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The Details of Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Details of Human Resource Management" describes that organizations are changing the structure of their departments such as the HR department and finance department to provide them with more consultative and strategic role within the organization…
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? Annotated Bibliography HRD Bohlander, G & Snell, S. (2009). Managing human resources, Manson: Cengage Learning. This book turns out to be an exceptionally helpful one for those who have just stepped into the details human resource management. It elaborately explains what human resource in fact is all about. This book has been prepared from the standpoint of the management. How an employee can be selected, his training and development, appraisal and improving performance, compensation and so on are explained here in with the help of typical examples. In brief, this book is of very much help for both HR executives and students alike. 2. Joshi, G. Employee counseling-are we ready for it? Retrieved 20 April 2011 from This article draws attention to counseling as a trend that has immense impact on employees of an organization. The writer compares counseling to a tool that helps to achieve organizational goals. The importance of employee counseling is briefly discussed here in it. It also tries to mention the basic qualities of a counselor and how his advice should be. This work has simplified the complex and vague concept of counseling in to an interesting piece of writing which is easily understandable by all from various walks. 3. Yadav, L. B. (Ed.). (2000). Readings in Social and Labor Welfare. New Delhi: Anmol Publications PVT LTD. This book brings together rich information on all vital matters of labor as well as social welfare. This highlights the importance of giving employee welfare the prime consideration. The historical development of the policy of labor welfare is elaborately discussed in this that it provides the reader with a clear cut idea about how it became as we see today. The structural frame work of employee welfare is well established so as to help an organization to develop a healthy atmosphere from existing working condition. 4. Roberts, G. (1997). Recruitment and Selection: A company Approach. UK: CIPD Publishing. This book serves as a helping material to the process of recruitment and selection. The writer has endeavored to bring in an analysis of all the fundamental aspects of recruitment and selection processes which will be of great interest and help for the students concerned. Still, the main aim of this book is to assist those people who are very much involved in the recruitment and selection trials of individuals at whatever levels; for, it provides practical guidance with sufficient coverage of issues. 5. Amstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. US: Kogan Page Publishers. This book is a broad compendium of human resource management definitions and explanations about aligning of strategies with organizational goals. Its main aim is to bring down the gap between decisions and actions by citing formulation of human resource strategies and ways of implementing them. This book is divided into four segments which represent the human resource management, the practicalities of implementing strategic human resource management strategies and organizational and functional strategies from practical point of view. 6. Callaway, P. L. (2007). The Relationship of organizational trust and satisfaction: An analysis in the US federal work force. Florida: Universal Publishers. This book is meant for professionals and students who are in the field of business management, organizational studies and human resource management. This provides an over view about what job satisfaction actually is. It cites trust and job satisfaction as of strategic importance. In the study conducted in seven selected US federal agencies, it indicates that if effective communication is done at proper times the top managements truly give their ears to the employees’ concerns and make no difference between males and females. 7. Hamlin, D. (August 8, 2009). Why the importance of HR manager should not be under estimated? Helium: Human Resources. Retrieved 20 April 2011 from In the modern era, human resource is given with the opportunity to become the significant department in the organization. For, human resources are the most important and most difficult one to handle with. This article discloses the importance of and the role of HR manager in an organization. As a talented HR manager is capable of dealing with individuals and teams he can really understand what actually motivates them and makes stick to the company. Only HR managers can facilitate a good upward and downward communication. While the employees share everything personal regarding the work with the manager, their mutual trust is improved. This article also describes the personal as well as professional qualities of a good HR executive. 8. MacLeod, D. Job Rotation System: Report to XYZ Co. Retrieved 20 April 2011 from This article coins job satisfaction as a key reason for job rotation. As per this, there is no absolute rule for job rotation but some issues to consider. The cooperation from all parts of the organization must be ensured before implementing this plan. This article mentions some probable reasons for the experienced workers not liking job rotation. It also puts forth some rotation issues such as difficulties in finding out suitable jobs to rotation, inability of employees to perform physically difficult tasks, education and training of workers for new jobs and so on. This article also reveals the fact that the risk factor in the work is shared but not reduced. While the risk of certain person is decreased other’s is increased. 9. Heathfild, S. M. (n.d.). ‘Minimizing Workplace Negativity’. Retrieved 20 April 2011 from This article speaks about workplace negativity which weakens the energy of the organization and deviate attention from work and performance. But, by being close with the employees the HR executive can easily diagnose this problem. Most often negativity is the result of lack of confidence and control. Having talked with the employee the problem and its impact on work can be identified and solved. If problems are left unsolved, they will damage the entire organization in the long run. 10. Bruce, A. (2006). How to motivate every employee: 24 proven tactics to spark productivity in the workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. This book directs how to effectively motivate employees to make one’s career a success. This work embodies tips, techniques and suggestions which will help in motivating employees in all circumstances and industries as well. A satisfied and vigorous workforce being the key to a successful organization, adequate measures are to be adopted to motivate them. Unless and until one has not motivated and inspired his men to do works to the best of their efficiency, he is not successful as a manager. 11. Belzer, E. J. (2009). Skills training in communication and related topics Part 2: Communicating with patients, colleagues and communities. UK: Radcliffe Publishing. This book helps the reader to equip himself with skills needed to communicate effectively with his colleagues and to the community as well. The approach of learning by doing makes this book more practical oriented. The writer claims his work to be so simple that the practical questions provided can be solved by the trainee himself without the guidance from his teacher. 12. Amstrong, J., Johnes, M. R and Dresner, D. (2004). Managing risk: Technology and communication. UK: Lexis Nexis. This book serves as a practical guide the effective management of technology as well as communication risks. Most often, business networks are threatened by a number of factors such as, starting from employee abuse to web hackers, virus and from extortion to natural calamities. The inability to manage system breakdown be unimaginable and may go beyond from simple loss to damage to brand value. This handbook contains examples, check lists and case studies to help the management to curb these havocs. 13. McCallum, R. C. (Ed.). (1994). Employment security. Sydney: Adrian Books. Contemplating on the important and controversial aspects of industrial and company laws, to be more accurate, the role of law in providing employment and security- this book analyses the individual employment rights and notions of justice and fair trade in employment. The experienced and distinguished writers analyze the further changes made by the Industrial Relations Reform Act of 1993 disclosing all possible information. 14. Deery, S. (1994). Employment relations: Individualization and union exclusion: An international study. Sydney: Federation Press. Receiving contributions from a number of scholars from countries like Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, this book examines the approaches of those nations to individual employment agreements, the impact of individualization on labor unions, collective bargaining and labor markets, the legal framework for individual agreements, the provisions which appear in individual negotiated contracts and so on. 15. Hunter, I & Saunders, J. (2007). Human resource outsourcing. US: Gower Publishing Ltd. This book provides an over view of the human resource outsourcing markets in Europe. Human resource outsourcing agreements which are valid up to certain couple of years have great impact on the organization to deliver its long term strategy. This book also provides valuable advice on managing the impact of outsourcing on the retained HR team. 16. Ulrich, D. (2005). The Future of human resource management. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. In this book a number of experienced human resource experts give their views on the present state of HR and what is expected of it in the future. In this, Hr is discussed as a decision science. In addition, a number of other topics such as understanding and managing people, creating and adapting organizational culture, collaborative venture, the effect of globalization and privatization and investing in the next generation. This book has won in prompting the reader to think about the future of HR with ample consideration. 17. Muller, M. (2009). The Manager’s guide to HR: Hiring, firing, performance evaluation, documentation, benefits and everything you need to know. US: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. This book comprises of the simplified and clarified information on what every manager needs to know about human resource. This book serves as a handbook which includes almost everything that a manager must be familiar with human resource. This enables the reader to equip himself to deal with the problems like conflict, privacy issues, sexual harassment and so on. This book makes a person a tricky manager to handle the most important and most difficult resource. This book helps as a step by step guide to the important human resource topics like hiring of employees, training and development, performance evaluation, compensation, documentation and record retention etc. 18. Wuorio, J. (n.d.). Employee Promotion: How to get it right. Microsoft Business: for small & midsize companies. Retrieved 20 April 2011 from This article calls putting the right employee at the right place a diligent task. For proper promotion authorities must know what works and what does not in the art of promoting employees. Before giving it management must understand the reasons behind it. Mere competence does not constitute a yardstick. It must be known to the employees what the management is actually looking for. While considering an employee for promotion, his strength as well as weakness should be taken into account. 19. Vitalo, R. L. (Feb 2009). Building a work process standard. Vital Enterprises. Retrieved 20 April 2011 from Standards are essential for an organization that seeks continuous development. This article is all about creating a work process standard. A standard operating procedure provides a better platform for measuring performance of the employees. This little piece of writing provides the reader with the fundamental knowledge in building up a standard for its high quality products and labor efficiency. 20. Kenton, B & Yarnall, J. (2005). HR-The business partner. US: Butterworth-Heinemann. Organizations are changing the structure of their departments such as HR department and finance department to provide them with more consultative and strategic role within the organization. This book helps the reader to understand what helps him to operate as a business partner within the organization. This book throw light on the challenges and what can be done to address them and provides practical thoughts on developing skills and confidence for winning or making a difference in his role as a business partner. Read More
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