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Producing and Implementing Eco-Friendly Projects - Report Example

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This report "Producing and Implementing Eco-Friendly Projects" details the strategy of a multiplatform public relations campaign designed to address key communication issues in the internationally recognized and Non-Governmental Greenpeace Organization…
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Client Strategy Report Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Table of Contents Introduction 3 Situation Analysis 3 Key Public(s) and Stakeholder(s) 4 Key Messages and Campaign Style 5 Communication Objectives 6 Communication Tactics 7 Timeline 7 Budget 9 Evaluation Measures 10 References 11 Introduction This report is written in response to the findings of the Client Research Report. It will detail the strategy of a multiplatform public relations campaign designed to address key communication issues in the internationally recognized and Non-Governmental Greenpeace Organization. Greenpeace’s main goal is to protect the environment (Adler, 1995). Its headquarters are located in Amsterdam. It consists of about 250 members of staff who form crew members of a fleet of ship from where they coordinate the Greenpeace policies and strategies. The report will detail it’s the objectives set to change the perception of the organization to many key publics and stakeholders. Situation Analysis Currently, Greenpeace organization is faced with certain problems, including environmental pollution as a result of historical events such as the Nagasaki bombing and the world wars (Emadi-Coffin, 2003). They are tasked with correcting these historical problems affecting the environment. Communication problems foster such problems; yet communication is meant to enhance interaction and knowledge sharing. Thus, the problems cannot be addressed to the scale expected of the organization. There are opportunities identified by this from the previous research report. They include insufficient media coverage of the organizations activities hence poor dissemination of information about the project to the key public. There are also opportunities for creation of stronger public relations in the organization through creation of programs that engage the locals in an area in activities to help them increase their knowledge of the organization and its activities. The main problem, therefore, is creating awareness to the public. The organization has potential to produce and implement eco-friendly projects that could change the lives of various people. This provides opportunities for investment by potential stakeholders. Moreover, the previous report saw the formulation of public relation goals and objectives. One of the main targets is to improve the reputation through improving the face and perceptions of the organization as a non-profit and eco-friendly organization. Furthermore, the organization plans to establish a mechanism to improve the relationship between the organization, key publics and the stakeholders besides ensuring day to day running of the organization. To complement the purpose of the campaign, there are Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic & Timed (SMART) objectives which include: Involving the media in support of the program with special focus on individual enlightenment; To ensure the organization maintains the trust and respect of the public and its stakeholders at all times; To have the general population engaged in the care for their environment. To ensure the organization puts in place measures to enhance public access to their activities; Advocating for creation of more command stations in areas they are none existent. Key Public(s) and Stakeholder(s) The key public for the organization are the people in their various local areas that are affected by this organization whereas the stakeholders form the major industries, governments and wealthy individuals that finance this project and have a profound interest in it. As an International accredited NGO, Greenpeace has to adhere to certain principles according to the INGO accountability charter which include good governance, fundraising and multi-stake holder engagement, independence, responsible advocacy, non-discrimination, transparency and effective programs to ensure it is transparent and accountable (Omer, 2014). The policies are expected to have significant benefits to the key public and stake holders. These impacts include provision of ample opportunities to the employees in the workplace that can help them gain some level of experience and exposure, supporting their further learning in top Institutions and provision of basic training in particular fields where necessary (Timmer, 2007). There are a number of challenges that will be faced in reaching out to the key public and stake holders. Co-operation with members of the key public such as staff members, action ship crew, action coordinators will be a possible problem. Legal obstacles such as laws might pose a challenge especially in areas where laws are restrict the freedom of the organization. Fraud and misappropriation of funds are also anticipated hence stringent measures will have to be put in place to curb them. Key Messages and Campaign Style Through the campaign, the expectations would be that the key publics and stakeholders are able to know the importance of Greenpeace as an environmental protection agency. They will have to understand the diversity of the organization from how its administration is organized to the various substations around the globe. The target is also to ensure the projects that are installed directly change the quality of life of the people in the community so as to be recognized and appreciated at individual level. These could be through implementation of non-renewable energy sources such as biogas plants in the organizations which would help provide a source of cheap fuel for the community. The tone implied in the campaign and the campaign messages would be more adjusted to be persuasive and convincing to the audience. This would serve to ensure that the organization does not necessarily have to beg for membership but only market itself. In addition, the people would be self-driven to join the campaign process and support the organization out of their own persuasive will. Communication Objectives The campaign had a set outline of the agenda. Its main objective was to ensure the public and key stakeholders knew of the organization and its activities. This was through education of the masses and advertising of the organization through social media and their main website. Implementing the awareness program would be done through established clubs and the education system and printing of books and pamphlets about the organization and its activities. Another target of the campaign was to ensure that the company was able to convince potential stakeholders to support the organization and the public to enroll as volunteers and employees for the organization in order to achieve its target objectives (Ostopowich, 2003). This would be done mainly through the local debates, international and national forums that serve to enhance the public perception of the organization. Greenpeace would, therefore, invite the potential stakeholders to attend such forums and through presentations describe their projects, successes and their daily activities that make them suitable for support by the prospective sponsors. The other main target would be to have the community organize themselves to foresee the running and implementation of the projects that would be vital in improving the environment and also meeting the set goals and targets for the organization. Through changing their perception of environmental protection and view the community would then be educated on the importance of this projects and how they would benefit. The stakeholders using this projects and their importance to the community would be encouraged and wooed to invest in the projects and as a result see to it that the projects meet their designated objectives – all this in a bid to give back to the society. Communication Tactics So as to make the campaign a success, several media channels would be used to form the communication tactics for the project. This would involve having the media capture certain events of the program and air them live on local television channels and radio programs. Social media such as Facebook would also be very helpful in broadcasting this campaign to the lowest levels especially since most of the people in this generation are more involved in social media. Statistics show that as of the third quarter of 2014, Facebook had 1.35 billion users – a good number to preach the agendas of the campaign easily. Furthermore, through the education system, the campaign hopes to capture the youths and the students who form the future of the community and thus creating a future investment for the organization in the community. Workshops and the local debates would be very necessary in reaching the wealthy and representatives of potential stake holders in the organization. Timeline The campaign was done in three main stages. The first stage involved the introduction of the organizations activities in the various areas (Alberti, 2012). Coupled with massive mass radicalization and education, this would take one week to accomplish and as a result ensure that the users are well informed of the company’s activities and objectives. It is during this stage that the use of written material sent out to the public is incorporated to enhance education. The main objective in this stage is to reach out to the wider public and address their involvement in the project. The second stage involves gaining market and sponsors in terms of stake holders. Through hosting workshops and debates at national and international levels, the organization would propose their objectives and declare their need for potential supporters who would then be incorporated as stake holders of the organization. Through such platforms the organization hopes to raise cash to finance its activities and daily researches. The time interval assigned for this project is between two to three weeks in which the organization will have also introduce new projects in the specific areas. Moreover the campaign will seek to hire new employees which will be assigned the task of ensuring the new command centers are well manned and controlled. The third phase would mainly be a system of analyzing the company’s success and progress of the project in the various areas. This would be through a six month progress monitoring activity. The introduced projects will be installed until maturity so as to meet the expectations of the key publics and stakeholders. During this phase measures of assessing the success of the campaign will also be incorporated. The timing of major communication tactics employed come at a period when the information age is at the peak with most people being able to access the internet hence very easy to employ. Budget The budget for the project was done in modules where specific areas of interest were considered for funding and installation of the project. According to research done, the campaign scheduled some specific areas where the projects would be first rolled into (Grendstad, 2006). They involved choosing at least one area of environmental concern in most countries and then financing the local organization of the event in that area. Moreover, special financing budget was also set for the various international and national forums for the projects that included the use of debates and workshops to broadcast the campaigns. Special focus was however put on financing the environmental conservation projects rolled out in the various places and the workshops which played a very major role in facilitating the organizations gain of support and financing from potential stakeholders. The funding source is expected to be income generated over the years from the implemented projects and donations from stakeholders. Table one shows the overall agreed budget division for the project in its phases of campaign. Areas of Interest for Financing Amount of cash in dollars Phase 1 20 million Phase 2 80 million Phase 3 100 million Assessment of Performance 10 million Total Estimated Expenditure 210 million Table 1: Overall Budget Division Evaluation Measures After the second stage of the campaign, the organization will embark on several measures to assess the success of the campaign. This is in essence to ensure it succeeds being an international organization and accountable to the INGO accountability charter (Parry, 2005). As a planned campaign the organization had already set aside measures that would ensure the project is a success during and after the campaign. This included assessment through collection of statistics on each & every phase of the campaign & its implementation. For instance during the educative forums, questionnaires would be passed around to collect data about the organization and its activities which would be readily analyzed by a standby team and the necessary corrections where possible shortcomings are identified. This way a clear success map is drawn by that would ensure target objectives are met. Interviews would also be conducted randomly by the team. Other methods would be accounting for the expenditure especially the projects and noting down the success of each individual project. The projects therefore, would be very critical in ensuring that the campaign is a success. Supervisors from the administration panel would also foresee that the projects are within the time limits and achieve all the tabled objectives. This would be through assessment by external parties and the collection of reports from the organization’s campaign. The concern of overall success of the project would be articulated in the last phase where within a period of six months, assessment at the ground level would be done to check the progress of the installed projects. It‘s here also that the long term impact of the campaign would be achieved in a bid to evaluate the project on a wider scale and determine its success. The improvements on the installed projects registered would be recorded over the six month period and would be very critical and helpful in statistical analysis of the success of the project. Once declared a success then further campaign missions can be carried out on the organizations public relations using the same basis. References Top of Form Adler, Jonathan H. Environmentalism at the Crossroads:Green Activism in America. Washington,D.C.: Capital Research Center, 1995. Print. Alberti, Matthieu Belghiti, Pascal Husting, Kumi Naidoo, Brian Fitzgerald, and Annette Rizzo. Greenpeace, the Story. Wheeling, IL: Film Ideas, 2012. Top of Form Emadi-Coffin, Barbara. Rethinking International Organization: Deregulation and Global Governance. London: Routledge, 2003. Internet resource. Bottom of Form Top of Form Grendstad, Gunnar. Unique Environmentalism: A Comparative Perspective. New York: Springer, 2006. Print. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Omer, Abdeen M. "Clean and Green Energy Technologies, Sustainable Development, and Environment." (2014). Print. Top of Form Ostopowich, Melanie. Greenpeace. Mankato, MN: Weigl Publishers, 2003. Print. Top of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Parry, Ann. Greenpeace. Philadelphia, [Pa.: Chelsea House, 2005. Print. Bottom of Form Top of Form Timmer, Vanessa. Agility & Resilience: The Adaptive Capacity of Friends of the Earth International & Greenpeace. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2007. Print. Bottom of Form Read More

To complement the purpose of the campaign, there are Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic & Timed (SMART) objectives which include: Involving the media in support of the program with special focus on individual enlightenment; To ensure the organization maintains the trust and respect of the public and its stakeholders at all times; To have the general population engaged in the care for their environment. To ensure the organization puts in place measures to enhance public access to their activities; Advocating for creation of more command stations in areas they are none existent.

Key Public(s) and Stakeholder(s) The key public for the organization are the people in their various local areas that are affected by this organization whereas the stakeholders form the major industries, governments and wealthy individuals that finance this project and have a profound interest in it. As an International accredited NGO, Greenpeace has to adhere to certain principles according to the INGO accountability charter which include good governance, fundraising and multi-stake holder engagement, independence, responsible advocacy, non-discrimination, transparency and effective programs to ensure it is transparent and accountable (Omer, 2014).

The policies are expected to have significant benefits to the key public and stake holders. These impacts include provision of ample opportunities to the employees in the workplace that can help them gain some level of experience and exposure, supporting their further learning in top Institutions and provision of basic training in particular fields where necessary (Timmer, 2007). There are a number of challenges that will be faced in reaching out to the key public and stake holders. Co-operation with members of the key public such as staff members, action ship crew, action coordinators will be a possible problem.

Legal obstacles such as laws might pose a challenge especially in areas where laws are restrict the freedom of the organization. Fraud and misappropriation of funds are also anticipated hence stringent measures will have to be put in place to curb them. Key Messages and Campaign Style Through the campaign, the expectations would be that the key publics and stakeholders are able to know the importance of Greenpeace as an environmental protection agency. They will have to understand the diversity of the organization from how its administration is organized to the various substations around the globe.

The target is also to ensure the projects that are installed directly change the quality of life of the people in the community so as to be recognized and appreciated at individual level. These could be through implementation of non-renewable energy sources such as biogas plants in the organizations which would help provide a source of cheap fuel for the community. The tone implied in the campaign and the campaign messages would be more adjusted to be persuasive and convincing to the audience.

This would serve to ensure that the organization does not necessarily have to beg for membership but only market itself. In addition, the people would be self-driven to join the campaign process and support the organization out of their own persuasive will. Communication Objectives The campaign had a set outline of the agenda. Its main objective was to ensure the public and key stakeholders knew of the organization and its activities. This was through education of the masses and advertising of the organization through social media and their main website.

Implementing the awareness program would be done through established clubs and the education system and printing of books and pamphlets about the organization and its activities. Another target of the campaign was to ensure that the company was able to convince potential stakeholders to support the organization and the public to enroll as volunteers and employees for the organization in order to achieve its target objectives (Ostopowich, 2003). This would be done mainly through the local debates, international and national forums that serve to enhance the public perception of the organization.

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