He: You never seize to amaze me with your arguments. You should vie to be the official spokesperson of all terrorists. Think about it; you’d really represent them well. While you think about my proposition, tell me why the terrorist groups cannot just remain within their countries and engage, if they so wish in just war. I mean, if they so think they represent their people, why can’t they convince their state actors to wage just wars against those they perceive to be oppressing them? Could it be because they do not have any moral ground to wage such wars?
She: To start with, if I could vie for the spokesperson’s job, I would; that would give you a chance to label me a terrorist and start hunting me down. To answer your second question or suggestion, I have to admit that I have no answer about why they cannot convince their state actors to wage what you refer to as just war. I must however tell you that if just war theory is the moral benchmark you will use to judge whether terrorism acts are morally justifiable, I could confidently tell you that they are.
He: How so, Ms. Terrorism supporter? She: You can be sarcastic all you want. That makes you all the dafter. In my opinion, people just as nations, have a right to self-determination. When frustrated, deprived of their rights, or even denied their freedoms, people (e.g. terrorists) have the same just cause to wage war just as much as the states.10 That is one more moral justification for terrorism acts if you ask me. He: If I remember right, morality is not about why you do something, but about the right or wrong of your actions.
If I follow your argument, you are suggesting that it morally justifiable to wage acts of terror against people just because you have been deprived of your rights or denied freedoms.11 She: No. I am suggesting that the people you now consider terrorists have a right to self-determination, just as you and I have. Further, since they are not represented by state actors like you and I, they can pursue the self-determination for the sake of representing those people who suffer through the denial of freedoms and/or through deprivation of rights.
He: How legitimises their actions? Even state actors need to legitimise their just war decisions by showing how their actions will protect or benefit the citizenry from external aggressors. She: While the legitimate authority requirement in just war theory proposes state actors as the only entities that can legitimately wage just wars, there are several arguments in literature that propose that even non-state actors can legitimately wage just wars as long as they “represent the aspirations or the moral rights” of the people they claim to represent.
12 He: I Might as well tell you at this point that you haven’t convinced me as to why acts of terrorism can be morally justified. I am yet to understand why an attack on innocent people can be morally right. She: The problem with you is that you are so close-minded that everything I have been talking to you seems to have been just a waste of time. Didn’t I just tell you that the so called ‘terrorists’ do not just attack the innocent? In some (and I dare say most) cases, the acts of terror are a last resort measure to address inequalities or injustices.
13 In most cases, the perpetrators of acts of terror are denied access to nonviolent measures, and even when such measures are available, the State actors to whom the acts of terror are directed towards are not always willing to engage with the ‘potential perpetrators’. HE: I am not close-minded; I just recognise that terrorism is nothing less than murder, and regardless of what you say, I cannot see how murdering another human being can be morally justified.14 She: Well, it is not just murder; it is discriminate killing of people who are perceived as being supporters or perpetrators of the same ills that those who use terror acts try to fight.
Of course, and like in every war, there are people who are ‘caught in the line of fire’.
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