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The Environmental Issue of Industrial Noise Pollution - Term Paper Example

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The writer of the paper "The Environmental Issue of Industrial Noise Pollution" seeks to discuss the issue of noise pollution and its effects on human and animal life. Moreover, the writer will investigate the measures aimed towards managing the problem of noise pollution…
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The Environmental Issue of Industrial Noise Pollution
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Noise Pollution Table of Contents Noise Pollution 4 Introduction 4 Background/Literature Review 5 Social Cost 5 Human health 6 Hearing loss 6 Cardiovascular problems 7 Medical stress and sleeplessness 8 Gastric-intestinal problems 8 Decrease in alertness and ability to memorize 8 Wildlife 9 Present and Future Recommendations 10 Listening to music with reduced power 10 Soundproofing building 10 Promoting least noisy appliances for residential use 11 Managing vehicles’ noise pollution 11 Managing industrial noise pollution 11 Limiting deforestation and promoting growing plants and tress 11 Limiting construction noise pollution 12 Limiting airport noise pollution 12 Avoiding firecrackers and fireworks 12 Economic, Social, and Health Policy Implications 13 Economic Policy Implications 13 Social policy implications 14 Health Policy Implications 14 Summary and Conclusion 14 Bibliography 16 Noise Pollution Introduction Any type of pollutant is undesirable and contributes to degrade the human and animal health. There is a great difference between the sound and noise. Our ears detect sound and brain makes a sequential signal from the sensory organ. The brain converts the signal and then transforms it into a product that is understandable. When we recognize a sound, we may recognize it a pleasant sound or an unpleasant sound. Constant horns from the vehicle become unpleasant but the soft music remains pleasant to our ears. Musical sound is of a proper format that is why it remains pleasant to our ears, on the other hand, random sound vibration from the environment with random spikes become unpleasant not only for the ears but also for the brain. As brain controls the other body functions, some other functions also get disturbed under the influence of constant noise. Noise pollution comes from the undesirable behavior of the sound that is generally dangerous for the health. Cars, trains, aero planes, busses, trucks, factories, generators, etc produce undesirable noise, though some produce a consistent sound patterns yet the sound is undesirable. Sound is measured in decibels (dB). It is the unit that measures the intensity of the sound. The intensity of the sound is also referred as the power of the sound. More intense sounds produce a more powerful shockwaves. Shockwave is the energy transfer from the sound producing body to the air. Speakers also energize the surrounding air which then vibrates the ear drum and brain converts the signal to a format. Noise signal also vibrates the ear drum but brain is unable to transform it into a proper format. Sometime, the noise signal is so string that eardrum does not supports the vibrations and injures. Car manufacturers consider manufacturing engines that have low decibel. Silencers are applied to the motorcycles, cars and trucks to reduce the noise from the vehicles. In the similar manner industrial zones are kept away from the residential areas to reduce the impact of noise pollution on the residents. Noise pollution is posing many health problems for the humans and for the animal life. Background/Literature Review Noise pollution is due to the elevated level of sound that is inappropriate for the human as well as animal health. Noise is due to two factors; one is the elevated power of sound and the other is indefinite signal of sound. Noise pollution is a collective form of various types of noises. Various factors may increase of decrease the noise pollution. Distance is the largest factor that weakens the noise signal. As the distance from the source to the receiver increased the power of the noise signal weakens. Soundproof material can also restrict the sound. Forests also control the noise and act to damp the noise1. Social Cost Besides mental stress, physical stress is also associated with elevated noise levels. People may have a harsh aggression after undergoing through elevated noise levels. The social cost of the noise pollution is rising. In Norway, noise annoyance is found to become a reason for 80% of the road accidents. Social cost of noise pollution in European countries exceeds €40 billion annually2. Human health Noise pollution proves harsh to human health. The health problems arise due to the exposure of the person to loud noise. Constant noise proves to be dangerous for the hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance and sleep disorder. On the other hand, lack of immunity and child birth related problem are secondary impact of noise pollution. Noise pollution also creates hypertension, vasoconstriction, and some other cardiovascular problems3. Hearing loss Hearing loss in humans is due to the exposure of the humans to loud noise. These noises directly come from bullet fires, loud music and explosions. During the hearing mechanism, loud noises enter the auditory canal of the ear. The sound then reaches the eardrum that vibrates according to the sounds waves. The mechanical energy of the eardrum is captured by the ossicular chain that further transfers the energy to the cochlea. The fluid within the cochlea disturbs the stereocilia. The signal moves from stereocilia to the central auditory mechanism and then to the brain. In case when a person is exposed to elevated sound levels, more stereocilia stimulate the hair cells, that in reaction generate oxygen reactive chemicals that kills the oxidative cells. The lack of oxidative cells weakens the hearing capability of the person. However, vitamins having antioxidant properties provide a temporary as well as long term cure for the problem4. The human ear can bear sound intensity of about 120 dB for an instance or for some time, but if a person is exposed to 80 dB sound intensity for long period, the person will loose hearing permanently5. Cardiovascular problems Elevated noise levels have negative impact on the cardiovascular system. Recent studies regarding the elevated noise levels proved that elevated noise levels of more than 50 dB chronically elevates the cortisol levels in the body and increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Previous studies by World Health Organization (WHO) proposed that noise levels of 60-70 dB may not become a reason for the hypertension if the person is exposed to these levels for long periods6. Sudden increased in the noise level promotes the flow of blood in the arteries and become a reason for the instantaneous high blood pressure. However, the long term exposure to noise may permanently elevate the blood pressure. In this way, a fraction of population residing nearby roadways and terminals have higher ratio of vasoconstriction. Elevated level of adrenaline also results due to long tern exposure to higher noise levels7. Medical stress and sleeplessness A research conducted by Rockwool revealed that 33% of the UK citizens have claimed that they are suffering from mental stress and sleeplessness due to loud parties. 8% of the people in the similar research claimed that they are constantly suffering from headache and mental stress. The noise frequencies are proved to harm the brain activity8. Gastric-intestinal problems High blood pressure, high level of adrenaline, higher stress and decrease in the brain activity produces Gastric-intestinal problems. As the stress increases the cortisol level, secreted from the adrenal gland, in the body increases that promotes the gut permeability, modulates inflammation and modulates gut motility. On the other hand, it is also noted that the microbial activity in the gut is affected as the stress level increases, as these microorganisms directly respond to the stress level of the host organism9. Decrease in alertness and ability to memorize As the person’s hearing sense weakens, the alertness regarding hearing decreases. It is also found with the decrease in the hearing, other sensory organs do respond in a slow manner. Studies evaluated that the 80% of the people residing near noisy places like industrial zones, main roads have responded at much slower rate as compared to the person that are residing far from the noisy places. The slower response is also due to the lack of functionality of brain. As the brain functions weaken the ability to memorize also weakens. About 69% of the people are found to have lack of ability to memorize in the regions with loud noises10. Other permanent impacts of the noise pollution on human health are insomnia, nervousness, bulimia, chronically high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and sexual dysfunction11. Wildlife In wild mammals elevated sound level has the similar impact as that to the human hearing. However, the lack of hearing capability in wild animals may have adverse impacts. In most animals the link between the predators and pray is the hearing capability of the both the species. Lack of hearing of any one species can be dangerous as predators will be unable to catch the pray and pray will be unable to safe itself from predator. Military sonar is found to influence the path memorizing capability of the marine mammals. A research on zebra exposed to loud noise revealed that male zebra become less sexually attracted towards its partner that could lower the birth rate in the animal species12. Present and Future Recommendations To remain safe from the harsh impacts of noise pollution, the noise pollution should be reduced or limited. Noises from the noise producing bodies should be reduced. There should be hurdles between the path of the sound waves and the receiver should remain safe from the harsh impact of noise pollution. Following are the recommendation to reduce the impacts of the noise pollution. Listening to music with reduced power It is better to reduce power of your car radio or CD player while driving. In the similar manner, the sound power at home should be reduce. If a person is not listening to the music, it should be turned off. Loud music is the biggest contender of noise pollution. Soundproofing building Residential units should be made sound proof. Soundproof windows and doors should be used to prevent any type of noise from entering the residential unit. In the similar manner, office buildings and offices in the industrial units should be made soundproof to remain safe from harsh noise of running machinery13. Promoting least noisy appliances for residential use Least sound producing appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, etc are comparatively good in reducing indoor noise pollution as compared to appliance that contribute to noise pollution. Managing vehicles’ noise pollution Checking vehicle for fitness or let it be checked by an expert maintain the noises from the engine compartment and mechanical faults. It also reduces the fuel consumption and reduces green house gas emissions. Engine noises contribute must to the traffic noise when it comes to collective noises from the vehicles. Managing industrial noise pollution Industrial areas and highways should be made away from the residential structures, as noise reduces its power as the distance increases. Moreover, machineries that produce immense noises should be fitted in the soundproof and sound reducing structures. Generators should be soundproofed to reduce noises from the generators14. Limiting deforestation and promoting growing plants and tress Plants and tress are important in reducing the noises naturally. In this way deforestation promotes the noise pollution. Growing trees on roadsides and between the opposite lanes reduces the impact of noises from vehicles. On the other hand, trees beautify the landscape that is good for the health. Limiting construction noise pollution Construction noises should be restricted, as construction noises are random and may bring health problems for the workers and the residents. Construction noises can be reduced by implementing noise reducing tactics like canopy or manifold construction technique15. Limiting airport noise pollution Airports should be construction outside the residential zones to limit the noise pollution from the airplanes. A legitimate policy for the airport construction is impalement to reduce the noise pollution. Airplane noise is more than 170 dB that is produced due to the aerodynamics effect of the turbojet engine16. Avoiding firecrackers and fireworks Firecrackers should be avoided as fire crackers and fireworks produce an immense noise for short period. Such kinds of noises are very dangerous for the health. Noise pollution from the firecrackers and fireworks elevated blood pressure and becomes a reason for the temporary and permanent hearing loss17. Economic, Social, and Health Policy Implications Noise pollution is an economic problem. As the health cost increases, due to the noise pollution based health complication, the economic liability of the person increases and thus the economic condition of the person decreases. In this way noise pollution creates economic problems. On the other hand, people with low social status are found to be more exposed to noise pollution as compared to the high income members. The health problems of the noise pollution are getting worse due to the lack of awareness and lack of health facilities. Mental illnesses are spreading at a frequent rate and there should be policy to maintain mental health of the persons. High level of noise affects the physical and mental health of the persons that are exposed to high level of noise. Moreover, the life expectancy of the person decreases as the exposure to noise pollution increases. Economic Policy Implications Governments may provide equal economic rights for everyone. Governments may combine a policy to provide residence to the low income families rather then allowing them to settle near the industrial zones, near highways and near airports. In this way, the economic liability of the persons may decrease. On the other hand government and social welfare organization may provide awareness to the people and help them is making homes soundproof. On the other hand, organization may help people is evaluation the appliances that are less costly yet produce low noise. Industries may provide more economic benefits to the employees that are working in high level of sound18. Social policy implications Governments may provide low income families with fringe benefits to promote equality in the social setup. Social and manufacturing organization may work with collaboration to find cheap solution for the low social status families. The cheap solution may be insulation based soundproofing methods, reducing noise from the factories, implementation of higher tax rates on the factories that are producing more noise than a set level. Government may ban the industries that are not adopting nay techniques to reduce the noise pollution19. Health Policy Implications Employer industries may provide more health benefits to the employees that are exposed to high level of sounds. Government may apply more tax to the factories and compensate the workers by providing them with health insurance to safeguard the health hazards of the workers and the residents that are residing near industrial zones. Employees that are exposed to high level of noise may be referred to use earplugs to protect hearing from harsh impact of noise pollution20. Summary and Conclusion Noise pollution is harsh for the health of humans as well as animal life. Noise pollution in urban regions is the cause of elevated blood pressure, higher risk of chronic illnesses, digestive system problems and hearing loss. On the other hand, mental illnesses in urban regions are also increasing. More than 80% of the people in urban localities are suffering from mental stress, sleeplessness and lack of alertness. Besides the harsh impacts of the high level noise for short duration, the impact the medium level noise for long terms is much harsher. The persons who are exposed to noises of 60-70 dB are found to have permanent elevated blood pressure, higher risk of heart failure, higher risk of gastric ulcer and have higher risk of mental illnesses. Wildlife particularly mammals are found to be effected with elevated level of noise. Studies found that some animals have lower sex drive when they are exposed to elevated level of noise. Noise pollution can be limited by adopting several different tactics. Listening to music with reduced power, limiting airport noise pollution, limiting construction noise pollution, managing industrial noise pollution, managing vehicles’ noise pollution, avoiding firecrackers and fireworks, soundproofing building, promoting least noisy appliances for residential use and limiting deforestation and promoting growing plants and tress can reduce the noise pollution significantly. A good policy can reduce the impact of the health risk associated with the noise pollution. Policies regarding, economic, social and heath policy implications can be considered to reduce the impact of noise pollution. Bibliography Clout, Laura. 2009. How Noisy Neighbours Millions of Lives. Express.Co.Uk. Accessed April 25 2014. Dalsey, Elizabeth, and Hee Sun Park. 2009. Implication of Organizational Health Policy on Organizational Attraction. Health Communication 24 (1): 71--81. Fahy, Frank, and J. G Walker. 1998. Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration. 1st ed. London: E & FN Spon. Gentry, Roger, Daryl Boness, Ann E Bowles, Stephen Insley, Roger Payne, Ron Schusterman, Peter Tyack, and Jeanette Thomas. 1998. BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF ANTHROPOGENIC NOISE IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT, 75. Goines, Lisa, and Louis Hagler. 2007. Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague. Southern Medical Journal 100 (3): 287--294. Helfer, Karen S, and Laura A Wilber. 1990. Hearing Loss, Aging, and Speech Perception In Reverberation And Noise. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 33 (1): 149--155. Ising, Hartmut, Wolfgang Babisch, Barbara Kruppa, and others. 1999. Noise-Induced Endocrine Effects And Cardiovascular Risk. Noise And Health 1 (4): 37. Lindvall, Thomas, Birgitta Berglund, and Dietrich H Schwela. 1999. World Health Organization: Guidelines for Community Noise. Who.Int. Accessed April 25 2014. Parker, Steve. 2007. The Human Body Book. 1st ed. New York: DK Pub. Stansfeld, Stephen A., and Mark P. Matheson. "Noise pollution: non-auditory effects on health." British Medical Bulletin 68, no. 1 (2003): 243-257. Read More
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