the effects of pollution, UV rays stress and food on the human cells. The practice thus remains limited only to such. Researchers strive to discover the effects of nutrients on the development and immunity of the cells with the view of improving the immunity of the body. Genotype on the other hand refers to cells genetic makeup. While Nutrigenomics investigates the nutritious contents of food and their influence on the development of cells, genotype helps exhibit the influence of the nutrients on the cells since it refers to the compositions of the genetic factors of the cells. This implies that Nutrigenomics studies the influence that foods have on the genotype of the cells. Through this, it becomes possible to investigate the influence of nutrients and their ability to mitigate on the prevalence of some diseases such as the type one diabetes. Nutrigenomics is relevant to the study of Nutrition and Dietetics since it investigates the nutritious composition of foods and their importance in the treatment of some of the common lifestyle complication. The study of nutrition and dietetics investigates similar features thus prescribing to the society the types of food to consume in order to improve healthy living. The foods people eat help define both their health and lifestyle. Nutrigenomics therefore helps investigate and determine the nutritious composition of various foods. This helps formulate and influence appropriate eating habits in order to mitigate the lifestyle complications such as the type one diabetes, obesity among other all of which the study of nutrition and dietetics strive to determine (Sjostrom & Narbro et al., 2007). Among the beneficiaries on the research are diabetes patients who will learn better and more cost effective ways of preventing and managing their conditions. Additionally, medical professionals such as nutritionists will also benefit from the research by learning the best ways and dietary combinations that will help prevent some of the common lifestyle complications such obesity and diabetes. Such knowledge is fundamental to such practitioners who need as dietary knowledge and the relationship between the food and the genetic composition in the human body. With such knowledge, the practitioners will improve the quality and reliability of their services. Nutritional researches will help formulate and encourage better eating habits as a basic way of either eradicating or preventing the prevalent of such lifestyle complications. The dietary combination help determine the immunity of the body and the susceptibility of the body to certain diseases. The research will therefore help make the society a safer place by providing effective and cost effective ways of preventing and treating some of the commonly prevalent lifestyle complications such as diabetes mellitus and obesity among others. Question 2: discussion of a controversial issue Gastric bypass surgery refers to a specialized medical stomach surgery in which the surgeons divides the stomach into two sections; a smaller upper pocket and a larger lower pouch before rearranging the intestine while cutting off some unwarranted parts such as underlying stomach fats before reconnecting the sections of the intestine thus creating a whole new but shorter digestive tract. The procedure is effective in the treatment of several lifestyle complications such obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea among others. Most of such complicates result from excessive body fats that stifle the operations of such fundamental body organs such as the heart, pancreas and kidneys among many others. By eliminating the excessive fat and shortening the intestines, the medical surgery creates a better and more efficient system that permits the heart and the other organs to function effectively (Hutter, Randall & Khuri, 2006). Gastric bypass surgery is a contemporary surgical controversial issue that presents both patients and professional medical professionals with a dilemma since it is both expensive and presents myriad severe side effects. Among the most prevalent complications associated with the procedure are infections, venous thromboembolism and Hemorrhage among others. Infections of the abdomen may occur during the surgery since the surgery opens the lower bowel thus releasing the bacteria. Should the professionals fail to exercise caution, such bacteria may easily infiltrate into the incisions in the abdomen thus causing the infections. Such infections may prove lethal as they cause operational impairments of both the intestines and the stomach (John, 2009). Additionally, the process requires excessive care since it involves the incision of both the stomach and the intestines. Any injury resulting from the operation thus makes the patient susceptible to the coagulation of blood a feature that definitely slows down the pace of activities in the digestive tract. Any of such clots of blood in the different important organs within the rib cage are likely to have severe effects on the functionality of both the organs and the entire body. A clot of blood in the lings for example is known as pulmonary embolus and is a dangerous occurrence that can result in the impairment of the organ. The process will definitely require the perforation of various blood vessels. Cutting such vessels results in excessive bleeding which may persist even after the entire operation. Either hemorrhage in the lower or the upper bowels are probable side effects and post-surgical complications that make the process equally precarious (Stern & Kazaks, 2009). Despite the numerous possible complications and the established probable side effects of the risky operations, Gastric bypass surgery remains the most effective treatment for such lifestyle complications as obesity and diabetes among many others. It involves a physical reduction of the body size by cutting the bowel into two thus removing the underlying fats that often constrain the operations of the heart among other vital organs both in the chest cavity and in the abdomen (Rawson, 2008). It therefore leaves the body feeling better owing to the removal of the fat in the chest cavity. However, the process is both expensive and equally tedious. The direct physical interference of the body leaves it lacking certain fundamental features that are directly important in its functionality. The removal of the fat for example should always be gradual and system such as through a planned training and change in diets. This way, the body loses the fat evenly by burning the excessive calories. The surgical operation on the other hand opens up the bowel thus resulting in loss of blood and requires the physical removal of the fat among other features that result in the specific medical conditions. This results in loss of blood thus leaving the body deficient of iron among other nutritional factors. Besides iron, the body will also lack vitamins A and B, protein and folate. Furthermore, Secondary hyperparathyroidism may also occur because of inadequate absorption of calcium. Gastric bypass surgery patients often suffer from reduced rate of calcium absorption owing to the operations of the abdomen, which absorbs calcium (Ted et al, 2012). In retrospect, the operation presents both the practitioners and the patients with serious consideration dilemmas. On one hand is the need for the rapid solution to the complications. Indeed, the surgical operation safeguards such while on the other hand are the myriad challenges and possible complications that are likely to result from the surgical operations. However, if carried out carefully and effectively, the operation offers an effective solution to some of the problems that cause deaths of patients. The process is therefore advisable to the patents of such complications. The complications rarely arise since the medical professionals employ excessive care while handling patients. In the developed countries, for example most of the medical facilities have effective technologies that help improve the safety of the operation (Lomanto, Lee & Rajat, 2011). Additionally, the doctors have specific stringent codes of conduct that guide their operation and ensure that they employ both caution and appropriate technologies in the operations. This way, the surgery becomes both safe and with minimal side effects. In case of the probable side effects, the doctors will prescribe an effective corrective measure to ensure that the patients do not suffer prolonged side effects of the surgery. In brief, the process is recommendable to patients of such lifestyle complications as obesity, hypertension and diabetes among others (Brethauer, 2013). Question 3: Clinical question Part A: As diabetic E.D has portrayed caution with her lifestyle often avoiding all starch foodstuff besides those with higher sugar level. However, this implies that her body has low energy levels and therefore requires urgent corrective measures. Her blood sugar levels are below the normal level yet she fears ingesting foodstuff with higher sugar contents. She admits having sporadic mild retinopathy, frequent bladder infections, and slight tingling and numbness in her feet. The bladder infections for example arise from the bacteria that access the bladder from the digestive tract. This implies that her system does not absorb water properly following the lack of capacity of her kidneys. Such fundamental processes as osmosis and diffusion do not therefore take place effectively in her system thus facilitating the complications. She and her sister require urgent nutritional measures, such should ensure that they ingest appropriate amounts of both sugar and starch among other nutrients their bodies lack. Such feelings as the mild retinopathy, frequent bladder infections, and slight tingling and numbness in her feet are symptoms of a worsening sugar deficiency in her body. Her situation is therefore precarious since an ingestion of an increased sugar content may worsen her diabetes while the continued deprival of the body may equally result in a total system shut down besides the evident kidney infections she is probably acquiring. She therefore needs urgent corrective measures to ensure that she recovers (Nicholas, Nicholas, & Lee, 2009). Part B: E.D has lived with her condition for the past nine years; this implies that her situation may have worsened especially now that she is experiencing additional infections such as the rampant bladder infections. Such symptoms signify a failing kidney. She therefore requires an effective and urgent insulin therapy. The secondary ingestion of insulin is the most appropriate measure to try to reverse her condition; this offers a quick yet effective remedy to pacify her system. Besides the insulin therapy, she also requires an appropriate diet in order to ensure that she consumes the right amount of every of the fundamental nutrients that will help reverse her condition. Currently her body lacks both energy and specific vitamins such as A and B. the fact that she avoids starchy substances does not only deprive her body of sugar but also energy. A lifestyle change will demand that she consumes appropriate food and engages herself in adequate exercise in order to burn the calories she may acquire from the consumption of starch foods. This way, the body will maintain optimal operations. Besides, the constant injection of insulin will ensure that the body maintains an optimal operation. This will definitely repair the kidney thus eliminate the frequent bladder infections (Kail, & Cavanaugh, 2010). Part C: Taking supplements will in deed make her feel better. Most diabetes patients suffer from increased depression, social cognition and self-care. Additionally, as stated earlier, her body lacks certain vitamins such as A, B and C. by taking the vitamins, E.D stands to benefit from increased body activity thus eliminating the depression. However, she should not take supplements while should obtain such vitamins from specific food samples. Supplements are manufactured vitamins that do not provide the body with any additional nutritional factor besides the specific contents of the sample. As discussed earlier, E.D requires an entire lifestyle overhaul. This will include her dietary and social life. She must eat balanced diet but should also regulate the amount of sugar she ingest. She also requires increased exercise to help burn the calories she will consume and to keep her organ systems fit. References Adams TD, Gress RE & Smith SC, et al. (August 2007)."Long-term mortality after gastric bypass surgery", N. Engl. J. Med. 357 (8): 753–61. Artemis, P. S. (2010). Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics. The Annual Review of Public Health. 31:53–68. Brethauer, S. A. (2013). Can diabetes be surgically cured? Long term metabolic effects of bariatric surgery in obese patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Annals of surgery. 4: 0003-4932. John, S; H. (2009). "Nutritional deficiencies after gastric bypass surgery", The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 109 (11): 601–604, Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2010). Human development: A life-span view. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Lomanto, D., Lee, W. & Rajat, L. (2011), "Bariatric Surgery in Asia in the Last 5 Years (2005–2009)", Obesity Surgery 22 (3): 502–6. Muller M, & Kersten S. (2003). Nutrigenomics: Goals and Perspectives. Nature Reviews Genetics 4. 315 -322. Nicholas, S., Nicholas, H., Alison G., K. & Lee, M. (2009). "Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Enhances Energy Expenditure and Extends Lifespan in Diet-induced Obese Rats", Obesity 17 10, 1839–1847. Rawson, N. (October 24, 2008). Nutrigenomics Boot Camp: Improving Human Performance through Nutrigenomic Discovery. A Supply Side West VendorWorks Presentation. Las Vegas, Nevada. Sjostrom L, Narbro K, Sjostrom CD, et al. (August 2007), "Effects of bariatric surgery on mortality in Swedish obese subjects", N. Engl. J. Med. 357 (8): 741–52. Stern, J. S., & Kazaks, A. (2009). Obesity: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO. Ted, D. A. et al. (2012). Health Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery After 6 Years. JAMA. Vol 308, No. 11. . Read More
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