The female employees are not be able to effectively and maximal produce in the organization as they are feel threatened and at times undermined by their male counterparts. This in turn leads to a decline in competitive advantage and productivity (Bowen, 2004). The Apple Company presents female employees with a set of rules and regulations. It encourages egg freezing to improve performance of female employees. As a result employees are obliged to follow these instructions as a way of proving their commitment to the company (Mason et al, 2000). . The ethics and knowledge acquired in education and training acquired is not considered as a way of improving performance of the employees.
Furthermore the ability of the female employee to make rational decisions is also undermined. The female employee’s determination to do right should therefore be a motivation to practice egg freezing rather than benefits offered by the Apple Company. 1.3 Justice Rawls’ law of justice advocates for justice and fairness (Greene, 2007). It states that every individual has the right to do what is just and fair. In an organisation, the management should promote fair and equal treatment among all its employees despite their gender.
The advocators of the justice view point argue that use of egg freezing practices on female employees is unfair as it does not promote gender equality. The male counterparts are left out in this practice. They too should receive benefits to encourage them to practise sperm freezing. The law of justice thus advocates for ban of such benefits on female employees (Greene, 2007). This is because use of such drugs promotes unfair competition and the end result is not profitable as it is not justifiable.
In management practices therefore benefits due to egg freezing is an unfair wage that suffices distributive justice. Besides the practice does not prove any expertise or experience thus needs no compensation and benefits. 1.4 Rights The rights theory dictates that the best manner to deal with ethical issues is to form a foundation of obligations in order to justify all individual’s privilege to human rights (Mason et al, 2000). The rights theory also persists that human rights ought to be autonomous from influence by other factors.
Human right is merely the accepted rights belonging to every individual by the virtue of being a human being. There are positive and negative individual rights. Positive rights are obligations put open people to freely express their freedom. It observes the negative rights are obligations imposed on people to stop them from interfering with other people’s freedom of action. One of the rights that the sports should observe is the right to life (Greene, 2007). The organization has the role of advocating, planning and implementing employee rights (Mason et al, 2000). . The employees have a right to enjoy both human and individual rights.
The introduction and implementation of egg freezing limits human rights. Female employees have a right to decide when to get pregnant and give birth in their life span. The organizations such as Apple Company, that wish to limit this right by invading and distracting employees families need to conduct training. The training need to be aimed at developing logical knowledge, skill attitude, value and beliefs required to perform the task satisfactorily. It involves development and growth of an individual in terms of ability and understanding.
Successful training and development makes an individual to adapt and implement the practice easily and faster. Additionally, it leads to increase in production employee and competitive advantage. In order for an organization to improve the rights of its employees, the management should conduct evaluation. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a practice like egg freezing should be done by the organizational management to ensure that there is organizational growth and development of female employees.
The evaluation that illustrates that the performance of females at the age of Apple Company is low should prompt the ban of the practice.
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